Paper Abstract | L'appropriation des NTIC par l'dministration et les structures de la formation professionnelle (Mayen/Chakroun)

The Appropriation of IT by the Administration and Vocational Training Infrastructures: A Change Process Requiring a Political Willingness and Knowledge Management Processes


The departments and infrastructures responsible for the vocational education and training are developing more and more internet networks, which creates new methods of work management and organization. The introduction of IT is not only a technical action of installing hard and software, it is especially an action of cultural and organizational change led by a team. It requires, at all levels, an open and sustained dialogue in order to surpass the obstacles and impel the changes.

The leading of reforms of the vocational education and training systems and the management of projects that result from it, must allow for knowledge management. This cannot limit itself to the creation of databases: it also includes terms of processing and sharing of the information, the formalization of collective know-how and the spreading on a wider scale of the results obtained by the reforms.

The appropriation of IT by the administration and infrastructures of vocational education and training signifies a change which, to succeed, must be backed by a permanent political willingness, a plan of action to accompany the change and, most of all, measures of promoting awareness and training of the different stakeholders.


Gérard Mayen
Borhène Chakroun
