Beta Gamma Sigma - University of Manitoba Chapter

BGS Help Centre

The BGS Help Centre is a drop-in tutoring service - located on the first floor of the Drake Centre -organized and operated by the UofM Chapter of BGS. The mission of the centre is for BGS members to apply their knowledge and skills to help their fellow students to overcome the challenges of the courses offered at the I.H. Asper School of Business.

How does it work?

The centre will operate between 10:00am and 2:30pm, Monday through Thursday. There will be at least one BGS member (and at most three members) volunteering at the centre at all times during its operation. Students can visit the centre without appointment and will be assisted on a first come-first serve basis. It is expected that the vast majority of students visiting the centre will be requesting assistance in introductory Finance and Accounting courses. However, help will be provided with all courses should the BGS member volunteering at the time be able to offer it. It should also be noted that assistance is not guaranteed and the BGS member should feel free to state that he or she is unfamiliar with the subject if he or she does not feel comfortable or able to answer the question. All that is asked of BGS members is that they try their best. Remember, we are all students and we are not expected to know all the answers.

What is the benefit for members?

By offering their time at the BGS Help Centre, members are able to add that much sought-after "Volunteering Experience" to their resume, not to mention draw attention to the fact that they are members of this elite business honour society. This will not only bolster their chances in their job search, but at school it will allow members to meet more people, work on their networking and communication skills, as well as further cement what they have learned throughout their degrees by forcing them to practice the introductory material that can often and easily float away from memory.

How to sign up?
Choose a day and time that works best for you. We only ask that you volunteer one slot per week as we know that everyone is very busy. However, if everyone volunteers one slot per week, we would likely be able to reduce the amount of time required of each individual. Please consult with Rory Ffrench.

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