VP-NET Vulnerable Persons and End of Life New Emerging Team
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Who We Are

Heidi Janz- Postdoctoral fellow with VP-Net

this is a picture of Heidi Janz. She is sitting in a white room with a dark floor, wearing black pants and a pink sweater. She is smiling, has long light brown hair and is sitting on an angle in a wheel chairHeidi Janz is the Post-Doctoral Fellow with VP-NET, and is currently a visiting scholar with John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre at the University of Alberta.  Her current research focuses on media portrayals of end-of-life issues affecting people with disabilities, particularly as exemplified in the Latimer case. She is the author of several plays, including Voices at Dying, Dying to be Heard. This play was initially written for VP-NET’s inaugural Spring Institute, and was performed at the 16th International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill in September of 2006.

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