University of Manitoba: Annual Report 1999-2000 - Fundraising and Community Relations-Fundraising and Community Relations
FundraisingUniversity of Manitoba Annual Report 1999-2000

Fundraising Rises By 40% in 1999

More than 11,500 donors contributed a total of $16.68 million to the University of Manitoba in 1999, an increase of 40 per cent over 1998. Sources of donations included alumni, parents, staff and friends ($4.5 million); corporations, foundation and organizations ($7 million); students ($2 million); and the Government of Manitoba ($3 million).

The funds were directed to libraries, equipment and athletics ($.4 million); research, chairs and professorships ($3 million); unrestricted funds and gifts-in-kind ($1.7 million); capital projects ($1.3 million); faculties, schools and colleges ($3.2 million); and scholarships, bursaries and fellowships ($6.9 million).

In 1999, there was a major increase in the number and value of gifts received in the form of stock transfers. Twenty-eight gifts of securities valuing $2.8 million were donated, an increase from seven gifts of securities valuing $126,000 in 1998, and one in 1997 valued at $10,900.

Allocation of Donations
Sources of Donations



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Alan Clayton, civil engineering
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