University of Manitoba - School of Art - Prairie Video from International Festivals
Prairie Video from International Festivals

October 7 - 22, 1993

Featuring :

Alethia Lahofer, Alex Poruchnyk, David Clark, Robert Hamilton, Loyala Lewis, Jack Lauder, Nelson Henricks, Doug Melnyk, Sharon Alward, Gilles Hebert, Kris Anderson, Justine Pimlott

Curated by Robert McKaskell

“This exhibition is a celebration of video production on the Canadian prairie. It is also a response to Gallery 111’s first exhibition of the year, Video and Orality, distributed by the National Gallery of Canada, which featured videotapes produced in Toronto, Montreal, New York and London between 1974 and 1990. Here we offer videotapes produced in our region between 1990 and 1993."