The University of Manitoba has transitioned from the former Co-Curricular Record (CCR) model to our new Experience Record model.

Why develop your Experience Record?

  • Allows you to develop competencies and gain the experiences that employers look for when hiring new employees.

  • Provides you with opportunities in experiences that enhance self-knowledge and interpersonal skills.

  • Easier resume building and interview prep, since it contains a detailed record of your experiences.

For more information on how to use your Experience Record when looking for a job, get in touch with Career Services.

Which experiences can be added to your Experience Record?

Over 700 University-approved experiences categorized under Student Involvement or one of the types of  Experiential Learning can be added to your record. These experiences can be found in the Experience Catalogue.

If you are unsure where to start in looking for experiences that suit your goals, align with your interests, or challenge you to explore something new, you can book an appointment with Peer Involvement Advisor.

Book a PIA appointment

How do I access my Experience Record?

Experiences from Fall 2020 - Winter 2023

UMConnect includes all University of Manitoba-approved activities from Fall 2020 to Winter 2023.

View and/or Print

Experiences prior to Fall 2020

Approved activities from 2012 through Summer 2020 are part of your Archived Experience, and will not appear on your record in UMConnect.

Request Archived Experience 

Unlisted Experience or Position

If the experience you participated in an experience listed in the Experience Catalogue and it does not appear in your Experience Record, please refer to the section 'Getting Recognition for Experiences' section below.

Getting Recognition for Experiences

  • Requesting Recognition for Experiences

    If you have participated in an activity listed in the Experience Catalogue and wish to include it in your Experience Record, you can submit a request through UMConnect to have the position added, once you have completed it. The validator of this experience will review and approve your request, upon which it will be added to your record.

    If you are unsure how to request for an experience to be added to your Experience Record, please refer to the published student guide below.

  • Approving Student Experiences

    If you are a validator for an experience, the process of approving requests and giving out recognition is through UM Connect. If you are unsure regarding this process, please refer to the published guide below

How can I get an experience published in the Experience Catalogue?

Application to publish an experience

Anyone who wishes to have an experience they oversee published in the Experience Catalogue must complete an application form. Some examples of those who should complete the application include program coordinators, activity facilitators or leaders, and student association/group leaders (president, equivalent, or their designate).

Upon submitting the application, the applicant may be contacted with initial feedback that provides suggestions on how to enhance the application before it reaches the Experience Record Campus Committee

If you are involved in an experience that is not on the Catalogue and would like to get that recognized, please reach out to the relevant individuals so they can start the application process.

For questions, please contact For more assistance:

For students, click here. For staff/faculty members, click here. 

We are hosting online weekly drop-in information sessions for any questions applicants and validators may have regarding the application and recognition processes.

Information sessions are held via Zoom on 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM on the following Wednesdays: May 8th, May 15th, May 22nd, June 5th, June 12th, June 19th.

Information Session Zoom Link

Preparing for the application

Below are the questions you can expect from the application form so you can prepare your responses before filling it out.

Please fill out the application form in one go, as your responses will not be saved if you leave or close the page.

Section 1: Experience Information

The first section of the application will ask for information regarding the experience as a whole (the next part will ask about the specific positions within the experience). This section will only be filled out once. The form asks for the following:

  1. Submitter Name
  2. Submitter Email Address 
  3. Experience / Program Name
    Some experiences can also be identified through an acronym. If you would like to include the acronym for your experience, please input it in a parenthesis.
    Ex. Student Leadership Development Program (SLDP)
           Arts Student Body Council (ASBC)
  4. Provide a URL or social media handle where students can learn more
    You can indicate multiple responses here.
    Ex. Website:, Instagram: @__________
  5. Provide a 2-3 sentence narrative description of the experience / program
  6. Where does the experience / program take place?
    This is a dropdown menu. Options include:
    On Campus - Fort Garry; Bannatyne; William Norrie; Thompson
    Off-Campus - Inside WInnipeg; Inside Manitoba; Inside Canada; International
    Online / Remote
  7. What is the duration of your Experience? When does it start?
    This is a dropdown menu. Options include:
    1 Term - Fall only; Winter only; Summer only; Term varies
    2 Terms - Fall & Winter; Winter & Summer; Summer & Fal;
    3 Terms (Full year) - September start; January start; Spring/May start
  8. How is this experience affiliated with the University of Manitoba?
    This is a dropdown menu. The selected option on this question will change the options for the next question, which is a follow-up to this one. Options include:
    Affiliated with UMSU
    Follow-up question options include:
    UMSU Faculty / Department Council or Student Association; UMSU Club / Student Group; part of UMSU Executive Council; part of the UMSU General Office; part of an UMSU Business

    Affiliated with UMGSA
    Follow-up question options include:
    UMGSA Faculty / Department Council or Student Association; UMGSA Club / Student Group; part of UMGSA Executive Council; part of the UMGSA General Office

    Affiliated with a faculty or department
    Indicate with faculty, department, or office your experience is affiliated with.
  9. Was this position previously recognized in the Co-Curricular Record?

Section 2: Position(s) Information

The second section of the application will ask for information specific to each position within the experience. This section will only be filled out multiple times (once per position), depending on how many positions exist within the experience. The first 5 required questions are:

  1. Position Title
  2. # of Hours Required (number value only)
  3. Provide a 2-3 sentence narrative description of the position.
  4. How can students participate in this position?
    Options include: Students are elected, appointed, apply and are selected, try out and are selected, register/join
  5. What competencies do you expect participants to develop? Please select up to five competencies.
    Options: UM Competencies Framework

Positions within an experience can be categorized as Student Involvement, or as one of the Experiential Learning types. Answering the questions above will complete your application for a position to be recognized as Student Involvement. If you would like to apply for this position to be recognized as one of the Experiential Learning types, answer the following questions for this position:

  1. Please outline how students will develop each of the competencies that you selected in the previous question.
    Here is a template that you can use is for each competency that you've selected:

    Participants will develop ___(competency)___ through __(responsibility 1)__, __(responsibility 2)__, and __(responsibility 3)__.

    Example: Participants will develop presenting and facilitating through leading monthly committee meetings, developing and delivering a presentation about a certain topic, and facilitating a workshop / training session.
  2. Please outline how students can reflect on their development through this position.
    Reflection can occur in many different ways. Here are some examples:
     - Pre- and post-reflection worksheets
     - Mentorship conversations throughout the experience and upon exit
     - Post-experience assessment
     - Mid-point and exit skill/competency inventory
     - Transition Report (includes reflection on experience and skills gained)
     - Exit interview
  3. Who ensures that learning and reflection take place?
  4. What type of Experiential Learning does the position contain?
    To learn more about the 12 Experiential Learning Types:
    Click here.

Experience Catalogue Application Process Documents

Experience Record Crest of approval

The Experience Record Crest of approval is available to staff and students to be used on promotional pieces. The Experience Record Crest quickly tells students that an experience is recognized and approved and that participation in the activity will be reflected on a student's Experience Record.

Please note that the Experience Record Crest must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Only permitted on promotional material of experiences in the Experience Catalogue.

  • The Crest should be no smaller than 1 inch in width.

  • The Crest cannot be altered in any way aside from its size as outlined above (includes no overlay on the stamp).

  • The Crest should not be rotated further than 75 degrees.

Experience Record Crest of Approval Files

Other logos of approval

Full horizontal logo

Abbreviated horizontal logo

Experience Record checkmark

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