About UNEVOC Canada


About UNEVOC-Canada


The UNEVOC project was launched in 1992, following a resolution of UNESCO's General Conference. The project's mandate is to establish a worldwide network with the goal dedicated to strengthening the development and improvement of technical and vocational education in UNESCO's member states. Each UNESCO Member State was invited to nominate an institution to become a UNEVOC Centre and act as a national focal point for the UNEVOC international network. Canada joined the UNEVOC network in April 1998 following a recommendation from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. A consortium from the University of Manitoba led the Canadian initiative, and UNEVOC-Canada became one of 202 UNEVOC centres and associate centres worldwide. UNEVOC-Canada will enable Canadians to assume leadership in technical and vocational education, both nationally and internationally. The Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba is home to UNEVOC-Canada.

Vision and Mission

  • To improve human performance and conditions through the development of a lifelong learning culture in technical and vocational education and training (TVET).
  • To provide leadership that will improve TVET through research and development, information exchange, networking and international collaboration.