Art School Anatomies
G111 Exhibitions
Art Rental Service
School of Art
University of Manitoba

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Art School Anatomies

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Artist: Natalija Subotincic

Title: Penumbra (image above and below)
Date: 2004

Notes: "The sun and its shadow complete the work" (Democritus, 8th century B.C.) These are the introductory images for Subotincic's architectural Proposal for an Extension to the The Museum of Jurassic Technology. Click at left to download the PDF graphics for this project.

Art School Anatomies Image

The Museum of Jurassic Technology is a unique institution that houses a curious collection of objects,artifacts and events located in Los Angeles, California. The Museum raises questions about the role of museums and how we as a culture organize and archive artifacts. Experiencing the museum, leads us to challenge our perceptions of what is real, and forces us to confront our understandings of science, natural history, and art.

In his article "Beyond Belief: The Museum as Metaphor," writer Ralph Rugoff eloquently describes the Museum in the following terms:
By making use of information that lies on the edges of our cultural literacy --things we've heard of but don't necessarily know much about, such as bat radar,ultraviolet rays, or the Jurassic itself --the museum draws us into a shadowy zone where exhibits slip from the factual to the metaphorical with disarming fluency … …The museum never discards categories such as history and fiction,or science and art; it simply implies they ’re not necessarily hygienic, that contagion and overlap between them is possible, if not actually quite common...

…But this museum isn't merely a model of something else --it's a technology for altering habitual ways of seeing and thinking. Abrogating its own authority is central to this process. In punctuating its institutional facade, it frees us from feeling beholden to the museum's traditional 'objectivity' and opens the way to our recovering the authority of subjective experience …
In the year 2000 the Museum acquired two buildings and an empty site adjoining its present facilities and began plans for an extension.This design was completed in February 2004 and has been developed to a stage where the model and drawings are currently being used to raise funds for the project.

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