U of M: 1999 Pan Am Games
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1999 Pan Am Games - The University of Manitoba
A legend explaining the icons can be found below the map.
The area inside the
red line is the Athletes Village.

Fort Garry Campus map

Pan Am Map Legend
Click on any building on the map for details.
For a list of buildings please see the main Pan Am Games Campus Map.

Parking Lot Entry
Entry to Parking Lots Q, K, P, A, I, SD, X, T, J, and O only.
Parking Lot Entry
Entry to Parking Lots R, M, D, W, E, B, L, S, F, G, Y, C only. Access for Polyclinic.
Winnipeg Transit Bus Stop for buses 76, 78, 60, 75, 62, 72
Winnipeg Transit Bus Stop for buses #60 Pembina, #62 Richmond Express, #72 Dalhousie Killarney, #75 Lagimodiere, #76 Fort Garry, #78 Waverley.
For information on fares, routes and schedules phone the Transit Information line at (204) 986-5700.
Shuttle Bus Stop
Shuttle Bus Stop
Shuttle Bus Stop
Entrance to lot U from Chancellor Matheson Road only.