Workshop Abstract | Preparing for New Beginnings (Fisher/Mitchell)


Preparing for New Beginnings


Within Institutions of the Correctional Service of Canada, many offenders find themselves in situations of low education levels, minor success in prior employment, complicated by criminality.

Preparing offenders for successful reintegration into society requires educational interventions targeted towards employability and job skills. Changing demands in the knowledge base of jobs these days requires us to prepare offenders, not for an END in employment but for a beginning.

This interactive workshop focuses on a unique strategy called Employability Skills and Career Planning-a short course, directed at changing values and attitudes about work in general, and at helping the learner translate his particular skills and abilities into the context of employment.

Mediated Learning is the prime teaching strategy. In part because of this, Employability Skills and Career Planning contributes in a significant way toward the concept of an holistic approach to the development of employability of learners in any adult learning environment.


Bea Fisher
Jary Mitchell

Bea Fisher: Currently Education Project Manager, Prairie Region, Correctional Service of Canada, Bea has extensive experience in teaching adults.She has worked with Mediated Learning since the 1980's and has been involved in Teacher training and CEA teaching method since 1995. Her work has achieved National and International recognition.

Jary Mitchell: Jary has been directly involved in Vocational Education since 1987 and has been working with Correctional Education since 1992. He has been involved in the development of the curriculum of Employability Skills and Career Planning and in delivering this unique program since 1995.Ensuring its relevance to the changing workplace and preparation of offenders for successful employment are his ongoing interests.
