University of Manitoba - School of Art - K.J. Butler: Art/Science Tables
K.J. Butler: Art/Science Tables

March 21 - April 7, 1983

"Description isn't criticism, but it is useful. Jack Butler has built two wooden tables, five feet high, eighteen inches across and sixteen feet long, on which sit, or hang 48 mixed media constructions. The table legs and sides are drawn upon, painted, scratched and gouged. Above the surface of each table is a wire suspended between copper tubes; a number of the constructions hang from these wires. In the corner of the room is a 12' square, gouache on cut paper piece called, Science Painting, composed of a dozen pieces of paper, sections which are slashed, have cutout shapes... The exhibition seems a puzzle, appears eccentric." Essay by Martin Reed.

Curated by Dale Amundson

K.J. Butler: Art/Science Tables Catalogue [PDF]