Severe Weather Report Form

Note: Providing this information is voluntary. Your personal information will never be used for anything other than providing us with a means to contact you if clarification is needed.

General Information

Date of the event (month, day, year):
Time of the event (AM/PM, and is this estimated?):
How long did the event last?:
Location (relative to a city/town):
E-mail address:

The Event(s)
Type of severe weather event #1: Type of severe weather event #2: Type of severe weather event #3:

Largest hailstone size:
or type in size (cm or inches)
How was it measured?
Highest wind speed:
or type in speed (mph or km/h)
How was it measured?
Rainfall amount:
or type in amount (mm or inches)
How was it measured?
Snowfall amount:
or type in amount (cm or inches)
How was it measured?

Do you have photos and/or video of the event(s)?

In this box, please list any other pertinent information concerning the severe weather, such as damage. Please be as detailed and specific as possible.


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Last update to this page: March 26, 2007