University of Manitoba - Graduate Studies - Degree Equivalencies
Degree Equivalencies
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  For entrance into the Master's program:
  • Successful completion of a 4 year Licence (humanities, sciences and law), Diplôme (professional fields), Diplôme d'Études Superieures (D.E.S.), or equivalent (completion of the "long cycle", 4-6 years) from a recognized institution;
  • A minimum grade of 12 on a 20 point grading scale or assez bien in the last two years of study, where the typical grading scale is:
UM Scale Algerian Scale
A+ 15-20 (Très bien)
A 13-14 (Bien)
B+ 12.5-12.9 (Assez bien)
B 12-12.4 (Assez bien)
C+ 11-11.9 (Passable)
C 10-10.9 (Sans mention)
F 0-9 (Ajourné)

  For entrance into the PhD program:
  • Requirements listed above (see Master's program) plus successful completion of a Magister, or equivalent Master's degree from a recognized institution.
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Please note, text translated by Google Translate is for reference only. Refer to the original English for official text.