Specialists in Public Relations & Communications
Learn about this occupation – including typical duties, education required, salary and job outlook information, job boards and more.
Specialists in communications and public relations (PR) analyze, develop and implement communication and promotion strategies and information programs, publicize activities and events, and maintain media relations on behalf of businesses, governments and other organizations, and for performers, athletes, writers and other talented individuals. They may also work alongside specialists in Marketing & Communications to develop advertising and marketing plans and products. They are employed by consulting firms, advertising agencies, corporations, associations, government, social agencies, museums, galleries, public interest groups, and cultural and other organizations, or they may be self-employed. (Adapted from the National Occupational Classification)
This profile page includes the following occupational titles: Communications Officers, Public Relations Specialists, Social Media Experts and Talent Agents.
Occupational profile
Find detailed information about the occupation, including typical duties and working conditions, in the links below:
- National Occupational Classification (NOC) - Canadian occupational descriptions
- O*NET Online - U.S. resource for occupational descriptions and information
- OCCinfo by alis - Alberta-based occupational information
- Interview: PR Manager - from StudyinCanada.com
- Career Explorer by Sokanu - U.S-based occupational info and videos:
- A Day in the Life of a Public Relations Specialist - The Princeton Review
- Behind the Scenes with a Public Relations Consultant- TalentEgg.ca
- Environmental Communications Officer career profile - ECO Canada
- Public Affairs Officer - Canadian Armed Forces career profile
- Career Mentor profile - U of M alumnus, Public Affairs Manager
- Article: The difference between Advertising, Marketing & PR - TalentEgg.ca
The University of Manitoba does not offer specialized education in Communications or Public Relations. The links below provide lists of specialized programs in Manitoba and beyond. Students at U of M may select related majors and gain related work and volunteer experience, followed perhaps by additional training, in order to pursue work in this field. To determine which educational path suits your unique occupational goals, speak with a Career Consultant.
U of M Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar & Catalogue outlines program admission and course requirements. Use the left menu to navigate to a specific faculty and program. For support with course registration and academic issues, speak with an Academic Advisor.
Exploring Education Options
- Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Manitoba branch - list of Manitoba and Distance Education programs
- College & University Programs in Canada - CPRS national directory
- American Colleges and Universities - listing from the Public Relations Society of America
- Search Other Directories
Labour market information
Labour market information informs users of supply and demand for specific occupations and sectors. It includes such things as salary and job outlook information. These resources support informed career decision making and job search efforts.
- Trend Analysis: Job Market Report (Winnipeg Region) - Gov. of Canada Job Bank
- Occupational Outlook Handbook - Job outlook in the U.S.
- I want to be a Social Media Manager. What will my salary be? - The Globe & Mail
- Best Jobs in Canada 2018: The Top 25 - Marketing & Public Relations Manager (#10) - Canadian Business magazine
Professional Associations
Professional associations may organize events and provide directories, job postings, career and labour market information. Student membership opportunities may also be available: engage, learn and network!
- The Canadian Public Relations Society- certification, online workshops and more
- Canadian Association of Communicators in Education
- Manitoba Branch- Professional Development
- Public Relations Society of America (U.S.)
- International Public Relations Association
- International Association of Business Communicators - Canada chapter
Directories, Industry Associations, and Sector Councils
These resources provide industry news, labour market information and a list of potential employers. Remember, there are usually multiple industries worth exploring.
- Institute of Communication Agencies (Canada) - list of firms
- Canadian Council of Public Relations Firms - members
Job Boards
Search occupations of interest in the industry-specific job boards below to learn about skill requirements, employers, job duties and available jobs. You may also wish to search more general online job boards.
- The Canadian Public Relations Society - job board
- Canadian Council of Public Relations Firms (CCPRF) - membered firms employment
- Media Job Search Canada
- International Association of Business Communicators - U.S. & Canadian job board
Other links
These external resources may provide you with additional information about the occupation and opportunities to build experience.
- Canadian Communications Association - conference
- Article: What can I do with my communications degree? - TalentEgg.ca
- Institute for Public Relations - blog focusing on research and industry issues
- Article: Want to work for a global PR firm? Here's what you need to know. - TalentEgg.ca
- Article: Five Things Everyone Should Know about Public Relations- Forbes magazine
- Article: 10 Emerging PR Trends - article from Forbes magazine discussing U.S. trends