Paper Abstract | Online Critical Thinking and Deep Learning (Cuneo)


Online Critical Thinking and Deep Learning


Situated in the most easterly and more sparsely populated regions of Canada, the Faculty of Education at Memorial University of Newfoundland has developed a host of programs that utilize the latest technological practice in responding to the needs of technological teachers and trainers with programs that they require for instructor certification. These include pre and post baccalaureate programs that prepare technology education teachers for elementary, junior and senior high school, community colleges, and other training agencies. It also has developed masters programs for these same fields. These have grown to become one of the largest compilation of technological teacher development offered by any one University in the nation.

This presentation will feature the most recent developments in these programs, and the broad base of technology that is utilized to develop and maintain these programs. It will include examples of internet course, professional publication and portal developments, as means utilized to attract and maintain student interest in programs. With a view of the future the presentation will also included review of the challenges and opportunities that continue to exist in technological teacher development.


Carl Cuneo

Dr. Carl Cuneo, Professor, Sociology, McMaster University
