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The University may confer the following degrees upon persons whose qualifications and record are approved for that purpose:

  • Doctor of Laws     (honoris causa)    LL.D.
  • Doctor of Letters   (honoris causa)    D.Litt.
  • Doctor of Science (honoris causa)    D.Sc.

Honorary degrees are awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Distinguished achievement in scholarship, the arts, or public service. Distinguished achievement is achievement widely recognized by peers in the field of endeavour and the public.
  2. Both the recipient and the University should be honoured in the granting of a degree honoris causa.

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Robert E. Beamish

Robert E. Beamish

B.A., M.D., B.Sc.(Med.), D.Sc., F.R.C.P. (Can., Edin., Lond.), F.A.C.P.. F.A.C.C., F.C.C.P.

I have the honour to present Robert Beamish, B.A., M.D., B.Sc.(Med.), D.Sc., F.R.C.P. (Can., Edin., Lond.), F.A.C.P.. F.A.C.C., F.C.C.P.

Robert Beamish was born in Shoal Lake, Manitoba and graduated from McConnell High School in 1933. He entered Brandon College, then affiliated with McMaster University, graduating B.A. in 1937. He entered the Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba in 1937 graduating M.D. in 1942. Following residency training at the Children's and Winnipeg General Hospitals, he served for two years with the R.C.A.M.C. In 1947 he became a Nuffield Dominion Travelling Fellow in Great Britain. After a period as registrar in the National Heart Hospital, he obtained his memberships in the Royal College of Physicians in London and Edinburgh, followed by his qualifying for the F.R.C.P. of Canada in 1950. On his return to Winnipeg, Dr. Beamish joined the Manitoba Clinic as a physician and cardiologist working mainly as a consultant in cardiology until 1970. That year he became Medical Director and later Vice-President, Underwriting and Medical, of the Great-West Life Assurance Company, a post he held until 1981 when he was appointed Consultant to the Company. Since 1942, except for military service and post-graduate training, Dr. Beamish has had a part-time appointment with the Faculty of Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine from Demonstrator to Full Professor. His teaching has included lectures in physiology and medicine, clinical teaching for both undergraduate and graduate students and a career leadership role in heart research.

Dr. Beamish has had a very impressive scientific medical background while carrying a heavy clinical load. His publications of scientific papers, medical articles and books, has been extensive and comprehensive with his proudest achievement being Founding Editor of the Canadian Journal of Cardiology. As well as his service to the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Beamish has served the University on the Board of Governors and its Executive Committee, the "Friends of the Library", of which he became the first President, the Alumni Association and is a member of the Governor's Council. His major interest in Cardiology has brought him local, national and international stature. He is a founding member of the Manitoba Heart Foundation and served as President of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society from 1968-70. In the field of organized medicine, Dr. Beamish has been President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, the Manitoba Medical Association and on the Board of the Canadian Medical Association.

Dr. Beamish is also a concerned citizen. He has served as National President of the United Nations Association in Canada and a long time member of the boards of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the United Way of Winnipeg, the Social Planning Council, the Manitoba Paraplegia Foundation and the Brandon University Foundation. A major involvement has been his work with the Club of Rome which satisfies his long term interest in the field of Philosophy.

Mr. Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you confer on Robert Beamish, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba

Mme. Vigdis Finnbogadottir

Mme. Vigdis Finnbogadottir


Vigdis was born in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, on April 15, 1930. Her father was Finnbogi Rutur Thorvaldsson, Civil Engineer and Professor at the University of Iceland, and her mother Sigridur Eiriksdottir (customarily Icelandic women keep their maiden name after marriage), for thirty six years Chairman of the Icelandic Nurses Association.

Vigdis matriculated from Junior College, Menntaskolinn i Reykjavik, in 1949. She studied French and French Literature at the Universities of Grenoble and Sorbonne in Paris, specializing in Drama. Later on she studied in Denmark and Sweden and concluded her studies, adding English, English Literature and Education, from the University of Iceland. Vigdis taught French at Junior College for a number of years, first at her old College, Menntaskolinn i Reykjavik, but later on joining the staff of a new, experimental Junior College, Menntaskolinn vid Hamrahlid, there taking on the responsibilities of planning and building up the French Teaching Department.

Teaching in winter Vigdis joined the Icelandic Tourist Bureau during the summer, working as a Tourist Guide. There she was responsible for receiving many foreign journalists and writers, guiding them around Iceland and helping them gather what material and information they wanted or needed. During those years she also built up the guide-training within the Bureau and headed that for a number of years. In her sabbath year from teaching Vigdis stayed in France, studying the cultural relations between Iceland and France in the 19th century.

Since 1972 Vigdis has been Director of the Reykjavik Theatre Company. Under her guidance, the Company has flourished and during those years she has been especially active in opening channels for Icelandic playwrights.

Vigdis has taught French Drama at the University of Iceland, worked for the Icelandic State Television giving lessons in French and introducing the theatre in a popular cultural series. She was a member of Grima, the first experimental theatre group in Iceland, has been Chairman of Alliance Francaise, has given lectures on Icelandic culture abroad and has, since 1976,  been a member of an Advisory Cominittee on Cultural Affairs in the Nordic Countries, of which she has been Chairman since 1978.

-citation delivered by Kirsten Wolf, Associate Professor, Head, and Chair, Icelandic Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts

His Grace Most Reverend Antoine Hacault

His Grace Most Reverend Antoine Hacault

Monsieur le Chancelier,
J'ai le grand honneur de vous présenter ce soir Monseigneur Antoine Hacault, sixième évêque, cinquième archevêque de Saint-Boniface, homme qui se situe avec dignité dans la grande lignée des Provencher, Tache et Langevin.
Nat if de Bruxelles, ici au Manitoba, ou, entoure de ses dix-sept frères et sœurs, ii a connu les labeurs et les joies de la terne, Antoine Hacault a fait ses études primaires à l'école de son village. Puis, délaissant avec peine les siens et ce coin de pays qui le façonnait, il poursuit sa formation humaine, chrétienne et académique au College de Saint-Boniface, alors sous l'habile direction des Peres de la Compagnie de Jésus.
Ordonne prêtre au milieu de l'Église de son pays par Monseigneur Georges Cabana en 1951, ii sera, dans le prolongement dit: ses années de formation au Grand Séminaire de Saint-Boniface, envoyé a l'Université Angelicum de Rome, ou, au milieu des disciples de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, ii complètera un doctoral en théologie dogmatique. De retour dans son Église diocésaine, Monseigneur se voit confier la responsabilité de l'enseignement de la théologie au Grand Séminaire de Saint-Boniface. II y sera pour dix ans et laissera, auprès de ceux qui l'auront con nu pendant leurs années de formation, se l’unir d'une
personne bien branchée sur le Christ et sur l'Église, ouverte et accueillante, toujours prête à écouter.
Théologien personnel de Monseigneur Maurice Baudoux lors des travaux préparatifs au Concile Vatican II, Monseigneur Hacault participera comme prêtre-expert aux deux premières sessions de ce concile qui sera célèbre à Rome entre 1962 el 1965. Choisi par le Pape Paul VI, ii est élu évêque auxiliaire de Saint-Boniface en 1964 ou ii sera ordonné le 8 septembre par Monseigneur Baudoux et c'est dix ans plus tard qu'il deviendra le premier pasteur de cette Église diocésaine.
Père du Concile Vatican II, Monseigneur est l'une des rares personnes toujours actives aujourd'hui qui aura vécu el évènement a la fois comme prêtre et comme évêque et ce fait aura une influence déterminante sur son pastorat. En effet, homme d'Église, chercheur, guide, pasteur, a l'écoute de son peuple et de l’expérience toujours changeante du monde, ii cherchera, toujours et partout, a devenir cet évêque a la manière des apôtres.
Profondément ancre dans la réalité de son pays, ii acceptera la responsabilité de recteur du College universitaire de Saint-Boniface, accomplissant, l’ors de son mandat, le passage harmonieux a une administration de plus en plus ta ‘que. Toujours prêt a servir Dieu, dans et par l'annonce de l'Évangile - comme le témoigne sa devise épiscopat "In Evangelium servus Dei" - Antoine Hacault exercera une influence déterminante, aux niveaux national et international, dans le domaine de l'Œcuménisme.
Membre de la Commission d'Œcuménisme de la Conference des évêques catholiques du Canada de 1966 à 1987, ii en assumera a deux reprises la présidence, tout en œuvrant comme délègue auprès du Conseil canadien des Églises, du Groupe mixte de travail, du Dialogue national des évêques anglicans et catholiques. Aussi, appelé par le Saint-Père a mettre ses talents au service de l'Église universelle, il siègera de 1973 à 1981 comme membre du Secrétariat romain pour les non-croyants et de 1976 jusqu'à aujourd’hui au Conseil pontifical pour l'Unité des chrétiens.
Son témoignage au niveau mondial n'épuise passes ressources ni ses capacités. Membre de la Commission épiscopat de la liturgie au niveau national depuis 1987, ii est, en même temps, le president de la Conference des évêques catholiques de l'Ouest.
Chez nous, ici au Manitoba, et plus particulièrement au Manitoba français, Monseigneur ne cesse de chercher par tous les moyens à promouvoir l'Évangile, a la fois par la parole et par le geste. Ouvert a la réalité du monde moderne, ii se fait tout accueil a des initiatives di verses qui surgissent un peu partout dans son Église, acceptant, sans diriger de main forte, que l'Esprit se manifeste ou II veut. Dans cette profonde fidélité a ses racines, à la fois culturelle et religieuse, Monseigneur fait advenir chez nous l'Église de l'an deux mille.
C'est donne avec grande joie et fie rte que le College universitaire de Saint-Boniface honore l'un de ses anciens étudiants et de ses anciens recteurs qui célèbre cette année le vingt-cinquième anniversaire de son appel à servir l'Église de chez-nous comme évêque.
Monsieur le Chancelier, au nom du Senat de l'Université du Manitoba, je vous prie d'admettre Monseigneur Antoine Hacault, archevêque de Saint-Boniface, au grade de docteur en droit, honoris causa.
le 8 juin 1989
A. Naimark

Evelyn Anne Hart

Evelyn Anne Hart


I have the honour to present Miss Evelyn Anne Hart, Officer of the Order of Canada, and a principal dancer of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet for ten years.

A native of Peterborough, Ontario, Miss Hart came to Winnipeg in 1973 to study in the Professional Programme of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. She joined the company in 1976, and became a soloist in 1978, a principal dancer in 1979.

While her performances in classical roles, among them Giselle, Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake, Onegin and Les Sylphides, have been highly acclaimed, her work in the modern repertoire has also been electrifying. Dance enthusiasts have especially fond memories of Five Tangoes. Nuages. Piano Variations III. Firebird, Our Waltzes, the Don Quixote pas de deux, and, perhaps her best known work, Norbert Vesak’s Belong pas de deux. Miss Hart won a Bronze Medal at the World Ballet Councours in Japan, and the Gold Medal at the International Ballet Competitions in Varna, Bulgaria, both in 1980. At Varna, she accumulated the highest marks since the first competition in 1964, and was awarded the rare tribute of the competition's only Exceptional Artistic Achievement Award.

With the rest of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Miss Hart has represented Winnipeg and Canada on tours throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. As well, she has appeared as a guest artist with the Sadler's Wells Royal Ballet, the Dutch National Ballet, Tokyo Festival Ballet, the Odessa State Ballet, the London Festival Ballet and the National Ballet of Canada. She has appeared in several television specials, twice winning ACTRA awards for Best Variety Performer, and recently performed in the London Festival Ballet's film production of Swan Lake.

Still, a listing of awards and accomplishments cannot adequately convey an appreciation of Miss Hart's artistry, for dance is its own language, the language which Miss Hart will speak to us today. Many have tried to capture in words the experience of watching her dance. William Littler says of Miss Hart's dancing that it "gives visual form to pure emotion." Clive Barnes says ". . . she has the ineffable image of greatness about her"” Choreographer Rudi van Dantzig has compared Miss Hart to the great Ulanova: "For me, Ulanova was one of the unearthly people. Evelyn is like that - in a world, in a class, of her own." Perhaps the words which can come closest are Shakespeare's, his Romeo speaking to Juliet:

...thou art / As glorious to this night . . . / As is a winged messenger of heaven / . . . When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds / And sails upon the bosom of the air.

When Evelyn Hart dances the role, she is that image: a very human woman but at the same time "a winged messenger of heaven" "[sailing] upon the bosom of the air".

Miss Hart's individual artistic achievements are spectacular but it is important, too, to recognize her contribution to the development of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, and to the art form as a whole. Her fellow dancers recognize her as a tireless and dedicated worker, and her perfectionism inspires emulation. Furthermore, a number of ballet critics attribute the Royal Winnipeg Ballet's recent growth and more ambitious programming to the company's attempts to accommodate Miss Hart's ever growing talent, her soaring flight. She challenges - challenges the abilities of her co-performers, challenges the imaginations of her audience. The effect of Miss Hart's challenge, her example,extends beyond the walls of the Concert Hall. To us, members of the community lucky enough to be the one in which she lives, works, and performs, she is a living demonstration of the possibility, and, yes, the cost, of being the best in the world, and of the ineffable rewards of accepting nothing less from oneself.

Mr. Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask in the name of the Senate that you confer upon Miss Evelyn Anne Hart the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba

Naomi Hersom

Naomi Hersom

B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.

I have the honour to present Naomi Hersom, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.

Currently the President and Vice-Chancellor of Mount St. Vincent University, Naomi Hersom was born in Winnipeg and graduated from Kelvin High School. She attended The University of Manitoba from which she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1947, a Diploma in Education in 1948, a Bachelor of Education degree in 1955, and a Master of Education degree in 1955. She was awarded the Ph.D. degree from the University of Alberta in 1969.

Dr. Hersom began her distinguished teaching and administrative career in 1954 in the elementary schools of the Winnipeg School Division. Her contribution to the Division's major works program for gifted children was widely acknowledged, and her talent for collaborating with her professional colleagues was recognized in her election to the presidency of the Winnipeg Teachers' Association in 1966.

Following the completion of her doctoral program, Dr. Hersom joined the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta where she concentrated on the development of teacher education programs. She was named Director of the Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia in 1975, and during her tenure she revised student counselling procedures, implemented the live year Special Education B.Ed. program, expanded the Native Indian Teacher Education Programme, and introduced a child study centre experimental program. In 1979 she was named Associate Dean (Academic) and acting Director of the Graduate Division, a capacity in which she coordinated the revision of procedures related to Master's and Doctoral comprehensive examinations and the development of a new M.Ed. in Curriculum Studies.

In 1981, Dr. Hersom began a five year term as Dean of the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. In this post she worked with colleagues to expand technical and vocational teacher education programs, to develop distance education and microcomputer facilities, to improve the supervisory services for interns, and to augment the research capacity of the College.

Naomi Hersom has made substantial contributions to advancing the cause of education in all of Canada through her dedicated service. She has served with distinction as the President of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, as the current First Vice-President of the Canadian Education Association, as the President of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, as a member of the Advisory Academic Panel of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and as a frequent appraiser of education degree programs in Canadian universities.

For her work in education and in other areas of public service, notably with the Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship of Canada, she has been the recipient of an impressive series of awards. These include the George Croskery Award from the Canadian College of Teachers, 1985; Woman of the Year, YWCA, 1986; Invested, Grand Dame of Merit, Order of the Knights of Malta, 1987.

Naomi Hersom has been tireless in her teaching, writing, and administrative efforts in promoting the role of women in education, the improvement of teacher education, and the rightful place of teachers in the curriculum development process. She has done so with dedication, with professional zeal, with style, and as befitting one renowned for her bird watching abilities, with a keen eye for the important detail.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on Naomi Hersom, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba

P. James E. Peebles

P. James E. Peebles

B.Sc., Ph.D.

I have the honour to present Dr. P. James E. Peebles, an outstanding graduate of our Faculty of Science, a cosmologist of international repute, and the Albert Einstein Professor of Science at Princeton University.

Dr. Peebles was born in Winnipeg fifty-four years ago, and he graduated from Glenlawn Collegiate in 1953, showing early promise by being chosen the class valedictorian. He studied honours physics here at The University of Manitoba, attaining his B.Sc. degree in 1958. He then left Manitoba for Princeton University which evidently agreed with him, since he has remained there to this day. He earned his doctoral degree from Princeton in 1962and was taken on the staff of the Department of Physics. A rapid rise through the ranks followed, and in 1972 Dr. Peebles was made professor. In 1984 the Department gave him the title Albert Einstein Professor of Science which he now holds, clear evidence of the esteem in which he is held by Princeton and other physicists.

Dr. Peebles is world-famous for his research in cosmology. Cosmologists are among the most intrepid of scientists, speculating, as they do, about the course of events in the first second after the big bang, thought to have been the initial event in our universe's history; about the evolution of galaxies of hundreds of billions of stars; about the distribution of galaxies in space; and about the future of the universe,and its possible end. As you know Mr. Chancellor, this isa heady and adventurous quest. It is the stuff of which dreams are made, and it has captured the imagination of both scientists and the public.

Dr. Peeble's contributions to our evolving knowledge of the universe are many, and I will mention only two. He first achieved fame by predicting, with a colleague, that evidence for the big bang - that phenomenal occurrence of fifteen billion years ago - should still be observable, in the form of cosmic microwave radiation. It detracts not at all from the importance of the prediction that the radiation had already been observed, but not understood, by scientists from the Bell Laboratories not far from Princeton. Bell Labs had the observations but Princeton had the explanation for them.

The second achievement I want to mention is Dr. Peebles's major life work on the clustering of galaxies in space. He has learned how to extract information on clustering from catalogues of galaxy positions, and he has shown how to use this information to test theories of galactic formation. He has described this pioneering work in his magnum opus, a book called The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe. It has become a bible to his fellow cosmologists who are trying to unravel these important galactic mysteries.

Dr. James Peebles has received many awards to recognize his great achievements. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and the Royal Society of Canada. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. He has been awarded the Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Heineman Prize of the American Astronomical Society, and has also received honorary doctorates from our sister universities at Chicago and Toronto.

Mr. Chancellor, we take great pride in the career of one of the most distinguished graduates our Faculty of Science has produced. It is a great pleasure to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on James Peebles, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba

Kathleen M. Richardson

Kathleen M. Richardson

I have the honour to present Kathleen Richardson, Officer of the Order of Canada, Bachelor of Arts.

It is fitting that, at a time when The University of Manitoba is paying tribute to the Royal Winnipeg Ballet on its 50th anniversary year, that both the artists and the supporters of the Ballet should be honoured.

The attainment of the highest levels of achievement in the performing arts depends not only on the talent and commitment of the artists themselves but also on lay persons whose dedication, vision and generosity prompt them to create the conditions under which the arts may flourish. These patrons of the arts are people who are able to discern in the turmoil of the daily events those things which are essential for the nurture of the human spirit, and the enrichment of society.

There can be no better exemplar of these qualities than Kathleen Richardson. She was born and educated in Winnipeg and within a few years of her graduation with a B.A. from The University of Manitoba, established herself as a leading citizen of her city, province and nation. The list of her contributions is truly impressive. She served as a member of: the Canada Council, the national executive of the Pan-American Games Society, the Manitoba Arts Council, the Advisory Board of The Winnipeg Foundation, the Board and Executive Committee of the Institute of Research on Public Policy, the committees involved in the restoration of Macdonald House, and the governing board of The Stratford Shakespearean Festival. As impressive as this list is, it touches only a few of the many enterprises to which Kathleen Richardson has contributed her time and effort. Through her direct personal involvement and through the many contacts she has made in the business community as a Director of James Richardson and Sons and its affiliates, Gulf Canada, the Sun Life Assurance Company, and Barclays Bank of Canada, she has opened doors, created opportunities, and helped to build a constituency for the arts in Manitoba and Canada.

These contributions alone would have been ample enough reason to honour Kathleen Richardson. But today we give special recognition to her long-standing involvement with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. She served as President of the Ballet from 1957 to 1961 and has been its honorary president for the last twenty-six years. Years which have seen the Ballet achieve international acclaim. In 1986 she chaired the Ballet's Capital Campaign which raised $5.5 million in private contributions to the $10.3 million project which resulted in the opening of a magnificent new building in January, 1988.

No one who has met Kathleen Richardson remains immune to her quiet charm, wit, simplicity and grace. She shuns publicity and praise and is thus deservedly praised all the more. She has been appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada and is a recipient of the Alumni Jubilee Award.

Mr. Chancellor, it is an honour and privilege for me to ask in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you confer upon Kathleen Richardson the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharo

Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharo


I have the honour to present Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov, physicist, Nobel Laureate, and humanitarian.

Dr. Sakharov was born in Moscow on May 21, 1921. He graduated in physics from Moscow University in 1942 and completed his doctorate in theoretical physics some five years later. His research at this time included a study of the generation of the component of cosmic radiation and the interactions between electron-positon pairs. In 1950, in conjunction with Academician Igor Tamm, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1958, Andrei Sakharov proposed that an electric discharge generated in a plasma contained within a magnetic field could be used to obtain controlled thermonuclear reactions. His later work on hydrogen fusion was, of course, of both a pioneering nature and of fundamental importance.
Dr. Sakharov became a member of the Lebedev Institute of Physics in 1945 and was elected to the Soviet Academy of Sciences in 1953, a rare distinction for a scientist then in his early thirties. Prior to 1965, Academician Sakharov had won many honours from the state including the State and the Lenin Prizes, the Lenin medal, and was named a Hero of Socialist Labor on three occasions.

In the late 1960's, however, a sharp change in the direction of his career took place. His appeal for improved human rights in the Soviet Union had attracted worldwide attention, and from that time forward he was to be an unflinching opponent of repression and a champion of the rights of the individual. His statement, of June 1968 entitled "Thoughts in Progress, Peaceful Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom", demanded complete and immediate freedom of information and discussion. He sought to remove the triple dangers, as he saw them, of nuclear war, of worldwide famine and of pollution of the planet. His activism was both constructive and courageous, and led directly to the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975, an honour accepted on his behalf by his wife Yelena Bonner. In 1975, he also became Vice-President of the International League for Human Rights.

Five years later, however, Dr. Sakharov's vocal denunciation of Soviet involvement in Afghanistan in 1980 resulted in the enforced exile of the Sakharovs to Gorky, an exile which finally ended on December 23, 1986. Academician Sakharov continues to address human rights issues.

Appropriately enough, Dr. Sakharov is now bringing the logical orderly ways of the physical scientist to the world of politics. According to him the scientific method has been woefully neglected by the statesmen of the world. He has described the scientific method in politics as an approach "based on the deep analysis of facts, theories and views, presupposing unprejudiced, fearless, open discussion and conclusions". This approach should serve him well as he faces the challenges ahead as physicist, reformer and great human being.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov the Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

Adele Wiseman

Adele Wiseman

B.A. (Hons.)

I have the honour to present Adele Wiseman, B.A. (Honours).

Adele Wiseman was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, "on the kitchen table in a small house on Manitoba Avenue," of Jewish parents who had migrated from the Ukraine. Adele Wiseman's creative imagination was in many ways shaped by that Eastern European past and by the further experience of people who became immigrants to the prairie city of Winnipeg, where her parents found work as tailors. Adele studied psychology and English at The University of Manitoba, receiving her B.A. (Honours) in 1949. While a student she won, for an early short story, The University of Manitoba Chancellor's Prize.

Like her close friend and fellow Manitoban Margaret Laurence, Adele Wiseman determined early in her life to become a writer. To support that determination she sought out a variety of instructive jobs; she worked in London, England in an East-End settlement house; she taught school in Rome. While in Rome she completed the first draft of a novel that had its beginnings in a story she'd
shown to Professor Malcolm Ross, on The University of Manitoba campus. Adele Wiseman returned to Winnipeg and worked again at a variety of jobs, including a position as Executive Secretary of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, while revising the manuscript.

In 1956, at the age of 28, Adele Wiseman published her first and soon to be renowned novel, The Sacrifice. That novel, in its marvellous range, at once depicts the hardships of the immigrant experience and dares a retelling of the Abraham story in a new world. The idea of sacrifice becomes the test and the redemption of our experience. The Sacrifice received the Governor General's Award for 1956; its immediate effect was to give new impetus and new direction to the literature of the Canadian prairies, to the writing being done by women in Canada, and to the writing that explores the complexities of our urban experience.

In 1974 Adele Wiseman published her second novel, The Crackpot, the story of a prostitute living in the North End of Winnipeg - and again in that story she makes a claim for the moral concerns and the sympathy, for the complex of laughter and care and creativity that must inform a saving vision of the human experience and of our particular place in that spectrum.

Adele Wiseman has written plays, essays and poems. In 1978 she published Old Woman at Play. In that moving and original book she recounts her parents' life-story, and in the process - by looking at her mother's huge doll collection, by meditating on her mother's art of and obsession with doll-making - offers to all of us a theory of creativity that brings together art and life.

And surely Adele Wiseman is that artist, that story-teller, who insists that life and art cannot be separate. As a giver of stories, as a teacher and writer-in-residence in a number of academic institutions, as a traveller (and I was with her in China when she spoke to marvelling audiences about doll-making), as a friend to aspiring artists, as a champion of the complexities and necessities of family and community, she is both the entertainer and spokesperson for our conscience.

Mr. Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you confer on Adele Wiseman, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.


Dame Ruth Nita Barrow

Dame Ruth Nita Barrow

D.P.H., D.N.E. (Tor), D.S.T. (Edin), B.Sc.N. (Col), F.R.C.N.

I have the honour to present Dame Ruth Nita Barrow, D.P.H., D.N.E. (Tor), D.S.T. (Edin), B.Sc.N. (Col), F.R.C.N.

Dame Nita Barrow was born in Barbados. A nurse and midwife, she graduated from the Barbados General Hospital and the Midwifery School in Port of Spain, Trinidad. A Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship in Public Health brought her to the University of Toronto where she was greatly influenced by Dr. Kathleen Russell, a pioneer in nursing education, who encouraged cross cultural enterprises. These were to have a great impact on Nita Barrow's career.

She furthered her education at the University of Edinburgh and Columbia University in New York where she completed a Bachelor of Nursing Science degree in 1953-55. She returned to the Caribbean, this time in Jamaica, where she was active in education and service. In 1956-62, she was appointed as Principal Nursing Officer for Jamaica. In this capacity, she extended her influence on curricula in 16 Caribbean countries and in the West Indies School of Public Health. She served also as nursing advisor to the Pan American Health Organization in the Commonwealth Caribbean, improving health care and education through workshops, seminars and conferences that covered a wide variety of health concerns, among them research methodology in education, family and health care planning.

In Jamaica, she became involved in the World Movement of the Y.W.C.A. She served two successive terms in that movement until 1983 when she was honored as the first West Indian to hold the president's office. During the years 1975-80, she became first Associate Director and then Director of the World Council of Churches, retiring in 1981 from that position. These experiences presented her with untold opportunities for studying various approaches to health while she promoted the Council's activities, attending to the health care and nutrition of the people of Africa, India and the Arab world.

Two signal honours were accorded her for her outstanding contributions. She was made Dame Nita Barrow by Queen Elizabeth II with the Barbadian title of St. Andrew attached to it. She was also made a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing in England. She has received many honorary degrees including Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Human Letters and most recently received an honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Windsor.

Dame Nita Barrow recognized the importance of educating adults and was elected President of the International Council of Adult Education in 1975 and again in 1986. Her vital interest in health, adult education, women's affairs and religion has made her sought after as a resource person in numerous international activities. She was a member of the first team that visited the People's Republic of China under the China Cooperative Programme of the International Council on Adult Education in 1981. More recently, she was appointed by the United Nations to convene the Non-Governmental Organization Forum for the Women's Decade held in Nairobi in July 1985. It required coordinating the efforts of separate planning committees located in Nairobi, Geneva, Vienna and New York and 13,000 delegates. From the victory of that Conference, she carried away an optimism and a belief in pragmatic personal negotiation that was later to affect her work in the United Nations. A strong opponent of apartheid her concern as a member of the Commonwealth Apartheid Committee is reflected in her statement, "If we don't do something about it, we will never have this moment in history again." She has focused her tremendous efforts and skills in this endeavour to this day.

She has served the World Health Organization well as a continuing consultant and also as Advisor to Pan American Health Organization she has kept "Health for All by the Year 2000" in the forefront, extolling the benefits of primary health care. She is a strong proponent of people understanding and controlling their own health. The World Health Organization in Geneva asked her to chair the 1988 Technical Discussions at the World Health Assembly which has just completed its sessions. These discussions addressed the topic, A Decade after Alma Ata: Where do we go From Here?

Dame Nita Barrow grew up in a politically active family. Her recently deceased but revered brother, Erroll Walton Barrow, was Prime Minister of Barbados. He was a man of great human caring who said of his family, "In Jamaica, I am Nita Barrow's brother, in St. Croix, Jam Sybil Barrow's brother, in St. Vincent, I am Ena Comma's brother, only in Barbados am I the Prime Minister.” Politics was the life-blood of the family. It was thus a move that did not surprise anyone as she assumed the appointment as Ambassador Permanent Representative of the Barbados to the United Nations in 1985.

Dame Nita Barrow has had a distinguished career as an international public health planner from Alaska to Africa. She has always had a soft spot in her heart for Canada like an astonishing number of UN diplomats who were at least partly Canadian educated. We had the privilege of having Dame Nita Barrow here in 1976 on a six university Primary Health Care Team. We hope our weather in May this year is appreciated more than the March blizzard she experienced in 1976.

Our colleague continues to distinguish herself in matters of health, education, women's affairs and religion. She has brought imagination, creativity, organizational ability, commitment and caring for the human condition to her work. At the same time, she has served not only her profession of nursing nobly, but health care generally, making the world a better, healthier place to live.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you confer on Dame Nita Barrow, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

Maureen Forrester

Maureen Forrester


I have the honour to present Maureen Forrester, one of the world's great vocal artists, a contralto whose rich, warm voice is associated particularly with the music of the German romantic and post-romantic composers, but which speaks and sings with equal fervour for the composers of contemporary Canada.

Miss Forrester was born in Montreal, and discovered early that she was blessed with a vocal instrument that responded with beauty and naturalness. Eschewing formal education in order to concentrate on the development of her voice, she made a smooth - and from this distance, easy - transition to a professional career. Her early contact with the famed conductor Bruno Walter sharpened her understanding of the works of Gustav Mahler, and today she is known throughout the world as a performer of his music. Local music lovers will recall her eloquent performance this year of Lieder from Mahler's Das Knaben Wunderhorn with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.

Having worked with some 2,000 conductors, Miss Forrester's busy career includes around 120 performances per year. Throughout the years she has remained loyal to her Canadian origins, and has been a strong supporter of Canadian music. She often includes Canadian composers on her programs at home and abroad, frequently commissioning and premiering works, and promoting them through master classes and other activities. Her special role has often been recognized through honours and distinctions, including being named a Companion of the Order of Canada in 1967.

For the past five years Miss Forrester has served as Chair of the Canada Council, the Federal government's chief instrument for funding of the arts. Through her interest, influence and insistence, the Council's arms-length relationship to the government has been maintained. Her determination that Canada should continue to provide a financial foundation for the arts, free of political pressure, awarded on merit as assessed through peer evaluation, has preserved one of the most vital aspects of our artistic heritage. Without the Canada Council, without an independent Canada Council, Canada's artistic life would be infinitely poorer.

But above all, Miss Forrester is a performer, one who pours herself into her works with such total intensity that the listener may believe that it is she who speaks rather than a poet who wrote words and a composer who wrote music perhaps a hundred years ago. This is the magic of a great performer - to tell another's tale with such vividness that the listener is absorbed into a first-person experience. This is the magic of Maureen Forrester.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on Maureen Forrester the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba

Leo Mol

Leo Mol


I have the honour to present Leo Mol, one of Canada's foremost artists whose fame as a sculptor, painter and stained glass designer and maker is known throughout the art world.

Born in the Ukraine, Leo Mol began to reveal his artistic talents at the age of four, when he shaped clay animals in his father's pottery shop. By the time he was fifteen, he demonstrated such propensity in painting, modelling and sculpting, that he was sent to Vienna for formal instruction. A period of 18 years of intensive study followed in the Academy of Art in Vienna, the Kunstakademie in Berlin and the Academy of Art in the Hague. In 1948, Leo Mol immigrated to Canada to a friend's farm at Hudson's Bay Junction, Saskatchewan, and several weeks later, he moved to Winnipeg where he began to work as an artist with a church goods supplier. In 1962 he became a Canadian citizen, and by combining great talent and remarkable determination, he has built a career that has reached across Canada and to many parts of the world, establishing him as one of Canada's leading artists.

Leo Mol's creative genius can be seen in an extraordinarily wide range of materials. Repaints murals, works in ceramics, draws in pencil and in pastels, paints in water colours and in oils, hammers in iron, creates statues out of plaster and clay, carves in stone and marble, casts in bronze, and designs and produces stained glass windows. Most recently, he designed and supervised the construction of a large glass mosaic on the front exterior wall of one of Winnipeg's cathedrals.

Of all these works of art, however, Leo Mol is best known for his sculptures. He has a reputation of personally conducting all the processes involved in sculpting and casting, from the initial model in clay, to the final cast in bronze. Admired for his remarkable technique, his knowledge of materials and their handling, his retrospective classical romanticism and his ability to respond to society's needs and ideas, Leo Mol's sculptures are valued and studied across Canada, in the United States, Europe and South America. Some examples are: in Winnipeg -Queen Elizabeth II, Clarence Tillenius, and the former chancellor of University of Winnipeg, Dr. Paul Thorlakson; in Ottawa - John G. Diefenbaker; in New York - Dwight D. Eisenhower; in the Vatican - Popes Paul VI, John XXIII, and John Paul II; in London - St. Vladimir; in Hamilton, Ontario - A. Y. Jackson, Fred Varley and A. Casson of the Group of Seven; in Washington and Buenos Aires -  Taras Shevchenko; and in Edmonton and The Pas - Manitoba's bushpilot, Tom Lamb. Among his works on the campus of The University of Manitoba are the memorial plaques in the Elizabeth Dafoe Library and the Faculty of Education.

National and international recognition of Leo Mol as a leading sculptor has taken many forms. He is a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, the Sculptors Society of Canada, the Allied Artists of America, and the Society of Artists in the Hague. He has received the Centennial Gold Medal of the Government of Canada, the Allied Arts Medal of the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada, the gold Medal of the Italian Academy in Parma, and the John C. Stone Prize of the Allied Artists of America. He has received the degree of Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) from the University of Winnipeg and from the University of Alberta. He has a school in Bavaria named after him, and there are several monographs and books devoted to his works.

Throughout his dynamic and exceedingly productive career, Dr. Mol has been supported by his wife Margareth, whom he met and married in Germany, and who holds a doctorate in French literature from The University of Manitoba.

It is clear that we have with us today, a man who has achieved extraordinary success in his chosen field. His art is recognized throughout as eloquent and universal, knowledgeable and sincere, stable and lasting. An intensely loyal man both to his adopted city of Winnipeg and to his friends around him, Leo Mol is respected and admired, and we take special pride that he is here with us today.

Mr. Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you confer upon Leo Mol, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Jeanne Sauve

Monsieur le Chancelier,
J'ai le grand honneur de vous présenter ce soir son Excellence la très honorable Jeanne Sauve, Gouverneur général et Commandant en chef du Canada.
Native de Prud'homme en Saskatchewan, Madame Sauve étudia a Ottawa, au couvent Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, collège du second degré, et a l'université de la même ville. Elle suivit ensuite des cours en sciences économiques a Landres, et plus tard a Paris au elle obtint un diplôme en civilisation française.
Pendant quelque dix années, de 1942 a 1952, Madame Sauve consacra al ors ses énergies a la jeunesse. Elle sut se distinguer de maintes façons dans ce domaine. Ainsi elle fut tout d'abord présidente nationale de la Jeunesse étudiante catholique. Elle fonda ensuite la Fédération des mouvements de jeunesse du Québec, pour enfin devenir adjointe au directeur de la section jeunesse de l'Unesco à Paris.
Au cours des vingt années suivantes, Madame Sauve fit carrière a la Société Radio-Canada, réseaux francs; ais et anglais, en qualité de scripteur, de journaliste et d'animatrice. Là encore elle sait se distinguer. Sa collaboration est requise aux réseaux américains NBC et CBS. Élue membre du Conseil des artistes en 1961, elle en assume la vice-présidence de 1968 à 1970. Son métier de journaliste la conduit à s’intéresser aux affaires publiques; ainsi devient-elle en 1964 Présidente de l'Institut canadien des affaires publiques. Elle parcourt alors le Canada et les Etats-Unis, donnant des conférences
sur les aspirations et les problèmes des Québécois. Ses talents la destinant presque naturellement au secrétariat général de la Fédération des auteurs et artistes du Canada, témoignage de la haute considération de ses pairs, elle est alors déléguée a de nombreuses assises internationales, dont le congrès des scénaristes du film et de la télévision à Moscou. Le Premier ministre du Canada la choisit comme l'un des sept membres fondateurs de l'Institut de recherches politiques.
Au cours de la décade suivante, Madame Sauve se consacrera à la politique. Élue députée au parlement fédéral, elle occupera tour à tour les fonctions de ministre d'État responsable des Sciences et de la Technologie, ministre de l'Environnement, ministre des Communications et ministre responsable des pays francophones au ministère des Affaires extérieures. Enfin, de 1980 à 1983, sur la proposition du Premier ministre, elle est élue à l'unanimité présidente de la Chambre des communes. Elle met alors en place les nouvelles structures administratives de la Chambre et fait appliquer de façon rigoureuse les prescriptions de la loi sur les langues officielles au Parlement, dans !'administration et dans tous les édifices de la Chambre des communes. Au cours de cette carrière politique remarquable, Madame Sauve a su dignement représenter le peuple canadien soit à des conférences aux Nations-Unies, soit encore en qualité de Chef de délégations dans de nombreux pays.
1983. Voici Madame Sauve devenue la 23e Gouverneur général du Canada. Elle a l'honneur d'être la première femme à occuper ce paste. Depuis cette nomination, elle continue de faire honneur au gouvernement et aux citoyens du Canada.
Madame Sauve a reçu maintes décorations dont celle de Compagnon de l'Ordre du Canada et Commandeur de l'Ordre du mérite militaire, ainsi que de nombreux doctorats honorifiques.
C'est donné avec fierté et grande joie que le College universitaire de Saint-Boniface à son tour reconnait publiquement le mérite de Madame Sauve.
Monsieur le Chancelier, au nom du Senat de l'Université du Manitoba, je vous prie d'admettre Son Excellence la très honorable Jeanne Sauve au grade de docteur en droit.
le 7 juin 1988
A. Naimark

Harry Seidler

Harry Seidler


O.B.E., M.Arch.

I have the honour to present Mr. Harry Seidler, O.B.E., M. Arch.

Mr. Seidler was born in Vienna, Austria, and was educated at the Wasagymnasium in that city from 1932 to 1938. He entered the University of Manitoba in 1941 and graduated with first class honours in Architecture in 1944. He then entered Harvard with a scholarship, and left with a Masters degree in Architecture in 1946. He served as chief assistant to Marcel Breuer in New York from 1946 to 1948, and then briefly for Osca Niemeyer in Rio de Janeiro before commencing private practice as Principal of Harry Seidler and Associates in Sydney, Australia in 1949.

Since that time, Mr. Seidler has achieved a deservedly world-wide reputation, and has won many awards and honours for his buildings, beginning with his very first houses in Turramurra, New South Wales, which have been widely published in Australia and internationally.

A practice in houses for private clients evolved into one occupied largely with apartment, institutional, and office buildings. Some of the more notable of these are Australia Square, Sydney's first major inner city redevelopment, covering a whole block, built in the 1960s; the Trade Group Offices, Canberra, and the 68-storey MLC Centre, Sydney, both built in the early 1970s; the Australian Embassy, Paris in the mid-1970s; the Hong Kong Club and Office Building, and the 46-storey Grosvenor Place Development, Sydney, both built in the early 1980s and both remarkable for their distinctive curvilinear geometry; and more recently, the three 1-storey City Mutual Building, Sydney and the 50-storey Landmark Tower, Brisbane, both noticeable in different ways for their expressive, "fresh", contemporary architecture.

Mr. Seidler's list of awards is considerable and extends over many years. They begin with the Royal Australian Institute of Architects Sir John Sulman Medal in 1951, continue with the same Institute's awards for specific buildings in 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969 and 1972. During this time Mr. Seidler was made an Honorary fellow of the American Institute of Architects in 1966, became an Officer, Order of the British Empire in 1972, and then from his own Royal Australian Institute received its Gold Medal in 1976. Yet further awards for particular buildings came in 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1982, the year when he also became the first Australian Member of the Academic d’Architecture in Paris. Further awards have continued to be bestowed.

Mr. Seidler has been a Visiting Professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 1976-77, at the University of British Columbia, 1978; at the University of Virginia also in 1978; at the University of New South Wales in 1980; and at the University of Sydney in 1984. He has been.a guest lecturer at many universities and institutes in the United States and Canada, and in Paris, London and Budapest.

Mr. Seidler has played a significant role both in the establishment of modern architecture in Australia and in its extension internationally. He could indeed be described in this, our Faculty of Architecture's 75th anniversary year, as one of its most distinguished graduates.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on Harry Seidler the Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba


James William Burns

Mr. Chancellor, I have the honour to present James William Burns, B. Comm., M.B.A. (Harvard). Jim Burns was born in Winnipeg, the son of the late Dr. Charles William Burns, a well known physician and surgeon who .also received an Honorary Doctor of Laws from this University in 1954. Mr. Burns graduated from Gordon Bell High School and attended The University of Manitoba, receiving his Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1951. He immediately enrolled in the prestigious School of Business at Harvard University and obtained his MBA degree in 1953. Upon graduation, Mr. Burns was offered many opportunities upon which to establish a career in business. Fortunately for us in Winnipeg, Mr. David Kilgour, President of Great-West Life Assurance Company Limited, persuaded him that there was no better place to start than right here. Also, he was about to be married to a Winnipegger, Barbara Mary Copeland. Upon completion of the management trainee program in the marketing division, Jim went to Chicago for two years as supervisor of the branch. This experience would have a profound impact on the company. Returning to Winnipeg he rose through the management ranks, working closely with the branches in the U.S. In November 1969 he was appointed Director of Marketing, U.S. When Mr. David Kilgour retired as President, he, along with another well known alumnus of this University, Dr. Peter Curry, who was Chairman of the Board of Great-West Life, recognized Mr. Burns' managerial capabilities. The result was his appointment as President and Chief Executive Officer in March, 1971. As CEO his style of management was ideal for the firm entering the decade of the 70's. It was during this time the U.S. division was formalized with its head office located in Denver, Colorado. In 1978 premium income reached an all-time high of $1 billion. At this point Dr. Peter Curry again played an important role in the career of Jim Burns. The Invest9rs Group had acquired 96 per cent of the shares of Great-West Life. Dr. Curry, as Chairman of Investors and Deputy Chairman of the Power Corporation of Canada Limited, owners of Investors, was very familiar with what Jim had accomplished and how he had done it. He realized that Power Corporation would bene'fit greatly from Jim's presence and set out to convince him ofthis. The outcome was Mr. Burns becoming President of Power Corporation in February 1979, and moving to Montreal. The move was made easier as Mr. Burns knew he was leaving Great-West Life in the capable hands of another alumnus of this University, Mr. Kevin Kavanagh. Besides, his talents were not lost to the firm as he became Chairman of the Board of Great-West Life and the Great-West Lifeco, Inc. Just as he had done in Winnipeg, Jim added a new dimension to the management of Power Corporation enabling that firm to find new and exciting ways to grow. In 1984 the company was reorganized in order to better co-ordinate the activities of its operating divisions. One division was the Power Financial Corporation which included three companies offering insurance, investments, and financial services. Mr. Burns was appointed President and CEO of this new division. Two years later he was made Deputy Chairman of Power Corporation and Chairman and CEO of Burns Power Financial. Lest one gains the impression that Mr. Burns devotes his attention only to business, letme say that our community , Montreal and our nation, have gained substantially from his abilities. The University of Manitoba has particularly benefited. When he was a trainee with Great-West Life, he was assigned to do media relations on behalf of the University for the Learned Societies Conference. He was involved in the 1961-62 capital fund campaign and served as President of the Alumni Association in 1962-63. To celebrate the City of Winnipeg's centennial in 1974, Jim convinced his Board to sponsor a symposium entitled "The Dilemmas of Modern Man". For three days, over 2,000 persons were brought to the leading edge of knowledge in a wide variety of disciplines by the scholars of the world. For this and his contributions to the University and his company he was named the recipient of the Alumni Jubilee Award in 1976. When our University celebrated its centenary in 1977, Great-West Life put together another successful symposium. In 1978, he again was involved in the capital fund campaign for the University. He is currently a member of the Associates of the Faculty of Management and has assisted in the current capital fund drive. When discussions began regarding the expansion of the National Hockey League Jim was one of the citizens instrumental in acquiring the Winnipeg Jets in order to bring the team into the League. Mr. Burns has been active in a political party and has served in an executive capacity on such organizations as the Conference Board of Canada and the Council for Business and the Arts in Canada. Jim Burns recognizes the value of higher education and the importance of applying the knowledge gained to uncover new avenues of thought. He has the ability to dig through a multitude of data and discover the true picture. Through his insights new windows of opportunities are opened. By creative organizational design and the development of human resources, he established a "passion for excellence" in organizations with whom he has worked years before it became a popular motto in management literature. As a result, many have benefited from his managerial capability. Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on James William Burns the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. I June 1, 1987 A. Naimark President

Albert Diamond Cohen

Albert Diamond Cohen, LL.D., June 1, 1987
Albert Diamond Cohen, O.C.

I have the honour to present Mr. Albert Diamond Cohen, Member of the Order of Canada, a native son and a distinguished citizen of our province.

As Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Gendis Incorporated, Albert Cohen's entrepreneurial success is almost without precedent in Canada. However, the mark of Albert Cohen is that his business success is equalled by his contribution to nation building.

Albert Cohen was the third of six sons of Alexander and Bereka Riva Cohen who came to Winnipeg at the turn of the century. He was born in 1914 and received all his formal education in the Province of Manitoba.

In 1939, together with his father, he founded General Distributors, now called Gendis Incorporated. He served his country in the Navy and rejoined the company at the close of the war. Truly a man of vision, he was the first North American to recognize the potential for the sale of Japanese Electronic Products in North America. In 1955 he established an early and unique connection with Japan when he purchased transistor radios from a tiny electronics firm which would eventually become known as Sony. Twenty years later Gendis and Sony became joint venture partners, the only such partnership Sony has in the world.

For one family to start with very little and create a business empire while making equally significant contributions to the charitable, educational and artistic communities in which they live ranks the Cohen family, with Albert as its head, as one of Canada's most distinguished families.

Albert Cohen is Past Commissioner of the Metric Board, a Past President of the Winnipeg Clinic Research Institute, a founding member of the Paul H. T. Thorlakson Research Foundation, Past President of the Manitoba Theatre Centre, and a Past Director of the Du Maurier Council for the Performing Arts. He continues as the Honorary Chairman of the St. John's Ravenscourt School and a Director of the Associates of The Faculty of Management. He was the Faculty's first recipient of the Distinguished Entrepreneur Award, founder of the International Distinguished Entrepreneur Award and the person responsible for this prestigious annual event. Truly, he has shared his time, energy and wealth of talents with the community he leads.

He is an award winning author, whose book, The Entrepreneurs - The Study of Gendis Inc. was published by McClelland and Stewart in 1986.

In 1953, Albert Cohen married Irena Kankova. Together they have been ardent and generous supporters of Winnipeg's artistic institutions. They have three children, James, Anthony, and Anna Lisa.

Mr. Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask in the name of the Senate that you confer upon Mr. Albert Diamond Cohen, a true friend of The University of Manitoba, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba

Étienne Gaboury

Monsieur le Chancelier,
C'est avec plaisir que je vous présente, ce soir, Monsieur Étienne Gaboury, architecte bien connu au Canada et dans quelques pays étrangers.
Il est né à Bruxelles au Manitoba. Après avoir, obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts du Collège de Saint-Boniface et un _baccalauréat en architecture de l'Université du Manitoba, il a fréquenté l'École des Beaux-Arts à Paris. Soucieux de marquer son travail au coefficient de la qualité et de la durabilité, et de côtoyer des maitres dans l'art architectural, Etienne Gaboury s'est vite engagé dans des foulées susceptibles de lui donner le coup d'envoi. Ainsi, il milite dans les associations des architectes du Manitoba, de l'Ontario et du Québec, dans l'Institut royal d'architecture du Canada, dans l'Académie royale canadienne des arts et dans le Conseil canadien du logement.
Bien vite distingué par le style unique des œuvres qu'il signe, l'architecte est invité à donner des communications à travers le Canada, aux Etats-Unis et à Hong Kong. On sollicite souvent son concours en qualité de juré pour l'attribution de prix, ou le choix de candidats dans des compétitions architecturales; sans parler de sa participation à l'Expo 67, au sein d'un comité chargé de la révision et de la réalisation des projets de l'Exposition mondiale. '
Les œuvres de Gaboury ont apporté au Manitoba une note d'originalité alliée à une beauté classique. Je souligne l'Hôtel de la monnaie, la Cathédrale de Saint-Boniface, Je Centre hospitalier Taché, les églises du Précieux-Sang et de Saint-Claude, les installations de Lower Fort Garry et l'Accueil colombien.
Mais Étienne Gaboury accepte aussi de relever de plus grands défis. À preuve, l'ambassade canadienne de Mexico et le Lycée de formation professionnelle d'Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Il serait trop long d'énumérer ici la liste des créations remarquables de cet homme qui fait honneur à son Alma Mater, à sa province et à son pays. Car en plus d'entreprendre des initiatives louables et porteuses de grandes
responsabilités, cet "ancien" du Collège de Saint-Boniface a trouvé le temps de prendre la parole, ou la plume, pour partager avec auditeurs ou lecteurs son expérience riche et variée.
L'architecte de chez nous étant aussi un artiste, on ne peut s'empêcher d'évoquer le personnage de Gabrielle Roy dans La montagne secrète: Pierre Cadorai. Les parents de Gabrielle Roy ne sont-ils pas originaires de la même région que ceux d'Étienne Gaboury? Pierre Cado rai peint la montagne de son imagination, mais "il l'avait à son propre feu intérieur, coulé[e], fondu[e], pour ensuite [la] mouler à son gré en une matière qui n'était désormais plus qu'humaine, infiniment poignante. Et sans doute s'agissait-il plus de savoir qui avait le mieux réussi sa montagne, Dieu ou Pierre, mais que lui aussi avait fait œuvre de créateur".
L'artiste-architecte auquel nous rendons hommage, ce soir, a conjugué ses talents avec son imagination créatrice; par des œuvres tangibles, il a montré une voie possible aux artistes de la génération montante. Son excellence dans le domaine de l'architecture ayant été soulignée ~à quinze reprises par des organismes provinciaux ou nationaux, c'est avec grande joie que le Collège de Saint-Boniface, à son
tour, reconnait publiquement Je mérite de Monsieur Etienne Gaboury.
Monsieur le Chancelier, au nom du Sénat de l'Université du Manitoba, je vous prie d'admettre au grade de docteur en droit Monsieur Etienne Gaboury.
le 4 juin 1987
A. Naimark

Monty Hall

Monty Hall, LL.D., October 22, 1987
Monty Hall

I have the honour to present Monty Hall, Bachelor of Science, University of Manitoba.

Monty Hall was born, raised and educated in Winnipeg's famed North End, completing his high school at St. John's. He graduated from The University of Manitoba in 1946, majoring in Chemistry and Zoology. He was a recognized leader, even then, who took part in all the college musicals and dramatic productions. He served as Master Of Ceremonies for a variety of student events as well as for many Canadian Army Shows during the war.

He was the Senior Stick of Science in 1944 and served as President of The University of Manitoba Students Union in 1945.

As UMSU president he directed a publicity campaign to demonstrate the need for a centralized campus, increased salaries for professors, more research money and course revisions. Some things never change! Under his leadership, the first University Open House was inaugurated in order to introduce the campus to the public.

In 1944, the Brown & Gold Yearbook described Monty Hall as a "tremendously popular student who works tirelessly for science and the University. as a whole". The career of Monty Hall, leader, theatrical personality and humanitarian began here in his undergraduate years.

Following graduation, Monty moved to Toronto to pursue an acting career and in 1955 to New York to radio. He became nationally known through his long-running radio show Who Am I You know him as the television host of Let s Make a Deal which ran from 1964 to 1986 During his successful and glamorous career he has hosted several shows appeared as a guest on numerous others, and has been a headline performer in Las Vegas. His contributions to show business have been honoured repeatedly by his colleagues. This has included having his 'star' placed in Hollywood's  "Walk of Fame in 1973.

Honorary Degrees are awarded for distinctive contributions at a national or international level. We honour Monty Hall today, not for his celebrity status but for his charitable and philanthropic career on behalf of the disabled, the diseased and the underprivileged.

In Winnipeg he was instrumental in establishing the Winnipeg Branch of Variety Club, the world's largest childrens' charity. The number of Winnipeg causes and events for which Monty has "come home", or otherwise lent his support to, is almost without limit, ranging from direct involvement with the famous St. John's High School reunion, the Misericordia Foundation fund drive, the Chamber of Commerce Business Show, to a large number of other local causes dear to his heart.

He appears an average of 100 times annually in Canada, the United States and Europe for charitable organizations representing hospitals and children. He has served as International President of Variety Clubs, and on the Boards of a staggering number of Hospitals and Appeals. In total, he has raised close to 300 million dollars and is one of the world's leading celebrity fund raisers preceded only by Jerry Lewis and Bob Hope. He has, as a result, received an "almost breathtaking collection of awards and honours". In recognition of his work, there is a Monty Hall Room for Pediatric Oncology Therapy at Johns Hopkins Centre in Baltimore; hospital wings and wards named for him in Philadelphia and the UCLA Medical Centre. An unprecedented tribute came in 1983 when he received the prestigious Variety Club International Humanitarian Award, a tribute which has been carefully preserved for such outstanding world leaders as Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and, this past year, Princess Anne, for her work in South Africa.

Today, our University recognizes Monty Hall with its highest honour. Monty's university days were important to him and he has never forgotten them - they were the cornerstone of his professional life; a period of personal growth - and it is important for our University to honour him for what he has become; for all he has done for others, and for the special person he is.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on Monty Hall the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

-citation delivered by Pamela LeBoldus, President of the Alumni Association, University of Manitoba

The Honourable Otto Lang

The Honourable Otto Lang, LL.D., October 22, 1987
The Honourable Otto Lang
B.A., L.L.B., B.C.L., P.C., Q.C.

I have the honour to present the Honourable Otto Lang, B.A., L.L.B., B.C.L., P.C., Q.C.

Otto Lang was born in Handel, Saskatchewan, and graduated from Humboldt Collegiate Institute in 1948. He immediately entered the University of Saskatchewan, enrolling in Arts. He received his B.A. with Distinction in 1951, and his L.L.B. with Great Distinction in 1953. He entered Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship, and was awarded a B.C.L. degree in 1955.

Otto Lang rose rapidly and with distinction through the legal and academic system in Saskatchewan. In 1956 he was appointed an assistant professor of law at the University of Saskatchewan, and was admitted as barrister and solicitor to the Saskatchewan Bar. He was appointed Dean of Law at the University of Saskatchewan in 1961. He served as President of the Association of Canadian Law Teachers in 1962-63. In 1972 he was admitted to the Ontario Bar, and the same year was named Queen's Counsel for Saskatchewan and for Ontario.

Turning to active politics, Otto Lang served as Member of Parliament for the constituency of Saskatoon-Humboldt from 1968 to 1979. He was a productive cabinet minister, serving in numerous portfolios and introducing many pieces of important and often controversial legislation. As Minister Responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board during 1969-1979, he had a concern for the economic health of prairie agriculture. He implemented the LIFT program (Lower Inventories for Tomorrow) during a period of disastrously low world grain prices, and in 1974 he introduced the Western Grain Stabilization Program which was designed to ease the burden of fluctuations in prairie farmers' incomes. At the same time, he was conscious of the need for efficiency in the marketing and transportation of Canadian grains if Canada wished to remain competitive in world grain markets. In 1975, he appointed two Commissions of Inquiry into branch lines and rail transportation costs. This led to programs such as the government purchase of hopper cars and the branch lines rehabilitation program, and ultimately a change in the Crowsnest Pass freight rates on grain.

Otto Lang was equally innovative in other ministerial portfolios. As Minister of Manpower and Immigration, he introduced the Local Initiations Program. As Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada, he brought in wiretap legislation and the Human Rights Commission Act. And, as Minister of Transport, he re-organized rail passenger travel in Canada by introducing Via Rail.

In 1979, Otto Lang turned his talents to the business world. He was appointed Executive Vice-President of Pioneer Grain Company, Ltd., and he serves on the Board of a number of other companies and industry organizations including Pioneer Grain Terminal Ltd., Richardson Terminals Ltd., Les Elevateurs de Sorel Ltee, Ports Canada, Ridley Terminals Ltd., and the Senior Grain Transportation Committee. His commitment to an efficient and innovative grain handling and transportation system in Canada and his willingness to articulate his views forthrightly have made him a highly respected member of the Canadian grain industry.

Otto Lang is also a concerned citizen. He served as Campaign Chairman for the United Way of Winnipeg in 1983, and he is a Member of the Board of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews. He also shares his talents and wisdom with a number of organizations at The University of Manitoba, where he is Executive Member of the Board of St. Paul's College and a member of the External Advisory Committee of The University of Manitoba Transport Institute.

Otto Lang has distinguished himself in the public, business, and academic worlds through his insight in dealing with complex issues, his imaginative and innovative solutions to problems, and his commitment to making Canada a better place to live.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on Otto Lang, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

William Lazer

William Lazer, LL.D., June 1, 1987
William Lazer
B. Comm., M.B.A., Ph.D.

I have the honour to present William Lazer, B. Comm., M.B.A., Ph.D.

We are proud to honour today a man who has made a distinguished contribution to his profession, to the education of countless young people, to the community, and to national and international affairs.

Dr. Lazer was born in Estevan, Saskatchewan and spent his early years there. His family moved to Winnipeg, and he attended Aberdeen and Machray Junior High schools, and completed his High school at St. John's Tech. Following this, he served in the Royal Canadian Airforce.

He then entered The University of Manitoba and earned his first degree, a Bachelor of Commerce. He earned an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago, and his Ph.D. degree from Ohio State University. He has also been a post doctoral Fellow at Harvard University and M.I.T.

After receiving his M.B.A. Dr. Lazer returned to The University of Manitoba in 1951 as a faculty member in the School of Commerce, as it was then known. Shortly thereafter, he commenced his doctoral work while still teaching at The University of Manitoba. In 1955, he joined Michigan State University where he served with distinction for many years. He is the recipient of Michigan State University's highest honor, the Distinguished Faculty Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to the intellectual development of the University. He is currently the Eugene and Christine Lynn, Eminent Scholar in Business Administration at Florida Atlantic University.

Dr. Lazer has published ten books, and he has written over 140 articles and monographs for professional journals and business periodicals. His works have been published in countries around the globe. He is completing a book on The Changing Face of the American Market.

Among the scholastic honour societies which have awarded membership to Dr. Lazer are Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Honorary), Sigma Xi (Scientific Honorary), Phi Kappa Phi (General Scholastic Honourary), Alpha Iota Delta (Quantitative Methods), and Mu Kappa Tau (Marketing Honorary). His biographical listings include American Men of Science, Who's Who, Gale's Bibliography of Authors, Outstanding Educators of America, Community Leaders of America, and the Directory of British and American Writers. Dr. Lazer is a Past President of the American Marketing Association, and has served as Vice President for Education, Vice President for Global Marketing,
and on the Executive and Finance Committees.

Dr. Lazer has been a consultant and lecturer to such professional and industrial associations as: The College Entrance Examination Board, The American Institute of CPA's, American Management Association, Japan Marketing Association, and Japan Management Association. He is one of only two Honorary Advisors to the Japan Marketing Association and has lectured at scores of Universities and educational institutions throughout the world.

Dr. Lazer was a member of the Presidential Blue Ribbon Committee on Trade Negotiations under two U.S. Presidents and has served as Chairman of the Census Advisory Committee (Marketing). He was an advisor to the Office of the U.S. Price Commissioner on Inflation and to the White House Conference on the Industrial World of the 1990's. Dr. Lazer has worked with many major companies on a consulting and educational basis.

He was the initial Advisory Consulting Editor of the Wiley Marketing Series and has been a member of the editorial staff of several business journals. He is a past president of the Lansing Symphony Association and was awarded the key to the City of East Lansing for contributions to its cultural development.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on William Lazer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

Arthur V. Mauro

Arthur Mauro, LL.D., October 22, 1987
Arthur V. Mauro
C.M., Q.C., K.S.G., B.A., LL.B., LL.M.

I have the honour to present Mr. Arthur V. Mauro, C.M., Q.C., K.S.G., B.A., LL.B., LL.M.

Arthur Mauro was born in Port Arthur, Ontario which has now faded into the mists of history to be replaced by Thunder Bay, Ontario. Mr. Mauro graduated from St. Patrick's High School in Fort William. Obviously, he had a very early interest in transportation, since the summer after Grade 13, he worked as a bellhop on the S.S. Noronic, the last of the great passenger vessels, and spent the subsequent year hitch-hiking across the United States.

He entered St. Paul's College in Winnipeg in 1946, received his B.A. in 1949, LL.B. in 1953 and LL.M. in 1956, all from The University of Manitoba. He was very active in student affairs at University, was elected President of The University of Manitoba Students' Union in 1950, as well as President of the National Federation of Canadian University Students, and chaired the World Conference of Students in Stockholm in 1950.

While with the former Attorney General, Roland Penner, he was a member of the University team which won the Canadian University Debating Championship in 1949. Mr. Mauro is fond of recalling that his most important debating triumph was convincing Nancie Tooley, who was a graduate of The University of Manitoba, to become his wife.

He was articled to the law firm of Andrews, Andrews, Thorvaldson & Co., joined the firm in 1953, became a partner in 1958 and practised law from 1953-1969, specializing in the field of transportation. During that period he represented carriers and shippers across Canada.

Mr. Mauro was Counsel for the Province of Manitoba before the Macpherson Commission on Rail Transportation, also the Hall Commission on Health Services and the Thompson Commission Enquiry relative to the Air Canada base. In 1967, he was appointed Chairman of the Royal Commission on Northern Transportation and that report, tabled in 1969, became a blueprint for many subsequent transport developments in the North. During that study he travelled extensively through the Northern hemisphere, including Siberia and Scandinavia.

In 1967, he became the first lecturer in Transportation and Communication Law at The University of Manitoba Faculty of Law. He also presented a number of published papers on transportation and government regulations.

In 1969, Arthur Mauro moved to Toronto as Executive Vice-President of Great Northern Capital and, among other activities, was instrumental in the financing of the first jet aircraft for Transair Ltd., a regional airline based in Winnipeg. In 1972, he returned to Winnipeg as President and Chief Executive Officer of that Airline. During the next four years, he was instrumental in expanding the jet fleet and introducing jet passenger services from Winnipeg to a number of points in the North, including Resolute Bay, Yellowknife and Whitehorse.

In 1977, he was appointed Executive Vice-President of Investors Group. He became President and Chief Operating Officer in 1981 and was appointed Chief Executive Officer in 1985.

Mr. Mauro's interest in transportation has continued and he presently serves as member of the Board of PWA Corporation (Canadian Airlines International) and White Pass and Yukon System. He recently stepped down as Chairman of the Federal/Provincial Transportation Industry Advisory Committee and is presently Chairman of the Advisory Committee at The University of Manitoba Institute of Transportation.

His interests have not been confined to business alone. He was Chairman of the Winnipeg Community Chest, now the United Way, and a member of the Board of a number of community agencies. At present, he is a member of the Board of St. Boniface General Hospital and the Winnipeg Symphony; Chairman of the Winnipeg Art Gallery Foundation and Chairman, St. Paul's College.

Mr. Mauro's service to the Church was recognized by his appointment as a Knight of St. Gregory by Pope Paul VI; service to the University by the Award of the Distinguished Service Award in 1982; service to the community, at large, by the National Humanitarian Award of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews; and recently he has been named a member of the Order of Canada.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on Arthur V. Mauro, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

George Swinton

George Swinton, LL.D., June 2, 1987
George Swinton

I have the honour to present George Swinton.

As an artist, as a critic, as an author, and not by any means least, as a professor of both studio art and art history at this and other universities, he has made diverse and distinguished contributions to our national cultures and our national life that today, as his fellow Manitobans and members of this University, we are proud to recall and honour.

Mr. Swinton was born in Vienna, Austria and studied Economics and Political Science at the Hochschule fur Welthandel from 1936 to 1938. He came to Canada in 1939, and after serving throughout World War II in the Intelligence Corps of the Canadian Army, he completed his undergraduate work in economics at McGill University in 1946. During the war, however, his life-long interest in art had been awakened, and so he enrolled at the Montreal School of Art and Design, and, later, at the Art Students' League of New York. After this initial training, he moved through a variety of experiences, including Curator of the Saskatoon Art Centre, instructor in art at Smith College, Artist-in-Residence at Queen's University, and Assistant Chief of Industrial Design at the National Gallery of Canada, before coming to The University of Manitoba School of Art in 1954. He remained at The University of Manitoba until 1974, when much to our loss, he was appointed Professor of Art History at Carleton University. After having spent two months as visiting professor at the University of Leningrad in 1981, he returned to Carleton and remained there as an Artist-in-Residence and Adjunct Professor in Art History until his appointment as Professor Emeritus in 1985.

Mr. Swinton's paintings, prints,and drawings have been exhibited widely in Canada and the United States. He has had over thirty solo shows of his work, including two major retrospectives at the Winnipeg Art Gallery in 1960 and in 1968, and a major retrospective at Carleton University in 1982. His work has been included in six Montreal Spring Exhibitions, four Canadian Biennials, and in eight Winnipeg Biennials. His work is represented in the permanent collections of the National Gallery of Canada, the Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Beaverbrook Gallery, the Confederation Arts Centre, the Etherington Art Centre, the Glenbow Foundation, the Vancouver Art Gallery, and numerous other public and private collections.

Shortly after his arrival at The University of Manitoba in 1954, while on an arctic painting trip, Mr. Swinton developed an interest in Inuit Art. He recognized that many of the soapstone carvings being done in the North were valid works of art in their own right, and that while Eskimo artists were influenced by the cultures of English and French Canada, nonetheless their artistic perceptions and the sculptures that they produced were unique to their native culture. It is for his extensive writings on contemporary Inuit Art that Mr. Swinton is best known. He has presented numerous lectures and papers, and written well over a hundred articles for national and local periodicals. He has published two well known works on Inuit Art: Eskimo Sculpture in 1965, and Sculpture of the Eskimo in 1972. Some will say "because of", while others will say "in spite of", the scholarly excellence of these books, they have achieved an unlikely measure of popular success. The first spent some weeks on the Canadian best-seller list, while the second is in its third edition, and has been recently released in a fourth, paper-bound edition. Mr. Swinton's third book, Inuit Art in Change, is presently in manuscript, and is to be published in the near future by McClelland and Stewart. He is recognized internationally as the first authority on Inuit Art. Mr. Swinton's extensive archives, and his magnificent collection of Inuit Art is now part of the permanent collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, and will be on display in the fall of 1987.

Mr. Swinton has also served on numerous boards and committees; to name but a few, he was at various times the Canadian Universities representative at the UNESCO Conference on Films on Art, the Canadian Universities representative on the Canadian Centennial Commission in 1966/67, a member of the National Capital Commission's Advisory Committee on the Visual Arts, a member of the Winnipeg Art Gallery Board of Governors, and a member of the Ottawa School of Art Board of Directors.

Canada has recognized his outstanding achievements by awarding him the Centennial Medal in 1967, and by inducting him into the Order of Canada in 1979.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on George Swinton the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

The Honourable James Edward Wilson

The Honourable James Wilson, LL.D., June 2, 1987
The Honourable James Edward Wilson
M.B.E., CD., B.A., LL.B.

I have the honour to present the Honourable James Edward Wilson, M.B.E., CD., B.A., LL.B.

A proud and loyal alumnus of this University in Arts and Law, he has given, in times of war and of peace, in professional and public matters, outstanding service and leadership in the tradition of responsible citizenship that is such a notable part of the story of this University and its graduates in the life of our community.

Mr. Justice Wilson - universally, "Jimmy", to the many whom he has known and helped - was born in Winnipeg and grew up in the City's West End, attending local schools before coming to the University, where he was a leading figure in The Manitoban and other student activities.

His studies at the Manitoba Law School were interrupted by six years' distinguished military service with the Royal Canadian Artillery, first in the United Kingdom and then as an officer in campaigns in North-west Europe. Later, from 1956 to 1960, he was commanding officer of The University of Manitoba COTC.

On returning to Winnipeg, he received his Bachelor of Laws degree and was called to the Bar in 1946. In 1956, he was made Queen's Counsel, and in 1965 he was appointed a puisne judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, which he now continues to serve as a very active supernumerary judge.

The community and public services of Mr. Justice Wilson are legion. At various times he has been involved in the work of the Y.M.C.A., the Community Welfare Planning Council, and the Dominion Drama Festival, and he is or has been a member and chairman of the Misericordia Hospital council, a governor of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires Manitoba Division, chairman of the Westminster Foundation, president of the Manitoba Paraplegia Foundation, an officer of the Manitoba Medical Services Foundation, and a trustee of the Dafoe Foundation.

His outstanding contribution to the work of the Red Cross, begun in 1956 as honorary counsel to the Manitoba Division, has included two terms of service as President of the Canadian Red Cross Society and participation in various international activities and committees.

Particular mention should be made of the strong and continuing support given by Mr. Justice Wilson to education, in all its aspects. Before his appointment to the Bench, he was a member, and then chairman, of the Winnipeg School Board. He has been a lecturer in the Manitoba Law School, the Law Society's Bar Admission and continuing education programmes, and in courses of the Society of Industrial and Cost Accountants. He has been chairman of the Manitoba and Prairies Region selection committees of the Rhodes Scholarship Trust. Through the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, he has taken an active part in judicial and professional education, and in 1983 he organized two particularly important and influential conferences on the then quite recently adopted Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the proceedings of which were a valuable contribution to the early scholarly literature on the new constitution. He believes, and demonstrates in his own work, the worth of the dictum of Sir Walter Scott's Counsellor Pleydell, "A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, or mere working mason; if he professes some knowledge of these, he may venture to call himself an architect."

The judgments that Mr. Justice Wilson has delivered from the Bench, incisive and gracefully written, reflecting a deep knowledge of the law and a creative and principled approach to the solution of problems, have added significantly to Canadian jurisprudence. He has made a notable contribution to the administration of the business of the courts. However, it is perhaps in his conduct of trials that his perceptiveness, humanity, and sense of fairness most clearly show forth; court observers say that to watch Mr. Justice Wilson working with a jury is to see our system working at its best.

Sir Francis Bacon said, to lawyers but in words that apply to everyone who has been privileged to receive the benefit and opportunity conferred by higher education, "I hold every man a debtor to his profession; from the which, as men of course do seek to receive countenance and profit, so ought they of duty to endeavour themselves by way of amends, to be a help and ornament thereto." To that obligation and trust, Jimmy Wilson has been outstandingly faithful.

Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you now confer on James E. Wilson the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.


Isabel George Hutcheson Auld

Dr. Isabel Auld, LL.D., May 29, 1986
Dr. Isabel Auld
B.A., M.A.

I have the honour to present Dr. Isabel Auld, B.A., M.A., Doctor of Laws (Saskatchewan) and Chancellor of The University of Manitoba.

Dr. Auld is a distinguished daughter of the Canadian Prairies who earned first a Bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Saskatchewan and then a Master's degree in Genetics. As a gifted scholar she was awarded a National Research Council Scholarship which she took to McGill for a year of further graduate study before coming back west to take a position with the Canada Department of Agriculture's world famous "Rust Lab", located on the University of Manitoba campus. In 1941, she was a biotechnologist before the word was coined.

Dr. Auld's career as a scientist was brief. She married Murray Auld at a time when married women seldom worked and proceeded to build a life-long career of community volunteer work. She has used her analytical skills and creative energy unstintingly as an organizer of enterprises dedicated to improving the quality of life of her fellow citizens.

The calibre of her contributions to pro-active groups such as the Consumers Association of Canada and to governing bodies such as the Board of the Family Bureau of Winnipeg was recognized nationally when she was awarded a Canada Centennial Medal in 1967.

In 1968 Dr. Auld was appointed to a five-year term on the Board of Governors of the University of Manitoba, beginning what was to be become a long-term commitment. She served for four of those years as the Board's representative on the Senate and on its Executive gaining the respect of all senators for her balanced judgment and wholesome concern for all University constituents.

Dr. Auld extended her knowledge and understanding of the University across a wide community network where she commanded respect for her continuing work with the boards of social services ranging from the Middlechurch Home for the aged to Hargrave House, a residence for women. She became our unofficial agent of goodwill.

In 1977 the role was made official. Dr. Auld was appointed to her first of three terms as Chancellor of the University of Manitoba, our "chosen friend". As titular head of the University, she has made it her special mission to interpret to us the needs of the community which she knows so well through concurrent service on the Social Planning Council, the Board of the Health Sciences Centre and other agencies such as Canada World Youth. She is our eyes and ears on the world, but also a thoughtful mentor and an effective advocate.

With this Convocation, Dr. Auld will complete her ninth year as Chancellor of the University of Manitoba, a volunteer position which she has fulfilled with distinction and grace. As Chancellor, Dr. Auld's most visible responsibility has been to confer degrees and diplomas on all graduands of our more than 65 programs. That adds up to about 27,000 congratulatory handshakes, each of them delivered with warmth and sincerity. She has also been a dedicated member of the Board of Governors, its Executive Committee, Senate and related Committees. However it is her effectiveness as an Ambassador-at-large for the University, that has gained Isabel Auld the lasting respect and affection of all members of the university community, academics, administrators, and students alike.

Mr. Vice-Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask in the name of the Senate of the University of Manitoba, that you confer on Isabel Auld the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

Albert Breton

Monsieur le Chancelier,
J'ai le grand honneur de vous présenter le Professeur Albert Breton, bachelier es lettres et docteur en philosophie, mention économie, professeur à l'Université de Toronto.
Natif de la Saskatchewan, le docteur Breton fit ses premières études à Montmartre en Saskatchewan, et au College de Saint-Boniface, ou il obtint en 1951 son baccalauréats arts. Se destinant dès le début a une carrière universitaire, il enseigna, à tour de rôle, à l'Université de Montréal, à l'Université Carleton, à l'Université catholique de Louisiane, au "London School of Economics", et à l'Université Harvard. 11 fut nommé professeur d'économie à l'Université de Toronto en 1970, et en 1983, il fut professeur invite à l'Université de Perugia, en Italie.
Cette carrière de professeur distingue ne nous révèle pourtant qu'une des facettes de cet homme exceptionnel qu’est Albert Breton. Au-delà de sa compétence incontestée dans le monde universitaire, le professeur Breton a laissé une marque indélébile dans plusieurs autres domaines jusqu'ici. Sur le plan social, il fut associé, durant les années '50, à la vague libérale anti-duplessiste au Québec, et fut un
des collaborateurs, avec Pierre-Elliot Trudeau, Gerard Pelletier, Rene Levesque, et d'autres, à la revue Cite Libre, qui devait influencer et produire toute une génération de Québécois progressistes et réformistes.
Les conseils du professeur Breton furent sollicites par les hommes politiques pendant de nombreuses années. 11 fut nommé en effet conseiller principal du Premier Ministre du Canada en 1970, poste qu'il occupa jusqu'en 1979. Par la suite, il fut nommé vice-président du Comite de révision de la politique culturelle du Canada, comite préside par Messieurs Applebaum et Hebert, de 1979 à 1982. En 1982, il
fut nommé membre de la Commission royale d'enquête sur !'union économique et les possibilités de développement économique pour le Canada, communément appelée la Commission MacDonald. Le rapport de cette Commission d'enquête fut remis au Premier Ministre du Canada a la fin
de 1985 et influencera les politiques économiques et sociales de notre pays pour de nombreuses années.
Mais ce n'est pas uniquement le monde politique qui a sollicité les conseils du professeur Breton. En effet, des 1956, on le retrouvait Directeur de la recherche au Groupe de recherches sociales a Montréal, poste qu'il occupa jusqu'à 1965. Par la suite ii fut successivement membre du Comité sur l'économie urbaine pour la ville de New York (1972-1976), membre du Comité aviseur pour la recherche sur la comptabilisation des objectifs de I' Association nationale de la planification à Washington (1974-76); et, depuis 1974, ii est membre du Comité sur la politique économique canadienne de l'Institut C.D. Howe.
Du cote des arts et d~ la culture, outre sa participation au comité Applebaum-Hebert, le professeur Breton a siège comme membre du Conseil d'administration de l'École du théâtre national du Canada a Montréal de 1981 à 1984.
Mais au-delà de sa contribution à la formulation des politiques gouvernementales, au-delà de sa préoccupation de l'épanouissement de la culture au Canada, au-delà de sa carrière exceptionnelle comme éducateur, c'est comme académicien et universitaire que le professeur Breton s'est distingué durant toute sa vie. En plus d 'avoir enseigne dans les plus grandes universités canadiennes, le professeur Breton a effectué de nombreuses recherches dans son domaine de spécialisation, l'économie, ainsi que sur plusieurs autres sujets, notamment le fédéralisme, le bilinguisme et la bureaucratie.
Le College de Saint-Boniface et l'Université du Manitoba ne sont pas les premiers à honorer notre éminent invite. En effet, le professeur Breton est membre de la Société royale du Canada depuis 1976 et, en 1984, ii a été reçu officier de l'Ordre du Canada.
Au nom du Senat de l'Université du Manitoba, je vous prie, Monsieur le Chancelier, de décerner un Doctorat en Droit (honoris causa) au professeur Albert Breton.
le 4 juin 1986
A. Naimark
Université du Manitoba

David Aaron Golden

David Golden, LL.D., May 29, 1986
David Aaron Golden
O.C., LL.B., LL.D. (Carleton)

I have the honour to present David Aaron Golden, O.C., LL.B., LL.D. (Carleton).

In the practice of his profession, in public administration, in the fostering of the growth and application of technology, in industrial policy development and by no means least in university and professional education, he had made diverse and distinguished contributions to our national life that today, as his fellow Manitobans and members of this University, we are proud to recall and honour.

Mr. Golden was born in Sinclair, Manitoba, and, after his family moved to Winnipeg, he received his education at Machray School, St. John's High School, The University of Manitoba, and the Manitoba Law School. He graduated from the Law School in 1940, with the Alexander Morris Exhibition for best overall performance in the degree programme, and was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship. He did not, however, proceed immediately to Oxford. Instead, he enlisted in the Winnipeg Grenadiers, first battalion, and in 1941, in the fall of Hong Kong, became for four years a prisoner of war. On being discharged from the Army with the rank of captain, he was admitted a solicitor and called to the Bar of Manitoba. After a year reading Jurisprudence at Queen's College, Oxford, under his long deferred Rhodes Scholarship, he came back to Winnipeg and entered into practice with the (then) Mr. Samuel Freedman in a partnership that continued for what Chief Justice Freedman later recalled as "six and a half glorious years".

During that period, Mr. Golden performed a public service which is still gratefully remembered by law students of the time. There were not enough places available for all those students, including many returned from the war, in the law offices where those who wanted to become lawyers had then to serve under articles concurrent with their lectures for four years. Mr. Golden, who was lecturing in the Law School, developed for those without offices a special course to teach the practical side of law that was recognized by the Law Society as fulfilling the purpose of articles, and many students took his programme of practice classes at the Law School until articling places opened up for them. It was a remarkable and pioneering venture in professional training.

In 1952, when Mr. Freedman was appointed to the Court of Queen's Bench, Mr. Golden accepted appointment as Director of the Legal Branch of the Department of Defence Production. This was the beginning of a remarkable career in the Canadian public service, which later included the following positions: Assistant Deputy Minister and General Counsel, Department of Defence Production, 1951-1954; Deputy Minister, Department of Defence Production, (at age 34!) 1954-1962; President of the North Ontario Pipeline Crown Corporation, 1956-1962; Deputy Minister, Department of Industry, 1963-1964.

From 1964-1969, he was President of the Air Industries Association of Canada. He has also served as a director of a number of leading Canadian business corporations and on the Conference Board of Canada.

In 1969, the Prime Minister announced the appointment of Mr. Golden as President of Telesat Canada, just then brought into being as a new tripartite venture of government, private industry and public shareholders, to pursue the exciting new possibilities of distant communications opened up by modern technology. He is now Chairman of that corporation.

From 1960 to 1969, Mr. Golden was a member of the Board of Governors of Carleton University, from which he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws in 1975.

In 1965, his fellow graduates of this University presented him with the Alumni Jubilee Award. In 1977, he was made an officer of the Order of Canada.

Madam Chancellor, it is my privilege to ask, in the name of the Senate of the University of Manitoba, that you now confer on David Golden the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

Margaret W. Laurence

Margaret W. Laurence, LL.D., May 27, 1986
Margaret W. Laurence

I have the honour to present Dr. Margaret W. Laurence, B.A., University of Manitoba, (United College).

Dr. Laurence a native of Manitoba and a graduate of United College (then an affiliated college of the University of Manitoba and now the University of Winnipeg), has distinguished herself as one of Canada's most accomplished writers. Beginning in 1960 with This Side Jordan, she has written fourteen books, the most famous being the novels set in rural Manitoba, the Manawaka series. Each of these books - The Stone Angel (1964), A Jest of God (1966), The Fire Dwellers (1969), A Bird in the House (1970), The Diviners (1974) - has enhanced that world and brought to us an acute sense of life on the prairies. Among an impressive list, the first in the series, The Stone Angel, and the last of the Manawaka books, The Diviners, have been particularly distinguished in the intensity of their perceptions, the richness of their language, and the depth of their compassion.

Dr. Laurence began writing as a young girl, Margaret Wemyss, in Neepawa, and had the good fortune of a literary stepmother and an excellent teacher, who soon recognized her qualities and encouraged her. Years later, as a winner of a Governor-General's Medal, she enrolled in English at United College, where she found further inspiration and support. What she learned from the outset has marked her writing since: an exacting eye for details, and a profoundly moving sense of human dignity. She, like the prairie novelist Sinclair Ross, who greatly affected her, has a gift of expressing understated emotions and of endowing her characters with qualities that bring them into our lives. More than any other writer she has been able to express the intense need of those who do not easily speak of such things but who long to shed their reticence. There is a moving scene in The Stone Angel when Marvin, son of Hagar Shipley, who tells the story, hangs on the door wanting her blessing:

When Marvin came to say good-bye, it only struck me then how young he was, still awkward, still with the sun-burned neck of a farm boy. I didn’t know what to say to him. I wanted to beg him to look after himself, to be careful, as one warns children against snowdrfts or thin ice or the hooves of horses, feeling the flimsy words may act as some kind of charm against disaster. I wanted all at once to hold him tightly, plead with him, against all reason and reality, not to go. But I did not want to embarrass both of us.
"Mother --"
"Yes?" And then I realized I was waiting with a kind of anxious hope for what he would say, waiting for him to make himself known to me.
But he was never a quick thinker, Marvin. Words would not come to his bidding, and so the moment eluded us both. He turned and put his hand on the doorknob.
"Well, so long," he said. "I'll be seeing you."

The list of Dr. Laurence's honours would take some time to review, and can only be summarized briefly here. She has received thirteen honorary degrees from distinguished universities across Canada since the first award at her alma mater in 1966. She has been accorded the Beta Sigma Phi First Novel Award; Companion, the Order of Canada; the Molson Award; Woman of the Year Award from B'Nai B'rith; City of Toronto Award of Merit; and twice the Governor-General's Award for fiction - for A Jest of God and for The Diviners. There have been many other signs of recognition. Dr. Laurence has been interviewed frequently and cited widely; she has appeared often across Canada to give readings and talks; her work is studied at universities in Canada and elsewhere; she has been the subject of dozens of books, articles, and special issues of scholarly journals, and of at least one film, First Lady of Manawaka.

It is especially fitting that Dr. Laurence should receive from the University of Manitoba the first Doctor of Laws ever awarded to a writer. Her life and work have taken her away from the prairies to the Somaliland and the Gold Coast, to Vancouver and London, and for the past sixteen years, to Ontario, where she writes, participates in social and political causes, and serves as Chancellor of Trent University. But her travels have never taken her spiritually out of the prairies. She writes of our world with a passion and a poignancy that astonishes. But she works, always, out of her deep concern for people everywhere. As a writer she has shown the way for Canadian literature. As a citizen — generous, humble in ways that can only silence us, aware, committed to making a world of decency and fairness and richness for all people - she has shown the way to live in full humanity. That abiding humanity informs her own writing, enlarging our lives and inviting us to be what we are and what in our best selves we want to be. In the rightness of her words, the reach of her vision, the power of her caring, we surely are gifted. For she, surely, is one of our diviners.

Madam Chancellor, I am deeply privileged and honoured to ask, on behalf of the Senate at the University of Manitoba, that you confer on Margaret Laurence, the degree of Doctor of Law, honoris causa.

Alexander Gordon McKay

Alexander McKay, LL.D., May 27, 1986
Alexander Gordon McKay
 B.A. (Hons.), Toronto, M.A. (Yale), A.M., Ph.D. (Princeton)

I have the honour to present Alexander Gordon McKay, B.A. (Hons.), Toronto, M.A. (Yale), A.M., Ph.D. (Princeton), President of the Royal Society of Canada.

Dr. McKay was educated at Upper Canada College and at Trinity College, University of Toronto, where he embarked on what was to be a lifelong study of the classical, and especially the Roman, world. His graduate work, at Yale and Princeton Universities, was in classical philology, and his early distinction was recognized through the award to him of the Martin Kellogg Fellowship at Yale, and of Woodrow Wilson and University Fellowships at Princeton.

After completing his doctorate in 1950, Dr. McKay held a number of positions: at the University of Pennsylvania, Mount Allison University, Waterloo College of the University of Western Ontario, and twice, from 1951-52 and from 1955-57 at The University of Manitoba. Since 1957 he has been a member of the Department of Classics at McMaster University, where he has also served as Chairman of the Department from 1962 to 1968, and as founding Dean of the Faculty of Humanities from 1968 to 1973.

Dr. McKay's interests have spread across the spectrum of classical studies: dramatic arts, poetry, satire, archeology, numismatics, architecture, to all of which he has contributed of his learning and wisdom. His publication list - books, contributions to books, journal articles and book reviews - is long and distinguished. Among his major works are Naples and Campania (1962), Vergil's Italy (1970), Ancient Campania, 2 volumes (1972), Houses, Villas and Palaces in the Roman World (1975) and Vitruvius, Architect and Engineer (1978).

A man of great energy, Dr. McKay has served or is serving on numerous committees of the American Philological Association, the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, the Canada Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the National Library of Canada, and the Vergilian Society. He has been a contributing editor of The Classical World and of Vergilius and honorary editor of the Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. He was president of the Vergilian Society from 1972 to 1974, and of the Classical Association of Canada from 1978 to 1980.

Dr. McKay's interests transcend the already broad boundaries of the classical world. He has taken part in theatrical productions; he lists 'pianoforte' among his recreations; he has been president of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, and he is the author of Victorian Architecture in Hamilton.

Over the years many people have enjoyed Dr. McKay's lectures at the Vergilian Society's Classical Summer School, Cumae, Italy. It is most apt that among his many honours, too numerous to detail here, is a Merit Award for Distinguished Teaching, of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Dr. McKay was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1965, was awarded the Silver Jubilee Medal in 1977, the Centennial Medal of the Royal Society of Canada in 1982, and an Isaac Walton Killam Senior Fellowship in 1979. He was a Visiting Member of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton in 1979 and 1981. In 1984, Dr. McKay became President of the Royal Society of Canada.

During his career, Dr. McKay has exemplified the dual calling of the academic, and has distinguished himself both in teaching and in scholarly research. His broad range of activities has extended even further, to academic administration and to public service. Indeed, if it is not a paradox to say this about a classicist, he is a real renaissance man!

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you confer upon Alexander Gordon McKay the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

Sylvia Ostry

Sylvia Ostry, LL.D., May 27, 1986
Dr. Sylvia Ostry
B.A.(Hons), M.A., Ph.D. (McGill University)

I have the honour to present Dr. Sylvia Ostry, B.A.(Hons), M.A., Ph.D. (McGill University).

Sylvia Ostry was born in Winnipeg and began her post-secondary education at this University. However, after a year in medicine, she abandoned both University and that discipline, going on to do undergraduate and graduate degrees in Economics at McGill University in Montreal. In 1954 she was awarded her Ph.D. degree for a dissertation entitled "The Development of Countries of Arrested Economic Development: The First Indian Five Year Plan 1950-54."

At first, it seemed that an academic career might result. Lecturing at Sir George Williams was followed by positions at McGill, Carleton, and the University of Montreal, and the first of a long and continuing series of publications began to appear. Once again, however, a change occurred, and in 1964 Dr. Ostry entered the Federal Civil Service. Her first position on the road to what was to be a distinguished career in Ottawa was Assistant Director for Research in the Labour Division of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. She remained with the Bureau until 1969 when she became Director of the Economic Council of Canada, directing research into Canada's medium term economic future. There then followed a period as the nation's Chief Statistician, and in 1975 a three year term as Deputy Minister for Consumer and Corporate Affairs. In 1978 she was made Chairperson of the Economic Council of Canada.

At this point in Dr. Ostry's career, a wider stage beckoned. From 1979-83, she was in Paris where she served the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development as Head of the Department of Economics and Statistics. This stint over, she returned to Ottawa to become Deputy Minister in charge of International Economic Relations.

Currently Dr. Ostry is Deputy Minister for Multilateral Trade Negotiations and the Prime Minister's Personal Representative for the Economic Summit.

Dr. Ostry's standing has been widely recognized. She has been awarded honourary degrees by many of our sister Universities. She has been further honoured by being made an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Madam Chancellor, I ask in the name of the Senate of the University of Manitoba that you confer on Sylvia Ostry the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa.


Joyce L. Beare-Rogers

Joyce Beare-Rogers, D.Sc., May 29, 1985
Joyce Louis Beare-Rogers
B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

I have the honour to present Joyce Louise Beare-Rogers, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, a dedicated and distinguished scientist and a model to anyone who is considering, or who has already embarked on, a career in research and scholarship.

Joyce Beare-Rogers was born at Markham, Ontario. She took her elementary education at Cedar Grove Public School, a one room country school near Markham, and her secondary schooling at Markham High School. Following high school she enrolled at the University of Toronto where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Science and a Master of Arts in Nutrition. It was during the two years as a candidate for a Master's degree in the Department of Nutrition that she came under the influence of Earle Willard McHenry, the internationally renowned nutritional scientist. The two years were to have a profound effect on her growth, development and career as a scientist.

Dr. Beare-Rogers began her career as an instructor in physiology at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. After only two years, however, she left what Lucien Price termed "the complacent paddocks of academia" to take a position as chemist in what was then the Food and Drug Directorate and is now the Health Protection Branch in the Department of Health and Welfare. She has spent nearly thirty years with the Branch, and since 1975 she has been Chief of the Nutrition Research Division.

Joyce Beare-Rogers is not one who takes easily to complacency. Shortly after joining the research group in the Food and Drug Directorate, she commenced study towards a Ph.D. degree at Carlton University. The arrangement she negotiated with Carlton reflects the tremendous trust she commands. Carlton not only permitted her to undertake doctoral study while working full time at Health and Welfare, but the University appointed Dr. Morris Katz, who was then a biochemist with the National Research Council in Ottawa, as an adjunct professor for the express purpose of directing her Ph.D. study. These events came full circle in 1980 when the University of Ottawa appointed Dr. Beare-Rogers as an adjunct professor in the Department of Biochemistry; Dr. Katz is Head of the Department.

Joyce Beare-Rogers has achieved international recognition for her contribution to the understanding of the biochemistry and nutritional properties of dietary fats and oils. Of particular note is her outstanding contribution to our knowledge of the nutritional properties of rapeseed and canola oil. The oil from rapeseed, the progenitor of canola, differs from other edible vegetable oils in that it contains the fatty acid, erucic acid, the ingestion of which induces cardiac changes in some animal species. Dr. Beare-Rogers contributed some of the earliest nutritional data pointing to the possible deleterious effects of this fatty acid, thus laying the scientific justification for the development of the low erucic acid variety, canola. Plant scientists at The University of Manitoba played a major role in the development of canola, a crop that has contributed enormously to the stability of Agriculture in Manitoba and Western Canada. Dr. Joyce Beare-Rogers has also made significant contributions to research: on the nutritional and biochemical effects of long chain fatty acids, like erucic acid; on the chemistry and metabolism of processed fats and oils; and on fat metabolism in heart muscle.

In her capacity as a scientist and an administrator in the Department of Health and Welfare, Dr. Beare-Rogers has had a strong influence on the safety and regulation of fats and oils for consumption by Canadians. She was responsible for an analytical survey on the composition of margarines available in Canada and for setting-up two expert committees: one that reported on diet and cardiovascular disease; and the other that reported on the composition of special margarines. Both reports have had a major impact on dietary recommendations in Canada, particularly with respect to dietary fat.

Dr. Joyce Beare-Rogers has been honoured on several occasions for her contributions to lipid biochemistry and to nutrition. In November of last year, she was presented with the 1984 Médaille Chevreul by l'association francaise pour l'êtude des corps gras. She is the first woman and the first Canadian to receive this award in the twenty-three years it has been awarded. Earlier this month she was installed as President of the American Association of Oil Chemists. She is the first woman and the first member from outside the United States to head this organization.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask in the name of Senate, that you confer upon Joyce Louise Beare-Rogers, the degree of Doctor of Laws (sic), honoris causa.

Pierre Bois

Pierre Bois, D.Sc., October 24, 1985
Dr. Pierre Bois

I have the honour to present Dr. Pierre Bois, President of the Medical Research Council of Canada.

Dr. Bois was born at Oka, Quebec. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from L'Universite Laval in 1948 and attended L'Universite de Montreal where he received his M.D. in 1953 and his Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Medicine in 1957 under Dr. Hans Selye. Following a year as a Fellow of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada, Dr. Bois was named Assistant Professor in the Department of Histology and Embryology at the University of Ottawa. In 1960 he joined the Department of Pharmacology at the University in Montreal where he was Assistant and then Associate Professor until 1964, when he became Professor and Head of Anatomy, a position he held for six years prior to becoming Dean of the Faculty.

As an investigator Dr. Bois studied the endocrinology of stress and the function of mast cells and has contributed over a hundred publications to the scientific literature. He is a member of the Royal Society of Canada.

Dr. Bois served as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at L'Universite de Montreal for eleven years. Under his leadership, research grew and the undergraduate medical curriculum underwent many changes. He presided over a difficult transitional period in Canadian Medicine and won the respect and admiration of students and faculty.

During his tenure as Dean, Dr. Bois provided national leadership through the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges, the research community and many professional and Government appointments.

Since 1981 he has been President of the Medical Research Council of Canada where his leadership is evident in the Medical Research Council five-year plan and the growing financial support of Government.

Dr. Bois is both a scholar and leader of Canadian Medicine.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Pierre Bois the Degree of Doctor of Science (honoris causa).

Samuel Delbert Clark

Samuel Delbert Clark, LL.D., May 29, 1985
Samuel Delbert Clark

It is an honour for me and a special pleasure to present to you Professor Samuel Delbert Clark, originally from Western Canada, subsequently a truly all Canadian intellectual and, indeed, genuine international figure - A scholar, teacher and administrator of the foremost rank.

Professor Clark was born in Lloydminister, Alberta. He took his first degree and his M.A. in History at Saskatchewan, where his mentors were people like A. S. Morton, Hilda Neatley, George Simpson and McGreggor Dawson; an M.A. in Sociology at McGill, with Carl Dawson; a year at the London School of Economics in close association with Laski and Tawney; and his Ph.D. in Political Science at Toronto with H. A. Innis and A. Brady. After teaching Political Science for a year here at the University of Manitoba he was invited back to the University of Toronto where he remained on the faculty from 1938 to 1976, a period of almost 40 years, the last six, as Head of the Sociology Department. Over the whole period, he produced a constant flow of significant and widely celebrated books, articles and lectures. Of his books the best known are Church and Sect in Canada, 1944 (now regarded as a classic) Movements of Political Protest in Canada 1959, (a 10-volume work) Developing Canadian Community, 1961 and Canadian Society in Historical Perspective 1976.

In addition to teaching, publication and administration, Professor Clark has been President of the Humanities & Social Science Section of the Royal Society of Canada and received the Tyrrell Medal of that august body. He has been made Honourary President of the Canadian Sociology & Anthropology Association. He is an officer of the Order of Canada.

Internationally, Professor Clark has been a Guggenheim Fellow, a Foreign Honourary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies at the University of Edinburgh ("not exceptional for one named Clark" you may say, but then also) Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Tsukuba, Japan.

Professor Clark's contributions to scholarship, to academic life, to the Community of Canada and, in some measure to the international academic community has been not only significant Madam Chancellor, but also unique. They are significant in that they have established in Canada the respectability of Sociology in the company of the traditionally more prestigious disciplines of Political Economy and History. This fact has been attested to by people no less than the late E. C. Hughes who called Professor Clark's work "a gold mine of hypotheses on Canadian Society" and our own late and fondly remembered W. L. Morton who said that Professor Clark always dealt with the big issues of Canadian Society. Also they are significant in that they led in the recognition and analysis of problems that subsequently came to the forefront of social thought: - Political Protest, the Changing Aspect of Religion, Ethnic Relations, The Urban Poor.

Professor Clark and his contributions are unique Madam Chancellor, in that no other social scientist spans so comprehensively and consistently the history of the development of his discipline in Canada. He is unique too, in that no other of his stature has been able to bridge so effectively the gap between Empiricism and Humanistic Interpretation. He has been said to be, if not the Father, certainly the Dean of Sociology in Canada. It is a distinction the relative merits of which I would not risk evaluating here today.

The Universities of Calgary, St. Mary's, Dalhousie, Lakehead and Western Ontario have already conferred upon him honourary degrees and, in like manner, I now respectfully request Madam Chancellor, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you confer upon Samuel Delbert Clark the degree of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa.

Carl Djerassi

Carl Djerassi, D.Sc., May 29, 1985
Carl Djerassi

I have the honour to present Carl Djerassi, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University and Chairman of the Board of Zoecon Corporation and a very distinguished scientist whose many achievements sweep across academic, industrial and political boundaries.

Dr. Djerassi was born in Vienna, Austria, emigrating to the United States as a teenager in 1939. He attended Kenyon College in Ohio, graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 1942. After a short stay as research chemist at Ciba Pharmaceutical Co., he returned to university, attending the University of Wisconsin where he obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry in two years in 1945.

Early in his professional career, Dr. Djerassi became directly involved in the research and development of important new drug entities which have had considerable impact on societal and health problems. He has also been directly responsible for major advances in analytical methodologies which have helped change the course of organic chemistry.

Dr. Djerassi is best known as the inventor of the "birth control pill". In 1951 as head of the research team at Syntex Corporation, he accomplished the synthesis of "norethindrone", which became the principal active ingredient of the first successful oral contraceptive.

About the same time, the same Djerassi research team in a race with other researchers around the world was the first to develop a new relatively simple practical synthesis of another vitally important steroid, "cortisone". The synthesis made possible the production of cortisone in sufficiently large amounts to be of practical use in alleviating the distressing symptoms of arthritis, a widespread chronic disease.

Among his contributions to the development of a variety of analytical techniques for the structural analysis of organic compounds, Dr. Djerassi in the early 1960's started the development of mass spectrometry putting it on a firm comprehensive theoretical basis. His work on mass spectrometry was crucial in making available a technique which is now one of the most widely used physical methods of analysis in organic chemistry.

His current research interests focus on the development of natural products from marine organisms and on the application of computer artificial intelligence techniques to chemical problems.

Dr. Djerassi has long been concerned with lessening the technological and economic gap between the rich and poor countries and in upgrading science in lesser-developed nations. For over a decade he was a member and later Chairman of the U.S. National Academy of Science's Board on Science and Technology for International Development. He has also participated for many years in the Canadian-sponsored Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. His proposals in these forums have helped spur the formation of advanced research institutes in Mexico, Brazil and Africa.

Besides the more than 1000 articles published on his varied research accomplishments, Dr. Djerassi has also authored or co-authored seven comprehensive scientific books. It is significant that for the period 1961-1976 Dr. Djerassi was the most cited organic chemist in the world.

Dr. Djerassi's fervor for scientific things carry over into his avocations: attending every performance of the San Francisco Opera, skiing in spite of a fused knee, and collecting primitive and modern art.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honor and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Carl Djerassi, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

Gordon M. MacNabb

Gordon M. MacNabb, D.Sc., October 24, 1985
Gordon Murray MacNabb

I have the honour to present Gordon Murray MacNabb, a distinguished engineer and civil servant, and currently the President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. NSERC, as it is known to academic scientists and engineers across the country, is the largest sponsor of research in the country, and as such, its welfare is of tremendous importance to those of us with laboratories to run and research to do.

Gordon MacNabb was educated as a civil engineer at Queen's University and on graduation in 1954 he began a career in hydraulic and hydro-electric planning, particularly in connection with the Columbia River, In due course he rose to become the senior engineering adviser to the federal government during the negotiation of the Columbia River Treaty with the United States. He still retains an interest in the Columbia River, as chairman of the Canadian Section of the Columbia River Treaty Engineering Board.

However, in 1967 Gordon MacNabb became Assistant Deputy Minister of the federal Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, and in 1975 he became its Deputy Minister. Those of you who are fans of the television series "Yes, Minister," will have a good idea of the problems facing a Deputy Minister, and of the skill and diplomacy needed for the proper performance of a Deputy Minister's duties.

In 1978, the government carried out a major reorganization of the way it was supporting scientific research in Canada, and one of the more important changes was the creation of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. NSERC is a crown corporation specifically charged with fostering research in engineering and the natural sciences in Canada. When NSERC was formed, Gordob MacNabb was appointed its first president, a position he still holds today.

Under Mr. MacNabb's direction NSERC has flourished, First, a five-year plan was prepared and presented to the government and to the research community of the country. The plan made clear that Mr. MacNabb was determined to ensure that all interested and qualified Canadians would be able to pursue graduate training in well-equipped laboratories. The plan was impressive, and since 1979 NSERC has been able to offer more postgraduate scholarships, increased grant funding, and more research equipment for the operation of our university laboratories. Every year, close to 20,000 people benefit, directly or indirectly, from the grants and scholarship programs of NSERC.

If Canada is to prosper, it is essential that all of its talented researchers - the pure and the applied, the academic and industrial - must be able to co-operate and communicate. Under the presidency of Gordon MacNabb, NSERC has recognized this necessity, and has begun a wide variety of new programs aimed at fostering this communication in important modern fields like microelectronics, biotechnology, food and agriculture, new materials, and oceans, among others.

In 1978, when Mr. MacNabb was appointed to the presidency of NSERC, alarm bells rang in laboratories across the country. "Who?" we asked. "A civil servant?" "Somebody without a research background?" But long ago those concerns disappeared as Mr. MacNabb rapidly earned the respect and confidence of our country's researchers. Not only has he made it clear that he understands the needs of researchers, but he has also been brilliantly successful in interpreting those needs to politicians of all parties in Ottawa.

As president of NSERC, he has been exceptionally successful in competing for government funding and in presiding over its fair distribution to university members - students and faculty members, This is not a widely publicized activity, but it is an activity that does much to ensure our brilliant young scientists and engineers can develop their talents; it is an activity that makes it possible for Canadian researchers to do world class work in their laboratories; and it is an activity that is essential to the well-being of Canada in the modern world.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Gordon Murray MacNabb the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

Cecil G. Sheps

Cecil George Sheps, D.Sc., May 29, 1985
Dr. Cecil George Sheps
M.D., M.P.H.

I have the honour to present Dr. Cecil George Sheps, M.D., M.P.H., presently Taylor Grandy Distinguished Professor of Social Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Dr. Sheps was born in Winnipeg and received his high school education at St. John's High School in the North End, the background of many Canadian leading medical educators and scientists. He obtained his M.D. degree from this University in 1936 and, following internship and residency training and four years of urban and rural practice and service in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, he joined the Department of Public Health, Province of Saskatchewan in 1944. During the years 1946-48 he played a major role in the early developments that led to universal hospital insurance in that Province, a program that was extended in due course to all other provinces. Dr. Sheps is recognized as one of the "founders" of our Canadian health care system.

Dr. Sheps proceeded to formal training in public health, receiving his M.P.H. from Yale University in 1947. He then joined the School of Public Health at Chapel Hill where he became Research Professor of Health Planning, the first individual in the United States to hold such a title and establishing him as a pioneer in the study of the organization of health services. His books and articles during this period focused on hospitals, not only as institutions that care for the sick, but as centers that have a responsibility for the health of the community that they serve.

When Dr. Sheps left Chapel Hill to become Director of a teaching hospital in Boston in 1953 his research and writing continued to focus on the need for an expanded role of the hospital and on the need for changes in the pattern of medical care and methods of paying for it. These interests continued when he Left Boston in 1960 to join the University of Pittsburgh as Professor of Medical and Hospital Administration, and his publications throughout this period continue to identify issues and problems in health care many years before they became the subject of public policy and debate.

In 1968, he returned to Chapel Hill where he established and directed its Health Services Research Center until he became Vice Chancellor for Health Services in 1971. After six years in that position he returned to full time academic responsibilities as Taylor Grandy Distinguished Professor of Social Medicine. This era of his professional career was characterized by extensive writing on the future of education in public health,and on the role of academic medical centers culminating in his book The Sick Citadel: The American Academic Medical Center and the Public Interest.

Common elements in his nearly 150 articles and books have been his extraordinary vision, his sensitivity to changing social and economic circumstances in North America and the rest of the world, and his concern that established institutions respond to the health care needs of the population. It is these qualities that have earned his international reputation as a pre-eminent scholar, researcher, and spokesman for the field of public health.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask in the name of the Senate that you confer upon Dr. Cecil George Sheps the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

Father Gilles Laine

Father Gilles Laine

Citation not available.


Celeste Muller

Madame le Chancelier:
II me fait énormément plaisir de vous présenter Monsieur Celeste Muller, éducateur bien connu au Manitoba.

Né à Saint-Boniface en 1901, Monsieur Muller fit des études primaires à l'école Provencher. II compléta des études classiques au College de Saint-Boniface et obtint un baccalauréats Arts en 1922. L'année suivante, après l'obtention d'un brevet d'enseignement, il entreprenait une tongue carrière en éducation. II est tour à tour directeur d'école à Saint-Claude, directeur d'école des garçons à
Saint-Norbert puis directeur-adjoint à l'Institut collégial de Transcona. En 1936, à la suite de treize années en enseignement, le Ministre de l'Education l'embauche en qualité d'inspecteur d'écoles. Monsieur Muller exerce cette fonction pendant vingt-quatre ans, prodiguant, conseils et encouragements a des milliers de professeurs dans la province. Tout en agissant comme agent de liaison pour le ministère de l'Education, il s'acquitte de façon admirable de ses responsabilités administratives supplémentaires auprès de plusieurs commissions.

En 1960, Monsieur Muller accepte le poste de directeur des services spéciaux au sein du ministère de l'Education; la tache • qui lui incombe est la planification et la direction des services éducatifs pour les élèves handicappes de la province. De plus, ii prend sous sa tutelle les écoles isolées du Nord afin d'en rehausser la qualité des services offerts. II occupera le poste de directeur des services spéciaux jusqu’à sa retraite de la fonction publique en 1967.

Monsieur Muller ne profite pas de la retraite officielle pour se désintéresser de la cause de l'éducation. Ainsi, ii accepte d'exercer bénévolement la fonction de directeur général des écoles confessionnelles pendant une dizaine d'années. Durant cette période, il ajoute un rôle important en tant que conseiller auprès de l'École des sourds-muets, de la Société d'aide à l'enfance, du Senat des prêtres du diocèse de Saint-Boniface, et du service des repas a domicile.

Au cours des années ii a participé à de nombreux organismes au sein du ministère de l'Education. Entre autres, ii a été membre du Conseil consultatif, membre du Comité de discipline, president et secrétaire de I' Association des inspecteurs du Manitoba. II a siégé au Conseil d'éducation et de I' Association pour jeunes handicappes de la section de Winnipeg et de la section du Manitoba. De plus, ii a été membre du Conseil consultatif de l'Unité sanitaire de Saint-Boniface, membre du Conseil d'administration de l'Hôpital de Saint-Boniface, ainsi que president de I' Association des Anciens du College de Saint-Boniface.

Monsieur Muller a joué une rôle prépondérant au sein de divers organismes de l'Église catholique. II a été president de la Corporation catholique de la maison de retraite Villa Maria, du Conseil d'administration de la paroisse St. John Fisher et du Congrès national des retraites fermées. Fondateur du Conseil des Chevaliers de Colomb de Saint-Boniface, ii en a été le Grand chevalier. En outre, il a siégé au Conseil presbytéral du diocèse de Saint-Boniface et il a été secrétaire de la Conference des évêques au Manitoba.

En 1962, le pape Jean XXIII lui décerna le titre de Chevalier de l'Ordre de Saint-Grégoire et, en 1968, ii est récipiendaire de la médaille du centenaire du Canada.
Au nom du Senat de l'Université du Manitoba, je vous prie donne, Madame le Chancelier, de décerner un doctorat en droit (honoris causa) à Monsieur Celeste Muller.
le 5 juin 1984
A. Naimark

James Kenneth Pulfer

James Kenneth Pulfer, D.Sc., May 30, 1984
James Kenneth Pulfer

I have the honor to present James Kenneth (Ken) Pulfer, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Master of Science, Senior Vice President of the National Research Council of Canada and a very distinguished engineer and Canadian.

Mr. Pulfer was born in Winnipeg. He received his education at the University of Manitoba, graduating in 1953 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, and a gold medal, followed by a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering in 1955.

Upon graduation, he joined the National Research Council, Radio and Electrical Division as research officer. During his early career years he had been involved in a number of research and development projects linked with national defense in microwaves, radar, antennas and solid state electronics. He later extended his interest to the field of man-machine communications.

In 1972, he became an active chief of the Computation Centre at the National Research Council with an overall responsibility for all aspects of scientific computing, from investigations of efficiency and performance of large time sharing machines, to contributions to long term NRC policies in the scientific computing field.

Between 1973 and 1975, Mr. Pulfer was seconded to the Treasury Board Secretariate as program analyst, becoming responsible for the resource budgets of the Department of Communications, the Canadian Telecommunications Corporation, the Government Telecommunications Agency and for the Treasury Board interface with Telesat Corporation.

In 1975 Mr. Pulfer returned to NRC as Director of the Electrical Engineering Division. In that capacity he developed objectives and priorities to reorient the divisional efforts towards the solution of long term problems of national concern with particular emphasis on transfer of technology from laboratory to industry.

In 1979 he became Executive Director of interlaboratory programs. He developed and implemented plans to complete the network of laboratories across the country with the objective to develop national competence in science and technology.

In 1981, Mr. Pulfer became Vice President of Laboratories. Under his leadership plans were developed for the establishment of the Institute of Manufacturing Technology in Winnipeg, the Biotechnology Institutes in Montreal and Saskatoon, and the proposed Institute for Microscience.

In 1983, Mr. Pulfer was appointed Senior Vice President of NRC.

Besides his engineering interests, Ken is also a linguist, not only does he speak fluent English and French, but also Russian, Portugese, Spanish, Chinese, and at the moment, is studying Hungarian in anticipation of a trip to Hungary. He is generally noted for his ability to learn fast.

"One summer he decided to teach himself how to play the violin. He learned so quickly and so well that his neighbours asked if the violin music they were hearing was from a radio station or recorded music."

Mr. Pulfer is the author of numerous technical publications and many major reports addressing mostly National policies relating to Industrial strategies.

He is married to Rolande, a French Canadian from Ontario. Their daughter, Suzanne, is a graduate in Arts who majored in Maths and Computer Science. Their son, Charlie, graduated in Commerce, while the youngest, Jim, is following his father's career, and is an undergraduate in Engineering.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honor and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon James Kenneth Pulfer, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

Justice John Roman Solomon

John Solomon, LL.D., October 25, 1984
Honourable Mr. John Roman Solomon

I have the honour to present the Honourable Mr. John Roman Solomon, LL.B., Q.C., D.C.I. (St. Andrew's College).

Mr. Solomon is a distinguished alumnus of this University who has had a lifelong commitment of serving the Canadian people, Canadian institutions and the community, marking him as a conscientious and dedicated Canadian.

Born on a homestead in Zoria, Manitoba, Mr. Solomon graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1934 with a Bachelor of Laws degree, was admitted to the Bar of Manitoba two years later and then opened a private law practice in Selkirk, Manitoba. In 1941, he was elected to the Manitoba Legislature as a member of the Constituency of Emerson, a position he held for sixteen continuous years, and during which he became known as a gentleman of tact, humour, friendliness and firmness, qualities which led to his appointment as the Deputy Speaker of the House and corresponding duties as Chairman of the House. In 1956, he became Queen's Counsel and the following year, he was appointed to the Bench of the County Court. In 1971 he became a judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba, a position he held until December 1983. Throughout his years as a member of the Legislature, and of the judiciary, his unique abilities of discovering the issues and then applying sound common sense resolutions became well-known.

These abilities were first evident after the Second World War, when Mr. Solomon began to champion the rights of minorities. Heading delegations to the United Nations, to the United Nations Relief Organization, and to the Federal Government, he pleaded the cause of displaced persons and for their immigration to Canada. Mr. Solomon then became a responsible advocate of Canadian pluralism, wherein the different cultural communities could retain their ethnic identity and cultural values, yet become integrated fully and effectively into the mainstream of Canadian society. This is perhaps best illustrated when Mr. Solomon, as a member of the Board of St. Andrew's College since the forties, fifteen years as its Chairman, helped establish St. Andrew's College, first on an old campus in north Winnipeg and then on the campus of the University of Manitoba, as an affiliated College of the University, housing the Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies. He is also the founder of the Order of St. Andrew, which has as its primary goal the support of the educational, cultural and religious ideals espoused by St. Andrew's College.

This commitment to service extends beyond any one cultural group: he has served as an executive on many local and national agencies such as the West Kildonan Library Board, the Community Chest, and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.

The respect in which the Honourable Mr. Solomon is held is reflected in the many awards he has received, such as the Community Service Award from the City of Winnipeg; the Distinguished Service Award from the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba; and the degree of Doctor of Canon Law (Honoris Causa) from St. Andrew's College.

Throughout his dynamic career, Mr. Solomon has been supported by his wife Jean, a University of Manitoba graduate in Arts and Education. They have three daughters, all of whom are University of Manitoba alumnae.

It is clear that we have with us today a man who, throughout his life, saw it as his duty to serve others. His sense of political, professional and social responsibilities to the Canadian people, their institutions and community is exemplary, and we take special pride that he is here with us today as a graduate of our University.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me, to ask, in the name of the Senate of The University of Manitoba, that you confer upon John Roman Solomon, the Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

Donald Ralph Campbell

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Roger Charles Louis Guillemin

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Edmund H. Botterell

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Edmund Henry Botterell, O.C.~ O.B.E.~ M.D.~ M.S.~ D.Sc.~ L.L.D.~ F.R.C.S.(C); F.R.C.S. (Edin).

Dr. Botterell was born in Vancouver. He received his early education at Ridley College and graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Manitoba in 1930. He then proceeded to post graduate studies in neurosurgery in Winnipeg, Montreal, Toronto, London and at Yale University. He received the Master of Surgery degree from the University of Toronto in 1936 and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada in 1937. Dr. Botterell married Margaret Matheson, the daughter of Archbishop Matheson, Chancellor of this University from 1908 to 1934.

Dr. Botterell began his neurosurgery career at the University of Toronto in 1936 and remained there until 1940 when he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. He served as a neurosurgeon at Number One Canadian Neurological and Plastic Surgery Hospital in Basingstoke, England until 1945 when he returned to Canada. Dr. Botterell attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his services.

Upon his return to Canada Dr. Botterell rejoined the University of Toronto as a Professor of Neurosurgery and as Senior Neurosurgeon at the Toronto General Hospital. In 1962 he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Queen's University. From 1968 to 1971 and Special Advisor to the Principal from 1971 to 1974 .. During his time at Queen's he continued his neurosurgical interests and served as a Professor of Surgical Neurology from 1962 to 1974.

Dr. Botlerell has published many papers in the fields of neurophysiology. neurosurgery and medical education. He has published reports as Chairman of the Committee on Manpower of the Ontario Council of Health and as Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the Commissioner of the Canadian Penitentiary Service. He is a member of many professional and community organizations and has received honours from several of them.

His reputation as one of the leading neurosurgeons of the country and as an outstanding academic administrator has led four Canadian universities to award him honorary degrees. In 1978 he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. Over the years Dr. Botterell has provided expert advice to the Faculty of Medicine of this University and has always shown a keen interest in the University's welfare and progress.

Madame Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Edmund Henry Botterell, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

May 27, 1983 A. Naimark President

Reuben M. Cherniack

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Reuben Mitchell Cherniack, M.D., M.Sc., F .R.C.P.(C), F.R.C.P. (London), F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C.P . 

Dr. Cherniack was born in Canora, Saskatchewan. He received his early education in Winnipeg and graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree in 1948. His post-graduate education included clinical training and research at the Winnipeg General Hospital, the Departments of Medicine and Physiology of the University of Manitoba, Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University. He received his M.Sc. in Medicine from the University of Manitoba in 1954 and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada in 1955.

Dr. Cherniack began his long career in teaching and research in Respiratory Diseases in 1954 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Manitoba where he was also appointed a Markle Scholar in Medical Science. His research endeavours have covered virtually all aspects of pulmonary physiology. His many awards have included charter membership in the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars and being made a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London.

Dr. Cherniack was Professor and Head of the Department of Medicine of the University of Manitoba between 1974 and 1978. He is currently Chairman of the Department of Medicine of the National Jewish Hospital Research Centre in Denver, Colorado. He has belonged to and served with a considerable number of associations and societies in Canada and the United States. His publications of scientific articles and books is extensive and comprehensive.

Madame Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Reuben Mitchell Cherniack, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

27 May 1983 A. Naimark President

Charles H. Hollenberg

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Charles Hollenberg, B.Sc., M.D ., F.R.C.P. and F.A.C.P.

Dr. Hollenberg was born in Winnipeg, the son of Min a and Abraham Hollenberg. He received his early education in Winnipeg and graduated with honours in 1955 with the B.Sc. Med. and M.D. from the Faculty of Medicine, having achieved distinction as a mean football player as well as recipient of the University Gold Medal. Dr. Hollenberg continued his professional training at the New England Centre Hospital in Boston.

It was there where his life long interest in research on hormones and nutrition was kindled. His research demonstrated that the fat cell, far from being an idle storage depot for excessive calories consumed by the corpulant or accumulated in excess by the slothful. was in fact a dynamic cell with a sophisticated biochemical repertoire that was selectively and intricately summoned into action by hormones which regulate the flow of energy from and into the fat cell. Upon his return to Canada in 1960 he joined the Faculty of Medicine at McGill where he rapidly rose through the ranks to become full professor and Director of the McGill University Clinic.

The University of Toronto in 1970 recognized his superior qualities and recruited Dr. Hollenberg to become the Sir John and Lady Eaton Professor of Medicine and Chairman of the Department of Medicine, a position he held for eleven years. Upon relinquishing the chair in medicine Dr. Hollenberg was appointed as the first Charles Best Professor of Medical Research and Director of the Banting and Best Diabetes Centre in Toronto.

Besides his academic roles at McGill and Toronto, Dr. Hollenberg has served on major professional and National Scientific bodies. He has been a member of Council of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, President of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation. the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, and the Gairdner Foundation.

For all these reasons, Madame Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Charles Hollenberg, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

27 May 1983 A. Naimark President

George Neil Jenkins

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Professor Neil Jenkins, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Odontology.

Professor Jenkins was born in Wallesey, England, and received his early education in that city. He then studied for his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees at the University of Liverpool and for his Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of Cambridge. Professor Jenkins has spent most of his career at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne from which he recently retired as Professor Emeritus.

He is well known internationally for his research on fluoride, saliva, dental plaque and diet and their relationship to dental caries and other oral diseases. Professor Jenkins is particularly well known for his textbook entitled "The Physiology and Biochemistry of the Mouth" which is now in its fourth edition. This book was the first synthesis of a very diverse field and was remarkably influential in helping to bridge the gap between the basic medical sciences and the practice of preventive dentistry in the clinic.

Professor Jenkins has made other important contributions by way of his role in graduate education and three of his students have achieved the rank of Professor of Oral Biology at this University.

Madame Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Neil Jenkins, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa. 27 May 1983 A. Naimark President

Morley R. Kare

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Dr. Morley Richard Kare, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Master of Science in Agriculture, Doctor of Philosophy, Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia and, presently, Professor of Physioluby at the University of Pennsylvania and Director of the Monell Chemical Senses Centre, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Kare was born in Winnipeg and grew up as part of our legendary north end community. After graduating from St. John's Technical High School, he enrolled at the University of Manitoba, and was awarded his first degree, the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, from this university in 1943. Following four years in the Canadian Army, he returned to university life, this time as a graduate student in Poultry Science at the University of British Columbia where he was awarded a Master of Science in Agriculture in 1948.

Before proceeding to his doctoral studies Morley Kare spent a year helping Europeans who had been displaced during the war to relocate in Israel, and for a time he fought as a member of the Israeli Army. He completed his formal education with studies in physiology in the Department of Zoology at Cornell University and was awarded his Ph.D. degree by that institution in 1952. Since then Dr. Kare has held academic appointments as a Professor of Physiology at Cornell University, North Carolina State University and the University of Pennsylvania. He has enriched each of these institutions by establishing teaching and research programs in Sensory Physiology, specifically on the chemical senses of taste and olfaction.

The overriding goal of his research has been to explore the significance of taste and smell in the biology of man and in the lower species. Fundamental research in this fascinating area has an important bearing on two of the world's most pressing problems, food and production and population control. Morley Kare is a scientist with an entrepreneurial flair. With his knowledge of the senses, he helped to attract the funds necessary to start a multidisciplinary centre to expand the studies of the mechanisms of taste and olfaction.

The Monell Chemical Senses Center was established in 1968, funded initially from a fortune made in Canadian mining by the engineer, Ambrose Monell. With Morley Kare as its Director, and over a hundred researchers representing both the natural sciences and the behavioural sciences, the Monell Center plays a unique role in the advancement of knowledge of the senses. Dr. Kare has authored over a hundred and fifty scientific publications and has edited monographs from the several international conferences that he has organized. Two of these dealt with "The Chemical Senses and Nutrition" and the most recent concerned the "Biological and Behavioral Aspects of Salt Intake". Among the several scientific honours received by Dr. Kare are the 1962 Borden Award for Research in Sensory Physiology, the 1969 Tanner Lectureship and the 1978 Underwood-Prescott Award from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

His enthusiasm and wit have made him a natural choice as a keynote speaker at scientific gatherings of the Institute of Food Technology, the Gordon Conferences, and countless others ranging from the Scientific Club of Winnipeg in 1964 to the American Space Association meetings in Hawaii in 1983. Dr. Kare's hobbies complement his research interest in the effects of oral stimulation on digestion.

He is an avid gardener and wine connoisseur. But it is his skill in the design of liqueurs that particularly delights his wife Carol, son Jordin, daughter Susan as well as other family members and friends.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Morley Richard Kare the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa. May 26, 1983 A. Naimark President

Pearl McGonigal

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present the Honourable Pearl Kathryne McGonigal, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba.

Pearl McGonigal was born in Melville, Saskatchewan, and received her education in that province. She moved to Winnipeg with her family in 1963. She pursued careers in banking and in merchandising, with energies which made these not incompatible with family responsibilities. Her manifold capabilities were also increasingly engaged in public service.

Her Honour has been a volunteer with the Lions Manor, Sherbrook Day Centre, the St. James-Assiniboia Inter-Faith Immigration Council (of which she has been chairman), the Vestry of St. Andrew's Anglican Church, the St. James Business and Professional Women's Club, and she is a past president of the Winnipeg Lionelles.

Mrs. McGonigal's public service has also been manifested through service on the Manitoba Environmental Council, the Board of Directors of the Winnipeg Convention Centre, the Manitoba Aviation Council, the Grace General Hospital Board of Management, the Winnipeg Convention and Visitors' Bureau, the Board of Management of the Winnipeg Home Improvement Program, and the Board of Directors of Rainbow Stage.

During the past decade and more, Mrs. McGonigal has contributed significantly in the municipal sphere. Her record in civic affairs began with her election in 1969 to the St. James-Assiniboia City Council: the first woman to be so elected. Subsequent to the amalgamation of the municipalities in the Winnipeg area, Mrs. McGonigal was elected to the Greater Winnipeg City Council in 1971 and thrice thereafter - on two occasions by acclamation, a fact which, I suggest, amply attests to the quality of her service and to the respect in which she was held by her constituents.

While a member of Winnipeg City Council, Mrs. McGonigal was a staunch advocate of our City's interests and potential. She served at various times as a member of the Executive Committee and the Committee on Environment, as Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Centennial Celebrations, and as Chairman of the Committee on Recreation and Social Services. She was elected Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Executive Policy Committee in June 1979 and again in October 1980.

In October 1981, Mrs. McGonigal was appointed Lieutenant-Governor o f the Province of Manitoba. Whatever the City may have lost thereby, we Manitobans acquired an energetic and gracious representative of the sovereign. She has brought to her position her dedication to service, her experience in public affairs, her charm, and her wide interests in all things Manitoban.

Somehow, Mrs. McGonigal managed to find the time during her civic service to write a weekly column for suburban newspapers from 1970 to 1981, and, appropriately enough for someone who lists cooking amongst her hobbies, to publish in 1975 the Frankly Feminine Cookbook. Mrs. McGonigal has been supported in her work and her service by her husband Marvin and their daughter Kim.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Pearl Kathryne McGonigal the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

25 May 1983 A. Naimark President

Henri Bergeron

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John Patrick Gallager

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David Henry Hubel

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Israel Kleinberg

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Wesley C. Lorimer

Madam Chancellor: I have the honor to present to you one of the major figures in Manitoban education of this century, a man with a long and distinguished career in every phase of the enterprise.

Dr. Wesley C. Lorimer began his teaching career in Saskatchewan in 1931. Following service in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he returned to serve as a teacher educator and as a superintendent of schools in that province. In 1948 he was appointed Director of Research for the Winnipeg School Division, and in 1953 he became the superintendent of that division, a post he held for fourteen years. His reputation as a sound builder and leader of vision would be secure if he had done no more. He guided the division through the period of its greatest growth and development, and left an imprint, not just of sound management, but of vision and compassion. In 1967 he was appointed Deputy Minister of Education for Manitoba.

It soon became evident that he brought to this task the same vision, depth of concern and attention to details that he had earlier demonstrated. He was able to translate government policies into effective practices as we came to the climax of the era of unprecedented growth. He has the happy and uncommon knack of drawing from every staff member his or her best efforts; of leading us in such a way that we can say we did it ourselves. In 1973, Dr. Lorimer became the Deputy Minister of the new Department of Colleges and University Affairs. Once again, his foresight and sound planning ability were needed in the creation and evolution of our community colleges and in defining their place in the full spectrum of post-secondary education.

Since attempting to retire, Dr. Lorimer has been called back, first to again serve the Department of Education, and then as Chairman of the Universities Grants Commission and as superintendent of the Winnipeg School Division. His contribution has been first to this province. It is right and proper that he should receive this recognition among his friends and colleagues. He has, in fact, avoided the thin veneer of publicity, and it comes as a mild surprise that he is well-known across the nation for his work with the Council of Ministers of Education, the Western Canadian Post-Secondary Coordinating Committee, the International Bureau of Education and at Commonwealth Education conferences.

Dr. Lorimer's career spans the last half of the century of teacher education in Manitoba that we are celebrating in 1982. It also spans every phase of education. He has been a classroom teacher, a school administrator, a researcher and a director of research. He has built programs for the primary grades, has chaired the Universities Grants Commission, and has influenced everything between them. He has been tested as a leader in two major eras of education. His sense of direction was first challenged in the excitement, turmoil and unprecedented growth of the post-war period. and it has been tested again in a decade of retrenchment and some dismay.

Through both eras, Wes Lorimer has been at the center, promoting, shaping and leading the development of education in Manitoba. He has been true to his vision and true to our trust. Madam Chancellor, it is an honour indeed for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Wesley C. Lorimer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

A. Naimark President May 27,1982

Brenda Atkinson Milner

Madam Chancellor: It is a privilege and ~n honour to present to you Dr. Brenda Milner, B.A. and M.A. (Cantab.), Ph.D. (McGill), Sc.D. (Cantab.), LL.D. (Queen's), FRS, FRSC, Professor of Psychology at McGill University, Montreal.

Dr. Milner was born in Manchester, England, and attended Withington Girls' School. She began her University studies, at Newnham College, Cambridge, in Mathematics but changed fields to experimental psychology and graduated B.A., with a starred First Class Honours degree, in 1939. She was then awarded a research studentship, but with the outbreak of war her research thrust was diverted. She spent the early years of the war devising perceptual tasks that were used in the selection of air crew.

From 1941 to 1944 she was an experimental officer for the Ministry of Supply, studying methods of display and control to be used by radar operators. In the latter year she married Peter Milner, and came to Canada, supposedly for a short while; in fact Canada has been fortunate to have Dr. Milner as one of its own ever since.

A fluent francophone, Brenda Milner's first academic post was at the then newly founded Institut de Psychologie at the Universite de Montreal. There she set up a laboratory and taught comparative and experimental psychology from 1944 to 1952. During part of this time, Milner also worked towards her Ph.D. degree at McGill University, under the direction of Dr. Donald Hebb. She began her long-time association with the Montreal Neurological Institute in 1950, and completed her doctoral dissertation, on "Intellectual Effects of Temporal-Lobe Damage in Man" in 1952, since which time she has held successive appointments at McGill University.

Dr. Milner's studies have made a major scientific contribution to our understanding of brain-behaviour relationships in humans. Through systematic investigation, she discovered that a global memory loss is associated with bilateral damage to the hippocampal regions of the human brain. This finding led her to focus much of her subsequent research on the analysis of brain function in memory and memory disorders. She has shown, for example, that an impairment of verbal learning and verbal memory is associated with damage to the left temporal lobe of the brain and its underlying structures. She and her students have also demonstrated the importance of the right temporal lobe in visual, auditory and tactual pattern perception. Dr. Milner has played a leading role in several learned societies.

She is the author or co-author of over 60 research publications. She has received awards for distinguished contributions to science from both the Canadian and the American Psychological Associations. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society, of the Royal Society of Canada, and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Science of the United States.

Since 1964, she has been a Career Investigator under the auspices of the Medical Research Council of Canada. She has been recipient of awards, prizes and fellowships, and has been asked to give a number of invited lectures to distinguished gatherings.

Madam Chancellor, in the name of the Senate, I request that you bestow upon Brenda Milner, scholar of high distinction and of personal modesty, the Degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

May 26, 1982 A. Naimark President

Olivier Tremblay

Madame le Chancelier, II me fait énormément plaisir de vous présenter monsieur Olivier Tremblay, éducateur bien connu par les Franco-manitobains.

Natif du Québec, monsieur Tremblay a fait ses études primaires au College St-Patrice à Rivière-du-Loup et ses études secondaires au College Notre-Dame-des-Champs à Sully. En 1949 il recevait un brevet complémentaire d’enseignement au scolasticat école normale de Rigaud et quelques années plus tard un brevet supérieur d'enseignement. L'université Laval lui décernait en 1962 le grade Baccalauréat en pédagogie et en 1967 une licence en pédagogie. Pendant les quinze années qu'il a fait la classe au niveau élémentaire et secondaire, monsieur Tremblay a connu énormément de succès dans le domaine de l'enseignement. Cependant en 1963, il choisissait de donner une différente orientation à sa carrière d'éducateur en acceptant un poste au Bureau de planification du Ministère de l'Education du Québec.

Quelques années plus tard il devenait directeur adjoint du bureau régional de Montréal. De 1968 à 1972, il s'est vu affecte à trois importantes missions de développement régional, soit en 1968 comme représentant du Ministère pour le développement de la région du Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean, en 1969 le Nord-Ouest Québécois et en 1970 représentant à la Commission de développement de la région de Montréal. En 1972, on le nommait conseiller-cadre au Bureau du sous-ministre du Québec. Peu de temps après, à la demande du gouvernement manitobain, il acceptait de se rendre au Manitoba pour œuvrer au ministère de l'Education a titre de consultant au service de Planification et Recherche.

En 1974, il acceptait à nouveau d'être prête au ministère de l'Education du Manitoba, cette fois à titre de coordonnateur de l'Education française. En somme, le gouvernement manitobain confiait à monsieur Tremblay la responsabilité de mettre en marche tout le mécanisme nécessaire a la mise en vigueur de la loi 113 du Manitoba, loi qui permettait enfiri d'utiliser la langue française comme langue d'enseignement dans notre province. Le tâche était énorme; le de ti à relever presque insurmontable. II fallait vaincre des résistances de toutes sortes, entre autres les traumatismes historiques qui avaient enraye chez la majorité la volonté même de survivre, résistances des éducateurs, des parents, des commissions scolaires qui se complaisaient dans un statu quo devant conduire à l'assimilation certaine.

II fallait rassembler les quelques forces vives et les bonnes volontés isolées pour établir un processus de vastes consultations et de concertations devant conduire à l'établissement de structures qui permettraient enfin aux Franco-manitobains et a toutes autres personnes intéressées à l'éducation française de réaliser leurs désirs. Pour ce faire, en dépit de tous les obstacles rencontres, il a réussi à mettre sur pied le Bureau de l'Education Française qui est ni plus ni moins le Ministère de l'Education française, dirige par un Sous-ministre adjoint avec qui travaille une importante équipe de conseillers pédagogiques et d'administrateurs. II a réussi, en dépit de tous les obstacles, à faire démarrer le concept de l'école française dans divers milieux de la province, sans oublier les milieux les plus éloignés, les moins favorises. II a su par un programme de recherches démontrer que l'éducation française ne viendrait pas nuire au développement intégral de l'enfant. II a su développer chez les Francophones un leadership confiant et éclaire devant venir assurer le développement et la continuité de son travail. II a su s'intéresser à la formation des maitres et à mettre sur pied des programmes de perfectionnement des enseignants ... et il faut en passer. Médiateur in fatigable, cataliseur d'énergies et rassembleur d'hommes, Olivier Tremblay mérite au plus haut degré la reconnaissance officielle des Franco-manitobains par l'intermédiaire de la plus haute instance académique de notre milieu. Au nom du Senat de l'Université du Manitoba, je vous prie donc, Madame le Chancelier, de décerner un doctorat en droit (honoris causa) a monsieur Olivier Tremblay. Le 1 er juin 1982 A. Naimark President

Erich Wolgang Vogt

Madam Chancellor:
I have the honour to present to you an outstanding graduate of The University of Manitoba, a man with a distinguished career both as a scientist and as a university administrator.
A native of Steinbach, Manitoba, Dr. Erich Wolfgang Vogt graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1951 with a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Physics. On that occasion, he received the University Gold Medal for studies in Science. The following year, Dr. Vogt remained at this University, earning his M.Sc. degree in Physics whereupon he travelled to Princeton University to study for his Doctorate in Theoretical Physics, which he received in 1955.
After leaving Princeton, Dr. Vogt served for ten years as a research officer at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, the last five of which as senior research officer for physics. While still at Chalk River, he was invited to spend the 1958-59 academic year as Associate Visiting Professor at the University of Rochester.
Since 1965, Dr. Vogt has been Professor of Physics at the University of British Columbia. From 1968 to 1973, he served as Associate Director of the TRIUMF project, a major nuclear accelerator installation operated jointly by the University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University and the University of Alberta. This accelerator is one of only three facilities of its type, known as meson factories, in the world, and scientists from both Canada and overseas, including some from the University of Manitoba, come to participate in important research projects in basic studies of matter and in medicine. From 1974 to 1980, Dr. Vogt was Chairman of the Board of Management of the TRIUMF project, and since 1981 he has been its Director.
Dr. Vogt has an international reputation for his outstanding work in theoretical studies of nuclear reactions, nuclear structure, and intermediate energy physics. He has published more than 50 original research papers in these areas. In recognition of this scholarly work, he is widely sought as a speaker at scientific meetings and international symposia.
Dr. Vogt is a Past President of the Canadian Association of Physicists, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a Past Chairperson of the Science Council of British Columbia, and the Editor of a scientific publication, Advances in Nuclear Physics.
Dr. Vogt has also played a major role in university administration, serving as Vice-President (Faculty and Student Affairs) of the University of British Columbia from 1974 through 1980. In this capacity he applied his extensive academic background and knowledge of human relations in introducing innovative approaches to university administration.
Many honours have already been bestowed upon Dr. Vogt. He spent the period 1971 to 1972 at Oxford University as a National Research Council Senior Travelling Fellow. In 1967 he was awarded the Centennial Medal of Canada, and in 1970 he became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. In 1976 he was made an officer of the Order of Canada, and in 1977 he received the Queen Elizabeth Jubilee Medal.
Dr. Vogt has served the scientific and academic communities in many ways through membership on national committees and study groups. He has also been a long-time and continuing friend of this University, returning to his alma mater many fold the benefits that he received from his education here.
Madam Chancellor, it is an honour indeed for me to ask, in the name of the University Senate, that you confer upon Erich Wolfgang Vogt the degree of Doctor of Science, Honoris causa.
October 21, 1982
A. Naimark

Leo Yaffe

Madam Chancellor:
I have the honour to present Dr. Leo Yaffe, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Manitoba), Ph.D. (McGill), D. Lett. (Trent).
Dr. Yaffe is a distinguished son of this university and one who gained an insight into and a fascination with chemistry in part from his lessons from another of our honorary graduands, Dr. Alan N. Campbell. Dr. Yaffe's first published scientific paper, The Ternary Alloy System Silver, Lead and Aluminum, co-authored by Dr. Campbell and two others, appeared when Dr. Yaffe was still not old enough to vote.
His interest in becoming a research chemist led him, as it has led so many young Canadians, then and now, to McGill University in Montreal, where he began to study and learn about those fascinating reactions in which atomic nuclei divide and elements change their very nature. It is as a student of nuclear fission and the mechanism of nuclear reactions that Dr. Yaffe has made a reputation as an outstanding Canadian scientist. He has contributed to both fundamental and applied areas of nuclear science, and today about half of his research output is devoted to the application of nuclear science to archeology.
After completing his doctoral studies at the precocious age of twenty-three, Dr. Yaffe moved to the new laboratories of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., at Chalk River. There he served as Project Leader in the Nuclear Chemistry and Tracer Division. In passing, he had his first encounter with politics, acting as the Mayor of Deep River, Ontario, for two years. In 1952, he returned to McGill as a Special Lecturer in Chemistry. There he began his authoritative work on the counting of beta radiation.
In 1958 he became Macdonald Professor of Chemistry; sixty years earlier, McGill's first Macdonald Professor was Ernest Rutherford, the discoverer of the atomic nucleus. From 1963 to 1965 Dr. Yaffe was on leave to be Director of Research and Laboratories of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna where he devoted his efforts to furthering the peaceful uses of atomic energy. Dr. Yaffe returned to McGill in 1965 as Chairman of the Department of Chemistry; and in 1974 he became Vice-principal (Administration) of his university. Last year he gave up the dubious joys of the administrator to return to his first love, research in nuclear chemistry.
The list of Dr. Yaffe's honours is a long and impressive one. He is a fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada, of the American Physical Society, and of the Royal Society of Canada. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the world-famous Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and of the Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada. He has served his science on editorial boards and research committees and as a widely-travelled lecturer. Last year he was the recipient of the American Chemical Society's Award for Nuclear Chemistry, and this year he is the President of the Chemical Institute of Canada.
These represent only a short selection of the academic honours that have been paid to Dr. Yaffe by his peers, and it is clear that we have with us today a man who has contributed both widely and deeply to Canadian life. He is not a narrow scientist but a man of wide interests outside his professional field. He is a graduate of this university in whom we can take special pride.
Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate of the University of Manitoba, that you confer on Leo Yaffe, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.
May 27, 1982
A. Naimark

Carson Howard Templeton

Citation not available


Allan Newton Campbell

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Dr. Alan Newton Campbell, Emeritus Professor, University of Manitoba, Bachelor of Science, Dr. of Philosophy, Doctor of Science, Honorary Fellow, Chemical Institute of Canada, Fellow, Royal Society of Canada. Not many of his friends and colleagues know that this upstanding Scotsman was actually born in Halifax, Yorkshire, England in 1899. However, he has assured me (and this is very obvious after a moment's conversation with him), that he is not an Englishman. In his youth, he did have an inclination toward the study of English literature, but his father advised him that it would be difficult to earn a living at this and encouraged him to pursue the study of science.

This was very good advice, to which many students and colleagues of Dr. Campbell can attest. He went on to graduate with a B.Sc. at the University of London in 1921, a Ph.D., University of London in 1924 and became a Doctor of Science (by thesis) at the Aberdeen University in 1927. After having lectured and conducted research at Aberdeen University for several years, he arrived in Winnipeg in 1930 to assume the post of Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba and to teach physical chemistry. He has said that it was considered "quite an adventure for a young man to emigrate to Canada, especially to what most people considered that vast wasteland west of the Great Lakes." Part of that adventure and challenge was to set up a research program in physical chemistry with the munificent budget of $80.00 which Dr. Parker had assigned for that purpose. Dr. Campbell states that he was given a "free hand" with this money and he began purchasing the first equipment for the laboratory. Thus began a career and association with this University of more than 50 years and which continues to this very day.

As Emeritus Professor he actively pursues his research career, still attracting large financial grants-in-aid, and publishing the findings of his current research. One can gain some idea of the man's energy and enthusiasm through the fact that some of his most important research publications are based on work done after the cessation of active teaching in 1969 when he was 70 years old.

The '30's were lean and difficult years at the University. The young Assistant Professor developed a maxim to which he has been true to this day, and which he imparted to students, which stated: "Never use a complex instrument when a simple one will do almost as well." The department in those days consisted of three faculty members in addition to Dr. Parker. His colleagues were Dr. Paul Hiebert, and Dr. H. P. Armes; all distinguished men. By 1937 Dr. Campbell was an Associate Professor and by 1945 he was a full Professor and Head of the Department until 1966. Under his headship, the department grew in numbers of faculty and students, and added a Ph.D. program of studies in 1950. In 1960, again due to efforts of Dr. Campbell and colleagues, the Parker Chemistry Building was erected on campus, replete with modern classrooms, research equipment and modern laboratories. I quote from his colleagues who note that "by his example Dr. Campbell was instrumental in transforming what was primarily a teaching institution into a University as it is today."

As a teacher, Dr. Campbell can observe with gratification the careers of the more than 160 students guided by him through their M.Se., and PhD. degrees. Many of these students were recipients of fellowships which led to doctoral studies at Oxford. Amid their distinguished ranks we find three of his former students on whom this University conferred honorary degrees. Two of these were just so honoured at last Spring's Convocation; those being Dr. S. Epstein and Dr. D. G. Rea. The time has finally come to honour their mentor. Dr. Campbell's contributions to the study of chemistry, especially as it applies to phase rule, electrochemistry and chemical equilibria have been nationally and internationally recognized. He has written a text book on Phase Rule and has produced more than 230 publications (30 of them between 1970-1980). He is an Honorary Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada (a very rare and exclusive award, one of eight such awards in the whole of Canada). He is a Fellow, Royal Society of Canada; (Dr. Campbell tells me that it is somewhat easier to get into Heaven than into the Royal Society.) He was given the Chemical Education Award of the Chemical Institute of Canada, 1971 (this award, of which only one has been made each year since 1968, is given for distinguished contributions to the teaching of chemistry at the university level in Canada), and he was made an Emeritus Professor, University of Manitoba, in 1969. His membership in Learned Societies includes that of the Royal Institute of Chemistry in the u.K., the Chemical Society of the U.K., the Chemical Institute of Canada and the Royal Society of Canada. We have here a man who is described by his colleagues as a phenomenon; a rare coming-together of intellect, practicality and wit.

He is a scholar in the broadest and most classical sense of the word, a teacher revered and respected by students and colleagues alike, a man who sets the same high standards for himself as for others, a tireless administrator, a man of charm and humour; and he managed all of this, somehow, without ever taking a Sabbatical.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon Alan Newton Campbell the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa. May 28,1981 D. R. Campbell President

Charles Frederick Code

Madam Chancellor: I have the honor to present Dr. Charles Frederick Code, Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science, Fellow in Physiology and Medicine, an internationally respected scientist, physician and teacher.

Dr. Code was born in Winnipeg, completed his undergraduate education at the University of Manitoba, where in 1930 he was awarded the University Physiology Research Prize and Gold Medal. He earned his M.D. degree at this University in 1934, and the same year became a Research Fellow of the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine where he began his career in Research. In 1936, he went to London, England, where he worked with Sir Henry Hellett Dale at the National Institute for Medical Research. At this time also he was appointed Lecturer of Physiology at the University College, London, where he became an associate of Sir Charles Lovatt Evans. During this time Dr. Code's research centered on histamine in white blood cells and for his work in this field, he was awarded the Bay liss-Starling Memorial Scholarship. These two years spent in London were important in molding the career of Dr. Code and in addition to his exposure to various research skills. and the design of experimental procedures, he was undoubtedly, profoundly influenced in other ways by the talent and genius of these two mentors.

In 1937 Dr. Code returned to Minnesota and was appointed First Assistant in Experimental Surgery at the Mayo Foundation and Clinic under Dr. Frank C Man, and in 1938 became Instructor in Physiology at the University of Minnesota. While there he received the Theobald Smith Medal and Award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1940, the same year in which he received his PHD degree from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Code returned to the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine to begin a long and productive professional association. He became successively Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of Physiology at the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine. The Mayo Institutions have influenced the lives of thousands of Physicians and Scientists.

It has been said that only a few men have had the rare privilege and ability to significantly influence the Mayo Institutions. Dr. Code is among this selected group. Dr. Code served as Co-Chairman and Chairman of the Department of Physiology from 1949 to 1966 and he was a member of the Mayo Clinic and Foundations Board of Governors for seven years beginning in 1957. He also directed Medical Education and Research for the Mayo Foundation from 1966 to 1972. Dr. Code's interest in Gastroenterology began when he was at the University of Minnesota where his earlier research on histamine was applied to the experimental production of ulcer and another career was begun. His contribution to this field was recognized in 1974 by The American Gastroenterological Association who awarded him The Julius Friedenwald Medal for outstanding achievement in Gastroenterology. In 1976 he was named CU.R.E. Man of the Year. He received further recognition in 1978 when the degree Doctor of Science honoris causa was bestowed on him by the Medical College at Wisconsin.

From 1976 -1980 Dr. Code held the positions of Associate Chief of Staff at the Veterans Administration, Wadsworth Hospital Center, Los Angeles and Associate Director of CU.R.E. (Center for Ulcer Research and Education) at the same Institution. In September 1980 he moved to San Diego where he presently holds the position of Professor of Medicine and Surgery in Residence, University of California, San Diego. Dr. Code who is a member of more than twenty professional societies is noted for his services to the American Gastroenterological Association. He was elected the Association's President in 1966 having been a member of its governing board from 1962. Dr. Code has published over 240 scientific papers and has served on the editorial board of nine professional publications.

Dr. Code is a graduate of the University of Manitoba, who has distinguished himself as one of the world's prominent medical scientists in the field of gastroenterology. He has made outstanding contributions not only through his research, but also through his numerous roles in various national and international bodies.

Madam Chancellor, I have presented to you a distinguished scholar. In the words of one of his colleagues, he is more than a professional researcher. He has been dedicated to a life of learning, explaining, demanding facts, teaching and often inspiring younger men to their full capacity. Madam Chancellor, it is an honor and privilege for me to ask, in the name of Senate, that you confer upon Dr. Charles Frederick Code the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa.

May 29,1981 D. R. Campbell President

John King Gordon

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Dr. John King Gordon, Bachelor of Arts, Diploma in Theology, Master of Arts, Doctor of Laws.

Dr. Gordon was born in Winnipeg at the start of the twentieth century. His father was the well known Minister, Charles William Gordon, and his grandfather, Mark King, was the first principal of Manitoba College. With this background, it was only natural that Dr. Gordon would receive a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba. That was in 1920. Named a Rhodes Scholar, he then studied at Queen's College and completed a second Bachelor of Arts degree from Oxford in 1924. Interested in serving his fellow man, he returned to Canada in 1925, accepting a student missionary charge in Giscome, British Columbia, a small town north-east of Prince George. A year later he was called to be a Minister of the United Church in Pine Falls, Manitoba. While ministering to this pioneer community, he completed his Diploma in Theology from United College. He left Pine Falls in 1929 to pursue post graduate studies at Union Theological Seminary.

In 1931 he accepted his first academic post as Professor of Christian Ethics at United Theological College in Montreal. At the same time he completed the requirements for a Master of Arts degree from Oxford. Arising out of his concern for social justice and a reconstructed social order, as expressed by. S. Woodsworth, he became a travelling lecturer for the Fellowship for a Christian Social Order, in the midst of the Depression of the '30' s. At the same time he became a member of the National Executive of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (E.C.C.F.), the League for Social Reconstruction, and the Fellowship for a Christian Order. He also co-authored two books related to his concern. Starting in 1938 he pursued his writing interests, first as the non-fiction editor for Farrar and Rinehart, New York Publishers, and then as managing editor for The Nation magazine. This in turn led him to be the United Nations Representative for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1948. His contact with the United Nations led him to join that organization as a member of the Secretariat in 1950.

For four years he was involved with problems related to prisoners of war. Over the next seven years he served as Director of Information for U.N. agencies involved with Korea, the Middle East and the Congo. University life still had a strong attraction for Dr. Gordon so in 1962 he returned to academia with an appointment to the University of Alberta as Professor of Political Science and International Relations, a position he held for five years. It was during this time he wrote about his experiences and insights in two books, "The United Nations in the Congo", published by the Carnegie Endownment for International Peace in 1962, and "Canada's Role as a Middle Power", published in 1966. From Alberta he went to the University of Ottawa to be co-founder of the Institute for International Cooperation, and Professor of International Relations, a position he held until 1972. He continued his relationship with the University until 1975.

Most recently he has been Senior Advisor on Canadian University Relations at the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa. During the '70's Dr. Gordon has been increasingly concerned about two areas critical to our interdependent global community: international co-operation and development within the framework of the North-South dialogue covered by the Brandt Report and the preservation of peace and disarmament. This has brought him into active involvement with the International Ocean Institute, the International Peace Academy, the United Nations Association, and the Society for International Development. In his involvement with the United Nations Association in Canada he was on the national policy council and the national executive, serving as President of the Association from 1974 to 1976.

Madam Chancellor, you have before you a man who has a vision of what the future should hold for mankind; a man who has dedicated his life to the development of that future, the global community; a man who through his writing, teaching and association with his fellow citizens has shown what needs to be done to make it a reality.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer upon John King Gordon the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. May 29,1981 D. R. Campbell President

J.A. Euclid Herie

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Joseph Arthur Euclid Herie, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Social Work, a distinguished and dedicated practitioner and a vibrant and successful model of accomplishment in the field of human welfare.

Euclid Herie was born in St.Jean-Baptiste, Manitoba, and began his early education in Winnipeg, Fisher Branch, Gravelbourg, and Brantford. The future course of his life was then strongly influenced by the faculty and by the milieu of St. Paul's College of the University of Manitoba where he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree before proceeding to study Social Work. He received his Masters degree in Social Work in 1965. He married Ellen Richer of Flin Flon and they have two children, Marilyn and Neil.

Mr. Herie began his career in social work with the Children's Aid Society of Winnipeg where he worked in service positions, as a supervisor of Protection and as Director of the Adoption and Unmarried Parent Department. He also served in 1966 and 1967 as Supervisor for Rehabilitation Services for the Manitoba Division of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. He later became Executive Director of the Manitoba Division of this organization until 1979 when he was appointed Executive Director of the Ontario Division, a position which he still holds. He also serves as Executive Assistant to the Managing Director of the C.N.I.B.

Euclid Herie has constantly sought to expand his knowledge and understanding and to improve his skills. To this end he has gained training and certification in I.B.M. Canada's Executive Information Systems program, the Executive Leadership Skills program of Seneca College, training in Management Theory and Practice and the Certificate in Rehabilitation of the Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled.

Mr. Herie's exceptional personal attributes have enabled him to apply these acquired skills in the development of comprehensive service programs designed for some 14,000 registered blind persons and in the administration of 1,300 employees, four unions, 18 district offices and 44 advisory boards. He has been active in national and local fund raising including 10 years of volunteer service with the United Way of Winnipeg. Mr. Herie has been a valued member of a large number of professional boards, committees and commissions devoted to the improvement of human welfare services for all Canadians and he has made a special contribution in devising recreation programs for disabled persons.

Euclid Herie has been recognized for his abilities and achievements by many professional bodies, service organizations, and by agencies of the Federal Government. He has made numerous presentations to national and international conferences on a wide variety of topics. Mr. Herie has made every year of his career his own personal International Year of Disabled Persons.

Madam Chancellor, I present to you a distinguished graduate of the University of Manitoba; one whose life and work exemplify the highest ideals of service to his fellow man and the fullest development of the capacities of the human mind. He could rightly say of himself, as Helen Keller did, "I have made my limitations my tools of learning and true joy".

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask in the name of Senate, that you confer upon Joseph Arthur Euclid Herie, the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa. October 22, 1981 A. Naimark President

Eugene Hausknect Lange

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Professor Emeritus Eugene Hausknecht Lange, Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Fellow of the Agricultural Institute of Canada, Honorary Associate of the Nova Scotia Agricultural College -a distinguished teacher and administrator.

Professor Lange was born in Southern Russia, and obtained his early education there, including two years of college; he emigrated to Canada in 1926. For a few years he managed a mixed farm in Southern Manitoba; he also studied at Tabor College in Hillsboro, Kansas, prior to enrolling in the Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Manitoba; he graduated with great distinction in 1933, and was winner of the coveted University Gold Medal.

After graduation, Professor Lange held positions with both the provincial and federal governments in his chosen field of Animal Science. Two years later he accepted a research scholarship at Macdonald College of McGill University, from where he received his Master of Science degree in Animal Nutrition in 1939. Following another three years of employment with Agriculture Canada, seven years as an Agricultural Representative at Teulon and Morden, and two years as Principal of the Agricultural and Homemaking School at Brandon, Professor Lange was appointed Associate Professor and Director of the School of Agriculture, University of Manitoba, in 1952.

It was while in this capacity over the next twenty years, that Professor Lange made his most outstanding contributions to agricultural education, for which he is so highly acclaimed in Manitoba and abroad. Under his wise and imaginative leadership the diploma course in agriculture at the University of Manitoba developed into one of the strongest and most highly respected programs of its kind in Canada, if not in North America. The integrating centre of the diploma program became farm business planning and management. Leading farmers and members of the agricultural industry and of the financial community were invited to assist in course development and teaching, especially in innovative courses relating to Marketing Principles and Policies, and Farm Business Planning.

This cooperative approach to agricultural training, in which the agri-business community is an active partner, has greatly enhanced the effectiveness and value of the Diploma Course. Throughout his tenure in the Faculty, Professor Lange never forgot the rural community or the farm family to which he had become deeply attached and committed during his years in Extension. He chaired most Faculty Committees responsible for the organization of Conferences, Short Courses, and Field Days for the farming and agri-business sectors, and for the publication of extension periodicals, such as FARM FACTS and SPOTLIGHT.

As his professional competence in the area of technical and vocational training in agriculture became recognized, he was engaged to undertake related studies and prepare reports for the governments of Manitoba and Alberta, and for the Agricultural Institute of Canada. In 1965 he was granted a one-year leave of absence from the University to assist the Nova Scotia Agricultural College to develop a vocational and technical program for agriculture in the Atlantic Region. In recognition for this service, Professor Lange was named an Honorary Associate of the Nova Scotia Agricultural College at the time of the College's Convocation exercises in 1979.

In 1971, Professor Lange was appointed by the Canadian International Development Agency as a member of a five-man Canadian Team to study and report on the need for Technical Teacher Training in Kenya. During the same year, in recognition for outstanding professional service, he was elected a "Fellow" of the Agricultural Institute of Canada. Professor Lange retired as Director of the School of Agriculture in 1972. From 1972-78 he was retained by the Faculty as a research coordinator. He also found time to serve the University as Associate Director of the Natural Resources Institute for a brief period. In 1977 the University appointed him Professor Emeritus. His many and diverse community interests have included involvement in such groups as the Canadian Vocational Association, Rural Leadership Training Committee, Red River Exhibition, Manitoba Farm Vacations Association, and the Canadian Country Vacations Association, which he organized.

He is an Elder of the Riverview United Church, and finds particular enjoyment in music, art and theatre. Madam Chancellor, so far I have mentioned a number of the academic and professional accomplishments of Professor Lange, the agriculturist and teacher. While these achievements are impressive, and fully worthy of the honour of this occasion, they fail to do justice to Gene Lange, the person; to Gene Lange the friend of students and their parents, most of whom he still knows by name; to Gene Lange the humanitarian, whose whole reason for being, as one of his friends said recently, was to help the little guy at the end of the country road. His whole life has been one of extension; of extending information and assistance to those in need. Gene Lange is best known and most kindly thought of by his exceedingly wide circle of friends, because of his values and his philosophy -both rooted deeply in the welfare of his fellow man. In all this he has been supported by his charming wife, Lillian.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of Senate, that you confer on Eugene Hausknecht Lange, the degree of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa. June 4,1981 D. R. Campbell President

Leonard Hilary Shebeski

Madam Chancellor: I have the honour to present Dr. Leonard Hilary Shebeski, Officer of the Order of Canada, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Master of Science, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Laws, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of the Agricultural Institute of Canada -a distinguished teacher, scientist and administrator.

Dr. Shebeski was born at Aubigny, Manitoba, and grew up at Arborg where his father operated a Dominion Government Illustration Farm. He enrolled at The University of Manitoba in the late thirties and graduated in 1941 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree and the Lieutenant-Governor's Gold Medal. Subsequently he served four years in the Royal Canadian Air Force as an observer and pilot and was mentioned in dispatches. He received the Master of Science degree from The University of Manitoba in 1946, and then began Doctoral studies in genetics and plant breeding at the University of Minnesota. In 1947, he was engaged as Assistant Professor in the Field Husbandry Department, University of Saskatchewan. Six years later, he was appointed Professor and Head of the Department of Plant Science, The University of Manitoba. He was named Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture in 1965, a position which he filled with great distinction until his retirement in 1979.

Dr. Shebeski's accomplishments as a university teacher, scientist, administrator, and citizen are worthy of note. He is an energetic and ambitious man. He has always addressed issues with enthusiasm and dealt with them at a pace which, to the onlooker, appears to border on the frenetic. He was an excellent teacher of both undergraduate and graduate courses. His lectures stimulated as well as informed, and he sought to foster a questioning attitude. He was always eager to debate and equally willing to listen. Lectures began in the traditional classroom setting but did not end there; after the prescribed period they spilled into hallways and offices where other students and staff members were drawn into the discussions as they passed by. Dr. Shebeski recognized the need for applied research to provide advanced technology and materials for the agricultural industry.

Research programs were also used to train graduate students and, under his guidance, they made important contributions to contemporary knowledge of plant breeding principles. His achievements in the improvement of barley and wheat, and in weed control investigation, are a matter of record. He has also explored unconventional avenues of research from which benefits may not be immediate or obvious.

Early in his career he was a leader in the study of mutagens as a means of crop improvement. More recently, he initiated research on the production of hybrid wheat, a technology not yet perfected. His conviction that basic research could be used to produce useful synthesized species has been justified by current interest in the wheat-rye derivative, Triticale. The vicissitudes of maintaining funding and sustaining confidence in the ultimate solution of problems which had to be overcome to make this development a reality would have defeated many lesser individuals. Dr. Shebeski has earned a local and international reputation as a skilled and imaginative administrator.

He is a keen competitor, a fact appreciated by those who have opposed him in any of the several sports in which he likes to participate. No doubt this characteristic has influenced his administration -less in terms of promoting personal causes and more in inciting action to get things done. At the local level, he has initiated many areas of research, and has been involved in the planning of wide-ranging projects. His ideas have often been controversial, and it has been said that he enjoys a good argument.

Those who know him well recognize this as a tactic to stimulate fresh approaches and to examine the validity of concepts. That his opinions were highly valued is attested to by the numerous agencies which sought his participation on committees, boards and councils. His involvement and influence in this sphere of activity was exceptional. He was a member of the National Research Council for a five-year term and subsequently served on several committees of the Council, some of which he chaired. He was Chairman of the Manitoba Research Council, served on the Science Council of Canada, the Canadian Agricultural Research Council, and on a number of professional bodies of provincial, national and international scope. In the broader concept, he served on the Board of Trustees of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria, was involved in committees of FAO and the Commonwealth Secretariat, and was Visiting Scientist at the Soviet Union Academy of Sciences. Dr. Shebeski has frequently and forcefully expressed his views on the inbalance of food resources in various parts of the world, and the global problems that may soon be faced regarding adequate resources of food and fibre to meet human needs. This is but one expression of the basically humanitarian philosophy which has characterized his career. The practical expression of this philosophy was his involvement in directing two programs of the Canadian International Development Agency. One of these concerned the establishment of the Agricultural Faculty of Khon Kaen University in Thailand; the other was a wheat improvement project at the National Plant Breeding Station in Kenya. Both of these are considered highly successful projects in aiding developing nations in their progress toward self-sufficiency in food.

In addition to his exceedingly busy professional career, Dr. Shebeski has found time for a role as a citizen in his community. With his usual verve, he participated formally on committees for groups concerned with health, athletics, resources, education, and agricultural matters at all levels; notable in this area has been his active participation on boards of the United Way and the Red Cross Society. In addition, he has been a popular speaker to local groups.

Throughout his career, Dr. Shebeski has been supported by a wide circle of friends and by his wife, Laura, the gracious chatelaine of their home at Sanford. They have raised four daughters, and are exceedingly proud grandparents.

Madam Chancellor, it is an honour and a privilege for me to ask, in the name of the Senate, that you confer on Leonard Hilary Shebeski, the degree of Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa. May 28,1981 D. R. Campbell President