Workshop Abstract | Bridging the Solitudes: Access and Equity (Haddad/Lipsige-Mummie/James/Taylor/Decock/Ison)


Bridging the Solitudes: Access and Equity


Bridging the Solitudes is an access and equity project funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Community-University Research Alliance program (CURA), involving two post-secondary educational institutions and several community agencies and labour unions. The intent of the project is to facilitate college and university education and transition into the workplace for youth who would normally not pursue such training and would thereby be more likely to be underrepresented in the career paths available in community groups and unions. Forging new ways for marginalized youth to enter unionized and community based labour markets, after successfully attending post-secondary education is an aim of the project. In this workshop, a team of Bridging the Solitudes researchers and community partners will speak about the practices of the project and the research it has yielded to date.


Jane Haddad
Carla Lipsige-Mummie
Carl James
Leanne Taylor
Robert Drummond

Carla Lipsige-Mummie- Director, Centre for Research on Work and Society( CRWS), York University
Carl James- Research Director, Bridging the Solitudes, Professor of Education, York University
Leanne Taylor- Research Assistant, Bridging the Solitudes Longitudinal Study, Faculty of Education, York U.
