The University of Manitoba Annual Report 1998-1999: U of M Staff and Retirees Support United Way
Fundraising and Community RelationsFundraising and Community Relations

U of M Staff and Retirees Support United

The 1998 United Way Campaign wrapped up in December by raising 104.4 per cent of its $280,000 goal - or $292,827. Overall, the United Way of Winnipeg raised $10.45 million, the first time the campaign had exceeded $10 million. The U of M campaign is one of the largest employee campaigns in the city.

The U of M campaign featured several new departmental initiatives, including the St. Andrew's College Perogy Lunch and a silent auction held by Physical Plant staff. Bob Blanchard, surgery, chaired the Bannatyne Campus campaign, and Lynn Smith, director of student advocacy/student resource services, chaired the Fort Garry campaign.

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