Working Conference Series on Research in Teacher Education in Canada





The 2007 Working Conference on Research in Teacher Education in Canada was held at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg on 1-3 November 2007. Teacher education researchers from 18 Canadian universities and representatives from the Manitoba Teachers' Society and from the Manitoba Ministry of Education, Citizenship and Youth attended the conference.

The conference was organized around six areas of research, which formed the themes for the six working groups at the conference:

  • Teacher education governance, policy and the role of the university
  • Aboriginal teacher education and Aboriginal perspectives in teacher education
  • Understanding of practices in teacher education related to diversity, identity and inclusion, and demographic challenges
  • The nature, role, and place of field experiences in teacher education and relationships with schools
  • The education and professional development of teacher educators
  • Teacher education program reform and development

The introduction chapter of the proceedings provides more detailed background information on the conference.

The proceedings

Falkenberg, T., & Smits, H. (Eds.). (2008). Mapping research in teacher education in Canada: Proceedings of the Working Conferecne on Research in Teacher Education in Canada, Winnipeg, 1-3 November 2007. Winnipeg, MB: Faculty of Education of the University of Manitoba.

are prepared for double-sided printing and can be downladed by clicking on the following link:

Proceedings (pdf-file)

We would like to acknowledge the outstanding support by Sylvia Lapointe from the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba, of the organization of the conference.

Also, the conference would not have been possible without the generous financial support by the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), the University of Manitoba Conference Sponsorship Program, and the Faculties of Education at the University of Calgary (FoE) and the University of Manitoba (FoE).


Thomas Falkenberg (University of Manitoba) 

Hans Smits (University of Calgary)