Here is the survey I am conducting on behalf of the UNEVOC – Canada centre Please print a copy of this survey, answer the questions  and follow the instructions at the end of the page
for submission.


Please insert an asterix between the brackets next to your response to the "yes or no" questions.

1. Are you interested in submitting your research for posting on the UNEVOC – Canada research database?

(  )YES     (  )NO

2. Are you a member of UNEVOC – Canada?

(  )YES     (  )NO

3. Are you a member of any other research network(s)?

(  )YES     (  )NO

If yes, please list the networks and their Web site addresses (URL):

4. Please insert an asterix between the brackets next to the category(ies) that relate to your areas of research.

(  )Aboriginal Education
(  )Access and Equity
(  )Administration
(  )Adult Education
(  )Aging
(  )Assessment of Learning
(  )Competency-based Instruction
(  )Correctional Education
(  )Curriculum Design and Dev.
(  )Educational and Social Policy
(  )Entrepreneurship
(  )Instructional System Design
(  )International Development
(  )Military Education
(  )Multicultural Education
(  )Partnership
(  )People with Special Needs
(  )Program Evaluation
(  )Research
(  )School-to-Work Transition
(  )Teacher/Trainer Qual. and Prep.
(  )Technology-Enhanced Learning
(  )Vocational Guidance
(  )Women in TVE

5. Have you ever posted your research on the Internet?

(  )YES     (  )NO

If no, go to question 9

6. Is there an institutional/corporate Web site where you usually post your research?

(  )YES     (  )NO

If yes, what is your Web site address (URL)?

7. Do you have your own personal Web page for posting your research?

(  )YES     (  )NO

If yes, what is your Web site address (URL)?

8. List any other Web sites where you posted your research

9. Title:




Mailing Address:



Postal Code:




Web site:

Please send your completed survey to:

Jonathan Elcomb at UNEVOC –Canada

Fax: (204) 474-7696
UNEVOC – Canada,
Room 402, Faculty of Education,
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2

To register with UNEVOC – Canada, follow the steps below for a free membership:

1. Go to
2. Click on the "registration" link at the top of the page
3. Complete the form provided
4. Submit the information
5. Feel free to register your organization as well