Printmaking in the 1950's
G111 Exhibitions
Art Rental Service
School of Art
University of Manitoba

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Joyce H. Admason
James Campbell
Sandra Caplan
Kelly Clark
Kathy Coburn
Ray Donnelly
McCleary Drope
Al Dutchesen
William Epp
John K. Esler
Brenda Eyre
Ivan Eyre
Mina Forsyth
B.A. Goodman
Sara Haid
Bruce Head
Brian Kells
Harry Kiyooka
Winston Leathers
Pat Leigh
Frank Mikuska
Barrie Nelson
Don Reichert
Bill Reid
William Reid
Olaf Reinhart
Ellen Sanft
David Strange
Valli Sümo
Jack Sures
Takao Tanabe
Tony Tascona
Ernie Wilson
Printmaking in the 1950's

< Printmaker Image >
ABOVE: Jack Sures, "The Seder," BW etching, 1956 (35.6cm x 22.7cm). This work was included in Gallery One One One's "Printmaking in the 1950's: An Intimate view of student prints at the School of Art 1950-59" exhibition, curated by Ted Howorth, Bill Pura and Marim Daien Zipursky. (Note: To navigate click arrows or image.)