University of Manitoba - Faculty of Arts - Religion - Dawne McCance
Dawne McCance

Distinguished Professor
FRSC, Former Editor, Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal

BSc, Cert. MA, PhD (Interdisciplinary)
University Distinguished Professor Dawne McCance is an internationally recognized Derrida scholar. Dr. McCance has published six books, numerous book chapters and journal essays, and has delivered invited papers around the world. Her current book project is based on Derrida’s as yet unpublished or translated 1975-76 seminar, La vie la mort, a seminar in which Derrida engages Nobel Prize winning molecular biologist François Jacob’s 1970 publication, La Logique du Vivant in relation to Nietzsche’s texts on the university institution and Freud’s Beyond the Pleasure Principle. She has worked as advisor, internal or external examiner, with over 130 graduate students. She is also the recipient, as sole applicant, of over $750,000 in SSHRC funding. Her teaching areas include ethics, world religions, psychology and religion, body history, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. For eighteen years, she as served a Editor of Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal.

Continental Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Ethics, Animal Studies
            2590 Religion and Social Issues
            2030 Psychology and Religion
            3130 Religion and Modern Thought
            3540 Critical Animal Studies
            4160 Religion and Philosophy
            4449 Studies in Body History
            7190 Seminar in Religion and Philosophy
            4110/7300 Studies in Religion and Cultural Memory
Selected publications:


Critical Animal Studies: An Introduction. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2013.
Derrida On Religion. London, England: Equinox Press/NAASR, 2009.

 Articles and Book chapters:

“Love Is Blind: Jacques Derrida.” In Thinking About Love: Essays in Contemporary Continental Philosophy.” Eds. Diane Enns and Antonio Calcagno. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015. 221-234.
“Deafness as peripeteia: Beethoven and Immortal Beloved.” Different Bodies: Disability in Film and Television. Ed. Marja Mogk. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishers, 2013. 231-243.
“The Wild Child.” In Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue Canadienne D’Études Cinématographiques, a special issue on Disability and Film 17, 1 (Spring 2008): 66 80.