Your Complete Guide to Trigeminal Neuralgia; A. M. Kaufmann & M. Patel, CCND Winnipeg

Part One: Characteristics and Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia

II.  Anatomy of the Trigeminal Nerve

     The trigeminal nerve is the fifth of twelve pairs of cranial nerves enervating the face and head, and is denoted by the Roman Numeral V. It has three divisions which enervate the forehead and eye (ophthalmic V1), cheek (maxillary V2) and lower face and jaw (mandibular V3). The trigeminal nerves function in sensing facial touch, pain and temperature, as well as controlling muscles used for chewing. The trigeminal nerve functions should be distinguished from the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), which controls all other facial movements.
The Trigeminal Nerve is divided into 3 distributions.     

     The three divisions of the trigeminal nerve come together in an area called the Gasserion ganglion.  From there, the trigeminal nerve root continues back towards the side of the brain stem, and inserts into the pons. Within the brain stem, the signals traveling through the trigeminal nerve reach specialized clusters of neurons called the trigeminal nerve nucleus.  Information brought to the brain stem by the trigeminal nerve is then processed before being sent up to the brain and cerebral cortex, where a conscious perception of facial sensation is generated.


Diagram of the Trigeminal Nerve System

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A. M. Kaufmann & M. Patel
Centre for Cranial Nerve Disorders

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

© 2001

Prepared by A. M. Kaufmann & M. Patel
© 2001 Centre for Cranial Nerve Disorders, Winnipeg, University of Manitoba, Health Sciences Centre. The information provided on this web-site is intended for educational purposes only, and should not be used to diagnose or treat a disease or disorder. This information is not intended to substitute, supplement, or in any way qualify the services or advice provided by a qualified health care professional. Please consult with a certified health care professional before pursuing any form of medical action. Duplication in any part or form of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. For further information please read our disclaimer. Web-Site related inquiries can be directed to the Information Provider.