UM Student Parents/Caregivers
The University of Manitoba welcomes students with family care responsibilities. We recognize that when you have family responsibilities, being a learner, educator or staff member can be a balancing act. Each of you has your own academic goals and are facing unique challenges. We strive to create a learning environment that can support your success.
Explore below for information and start building your support network and learn how to be prepared so that you can navigate your degree while caring for others.
On this page:

Campus Community
Parents and Caregivers of Children with Disability Support Group
The Parents and Caregivers of Children with Disability support group, led by Dr. Christine Stewart, Professor of Women and Gender Studies from the Faculty of Arts, offers a welcoming and inclusive space where you can connect with others who understand your journey. Share your experiences, gather insights, and find comfort in knowing that there are people who can empathize with your challenges and triumphs. Students, staff, and faculty members are all welcome to attend. Registration is required. Please contact for the next available session.
Academic Strategies, Policies and Supports
As an undergraduate or graduate student with family care responsibilities, it is possible that you need additional academic accommodations and supports. If you are experiencing challenges meeting your academic requirements, it is important you know which professionals and what policies exist to help you.
Ways that student parents want to engage with their professors to leave a lasting impression.
At the beginning of the term
- Gather information about each course.
- Create a calendar that lists all of your assignment due dates and test / exam dates for the coming term.
- Sketch out a schedule for when you will study, read, and work on writing assignments / labs each week.
- If you have assignment due dates that conflict with planned family responsibilities, contact your Professor / Instructor to ask if you can work ahead and / or submit assignments early.
- List the policies each course has regarding late / missed assignments (listed in the course syllabus) so that you are aware of the expectations in each course.
- Introduce yourself to each Instructor / Professor.
- Bookmark links to resources for UM students that you might want to access during the term.
- Academic Learning Centre websites on study skills, writing tutors and other supports.
- UM library and your subject librarian’s contact information
- Identify UM groups that post information about events during the term (i.e. on their website or social media page)
During the term
- Connect with your classmates.
- Consider what is realistic for each study session you schedule. 10 – 20 minutes of focused reading / study is typically more valuable than longer sessions where you are interrupted throughout, or trying to multi-task (i.e. when attention is divided, it is hard to learn new material).
- This video discusses the downside of trying to multi-task (for example when trying to study textbook readings or take notes from recorded lectures)
- This video discusses the downside of trying to multi-task (for example when trying to study textbook readings or take notes from recorded lectures)
- Reach out to Instructors / Professors before assignments / test dates to discuss questions you have about the material or assignment requirements.
- Remind yourself of your short term, medium term and long term goals regarding your academic journey.
- Identify the study skills you already possess, and which skills you’d like to build in the future.
- If possible, discuss your goals with your family members. If you have older children, talk with them about your schedule and share specific information about when you will be focused on your studies, and when you will be setting aside some time for your own self-care. Identify ways they can support you in your goals.
- Categorize your stressors and identify possible options for addressing each one. Meet with a UM study tutor to discuss strategies for effective study based on the type of material you are learning this term (i.e. preparing for tests vs. writing papers or completing group projects).
Towards the end of term
- Make a plan for how you will study for final exams.
- Reach out if you are feeling overwhelmed. Connect with UM supports for student wellness or ask your Faculty / Student Advisor / Instructor / Professor about resources to assist students who are feeling stressed or dealing with unforeseen circumstances that have arisen at the end of term.
Here are some helpful supports:
- Student Advocacy and Case Management: Students who are being impacted by anything in their personal or academic lives are encouraged to connect with student advocates, who can help navigate university processes and advocate for their rights.
- The Women’s Centre: The Women's Centre advocates on behalf of women of the university and offers a wide range of services as well as products such as feminine hygiene products, pregnancy tests, information on reproductive issues and more.
- The University of Manitoba Students' Union (UMSU): The University of Manitoba Students’ Union advocates on behalf of its membership’s best interests while supporting the union’s diverse population through student groups, health awareness and encouragement of scholastic optimization.
We recognize that as a student and a parent, you may encounter unexpected situations which create challenges meeting your academic requirements. These policies and procedures below may be applicable depending on the circumstances. If you encounter difficulty receiving support, please contact Student Advocacy and Case Management.
Term Work Extension and/or “Incomplete”
If students are unable to submit term work/assignments by term due dates, they can request permission for an extension from the instructor. Students can do this through the Self-Declaration Form. Please also check the Course Outline for the instructor’s policy on extension requests.
In some situations, a student may be unable to submit term work before the course ends. In this case, the student can speak to their instructor to request a formal “Incomplete” status in the course. Students must approach the instructor before the last day of classes for the term.
For more information, refer to section 2.5 of the Final Grades Procedure.
Deferred exams
Term tests/quizzes
If a student is unable to write a term test or quiz, they must approach their instructor for alternative arrangements. Students can do this through the Self-Declaration Form. Please also check the Course Outline for the instructor’s policy and procedures for deferred term tests.
If a student is unable to write a scheduled exam during the final exam period, they may be eligible for a deferred exam. Students are advised to view the above policy and speak with an academic advisor in their faculty of registration as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours after the missed exam.
The Self-Declaration Form can be used as supporting documentation for most Deferred Final Exam requests, but your academic advisor will inform you of the procedure within your faculty to submit a request.
Authorized withdrawals
If students are unable to complete their courses due to extenuating circumstances, they may be eligible to request Authorized Withdrawals. Students are encouraged to first speak with their instructor about any circumstances that are affecting their ability to complete their courses, as well as contacting an academic advisor in their faculty of registration for information on the process, required documentation, and deadlines.
Student Advocacy and Case Management can also assist students with Authorized Withdrawal requests.
Leave of absence
Some undergraduate programs allow students to be away from the program for an extended period of time due to extenuating circumstances. Please contact an academic advisor in your faculty to discuss any policies or procedures applicable to your program.
If you are in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, all of the above resources are applicable.
In addition, if you encounter challenges that are affecting your academic program, please also consult additional resources available to you, including your supervisor, graduate chair for your department, or Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Graduate Students can also consult with a Student Advocate for assistance and guidance on options available based on their circumstances.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies also has a Parental Leave of Absence policy.