Bachelor’s degree components

The University of Manitoba offers two types of bachelor’s degrees:

  • Those requiring about 120 credit hours of study and four years to complete
  • Those requiring about 90 credit hours of study and three years to complete, which are less common

Your degree program typically contains these four components: a major, a minor, core degree requirements, and electives. You take these components concurrently each year so you can progress through your degree efficiently. 


Your major is your main area of in-depth study and specialization. You take a large portion of your courses from the area you identify as your major.


Your minor is your secondary specialization in a subject or discipline. It consists of about half of the number of courses required for your major. Not all degrees require that you choose a minor.

Core degree requirements

Your core degree requirements are a set of common courses you must complete for a particular degree, regardless of your major or minor areas of study. These requirements help to provide you with a breadth of knowledge from a wide variety of subjects that are relevant to the degree program you have chosen. 

All students must fulfill the written English and mathematics requirement. Review the First Year Planning Guide’s Recommended Introductory Courses list and the Academic Calendar for details on how you can meet these requirements.


These are courses from areas you “elect” to study outside of your major, minor or core degree requirements. You can choose electives that reflect your personal interests or that complement your studies – by selecting courses from a different subject or discipline from your major and minor.

See the Academic Calendar for complete degree information and program descriptions.

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