University of Manitoba: Campus 2000 Conference - Programs
Campus 2000
University of Manitoba
Campus MapUniversity of Manitoba
University of Manitoba
Taking Care of Business

Programs - Concurrent Sessions D

Wednesday, June 7 Conference Day 3 9:00 a.m. ­ 10:30 a.m.

D1: Communicating Accountability ­ Managing Individual Performance
Presenter: Phil Matthes

How does accountability at the organizational level translate into action? What if the message is not getting through to the employee? What if job expectations are changing, but employees are not making the transition? Accountability at the organizational level must make its way into each job to ensure that actions accomplish the right objectives.

This workshop will help:

  • relate job expectations to job descriptions, performance appraisals, and performance standards
  • determine what and when to document regarding performance
  • gain hands on experience in documenting and communicating performance expectations.

Phil Matthes is a Staff Relations Officer in Human Resources at the University of Manitoba. His responsibilities include providing advice to managers and employees on the support staff collective agreements, handling grievances, collective bargaining, performance management, and workshops on various management issues. Phil graduated from the University of Manitoba with a B. Comm. (Hons.) in Organizational Behaviour in Industrial Relations.


D2: Setting Clear and Useful Goals
Presenter: Dan Bradshaw

What do we really mean when we use words like "goals" and "objectives"? What role do goals play in strategic and operational planning? How do you set goals for yourself, or for your unit, which incorporate both new initiatives and the still-needed ongoing work? These and other questions will be addressed in an interactive session that will provide a framework for setting goals that will work for you and your colleagues.

Currently the Manager of Human Resource Services, Dan Bradshaw joined the University of Manitoba in 1988, having previously worked in human resources with the Government of Ontario. Dan has worked extensively with teams, committees and work groups across the University, facilitating strategic planning sessions, conducting organizational and work process reviews, and providing conflict resolution services. He graduated from the University of Manitoba with a B.Comm. (Hons.) and obtained his masters degree in Industrial Relations with the University of Toronto.

D3: Using a Balanced Scorecard
Presenters: Ingrid Loewen and Mary Jane Loustel

In 1992 David Norton and Robert Kaplan published an article in the Harvard Business Review called "The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance". The Balanced Scorecard management system supports accountability and continuous improvement through the measurement of performance and goes beyond traditional financial measures. It recognizes customer satisfaction, internal processes, and the organizationšs innovation and improvement activities as drivers of future performance. You will learn the Balanced Scorecard approach to performance measurement and apply your learning to a simulated case.

Ingrid Loewen received her B. Comm (Hons.) in 1983 and her designation as a Chartered Accountant in 1986. She has been employed by the Manitoba Liquor Commission since 1987, currently as the Director, Internal Audit. Her role goes beyond traditional audit activities and has included facilitation of Business Process Reengineering initiatives, improvements in security and planning in Information Technology, and development of a Balanced Scorecard.

Mary Jane Loustel graduated in 1988 with a B. Comm. (Hons.) and earned a C.A. designation in 1991, in practice with Ernst & Young. Currently she is Director, Audit Services with the University of Manitoba. Mary Jane has served as internal auditor with Red River College and serves on the Criteria of Control Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, a board mandated to support the development of control and accountability systems of organizations. Mary Jane facilitates workshops about risk management and organizational effectiveness on behalf of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.


Panel Discussion | Plenary Events | Concurrent Sessions A
Concurrent Sessions B | Concurrent Sessions C | Concurrent Sessions D