Hire a student

When you've made a decision to recruit connect with the UM student population. Target over 28,000 highly-motivated and skilled undergraduate and graduate students. The Experiential Learning Partnerships Office can help you explore ways to connect with students and the university. 

We offer free job postings on our UMConnect job board for summer, part-time, full-time, term, internship or volunteer positions. Students across all UM faculties have access to this platform. 

Rent a private interview room to conduct interviews on campus. We will arrange a rental space.

Host an information session to increase your brand awareness and inform students about opportunities within your organization. We provide help in the organization and promotion of these events.

For further information, please e-mail: ELPartnerships@umanitoba.ca or call 204-474-9456.

Wage subsidies for employers

There are several wage subsidy and tax rebate programs employers can access when hiring a student for Summer, co-op or an internship placement. Learn about potential funding opportunities by exploring the wage subsidy page and following the links to various programs.

Co-ops and internships

An employer who welcomes a co-op student into the workplace is receiving a highly skilled and motivated employee eager to learn and contribute. To hire a student and for details about the placements, explore the opportunities on our Co-ops and Internships page, and connect with a co-op coordinator from one of the faculties.

UMConnect: Recruit students, stay informed

UMConnect offers employers a place to post job openings and co-operative education positions.

Learn about career fairs and other campus events to help you connect with UM students. All designed to help you meet your recruitment goals and connect with UM students.

Student Jobs MB: Post jobs and connect directly with students

Private-sector employers, not-for-profit organizations and governments are able to post jobs and accelerate the hiring process.

More ways to connect with students