Two students seated together studying, several other students are also in the background studying.

Student supports and resources

Engineering is a challenging field, so we’re sure to provide you with the supports you need to thrive during your time at UM.

Engineering student policies

Engineering appeals

If you wish to appeal decisions resulting from the academic regulations of the Price Faculty of Engineering, you must submit a written appeal to the Engineering Committee on Standing and Appeals.

Appeals Process

Step 1: Contact the Student Advocacy office (204-474-7423) to connect with a student advocate. An advocate is strongly recommended because they can assist you with your appeal to ensure that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities; your advocate will often accompany you to your appeal hearing. Students may also seek assistance from a representative from the University of Manitoba Students’ Union. It is recommended that you reach out to connect with an advocate as soon as possible as there is a wait for appointments.

Step 2: Complete the appeals application form, following the specific completion instructions found on the form. All fields and signatures in this form are required electronically.

The details of your appeal request should indicate the nature of the appeal and the grounds on which it is based. The written request could also indicate the circumstances leading to your academic assessment (e.g., attitude, personal/family problems). Mention should also be made of steps taken (or to be taken) to prevent such circumstances from occurring in the future. Supporting documentation is required (e.g., medical certificate, etc.) and should be scanned and included via email with the completed electronic form. You will be asked to produce the original supporting documentation. A letter of recommendation from a third party (e.g., supervisor, etc.) may also be submitted electronically.
Please be sure to include if you are asking for a selective AW (singular course) or a complete AW (whole term) as part of your request. Note that selective AWs are only approved in exceptional circumstances.

Step 3: You will be contacted to confirm the scheduling of your hearing. Your advocate will also be included in this process.

Step 4: Following your appeal hearing, you will receive written confirmation of the committee’s decision.

Standing and Appeals meetings for 2023-2024 Academic Year

Date of Meeting: June 19, 2024
Submission Deadline Date: June 5, 2024

Date of Meeting: August 14, 2024
Submission Deadline Date: July 31, 2024

Date of Meeting: November 13, 2024
Submission Deadline Date: October 30, 2024

Date of Meeting: February 19, 2025
Submission Deadline Date: February 5, 2025

Deferred and missed exams

All deferral requests related to COVID-19 must be indicated as such  in the “Reason for Deferral” section.
Request for Deferred Examination application ( fillable PDF)

Winter 2024 Deferred Exam test dates: April 29 -May 3, 2024

A deferred examination is a privilege that may be granted to a student who is unexpectedly unable to write a final exam as scheduled for medical or compassionate reasons. Deferrals are not usually granted in advance of an exam. Making a false or misleading claim may be considered an offence under the Student Discipline Bylaw. Penalties may range from a failed grade in the course to suspension or expulsion.

Students must remain available until all exams have been fulfilled. Travel plans are not an acceptable reason to miss an exam. 

Deferral applications will only be accepted via Engineering Deferred Exams within 48 hours following the final scheduled exam day. (see schedule below) Deferred exam applications will not be considered until complete documentation is received. 

Supporting documentation must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Specifies that the exam was missed for the reasons noted
  • Demonstrates dates on the documents that match the date(s) of the missed exam
  • Is official correspondence on letterhead: medical certificate, police report, counselling/treatment letter, obituary, death certificate, legal document, etc.

All documentation is subject to confirmation. Falsification or fabrication of documentation will result in disciplinary action.

Allow up to two business days for a decision on a deferred exam request. Expect a delay if consultation with an instructor is required to aid in a decision. A decision regarding a deferred exam application will be sent to the student's UM email. If a decision notice is not received within two business days, a student may contact  

A student who misses one exam and writes another exam on the same day must obtain detailed documentation to explain/confirm their inability to write one and not the other.

Deadlines for Requesting a Deferred Final Exam (for medical or compassionate reasons)

Exam day Deadline for deferred exam application submission
Monday Wednesday
Tuesday Thursday
Wednesday Friday
Thursday Monday (extended from Saturday)
Friday Monday (extended from Sunday)
Saturday Monday
Sunday Tuesday


Re-deferrals (deferring a scheduled deferred exam) will only be considered in extremely exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs). If approved, a re-deferral is scheduled for the next regular sitting of the final exam for the course in question (may be up to one year from the date of the originally-scheduled exam). Note that a request for re-deferral may result in denied registration in the current or future terms until all outstanding examination obligations are complete. Requests to write a deferred exam after the originally-scheduled deferred exam has already been written will be denied.

Students who have received a failing grade as the result of being denied or missing a deferred exam, and who feel that the circumstances surrounding the situation warrant special consideration, may submit a letter of appeal to the Price Faculty of Engineering Standing and Appeals Committee.

Required to withdraw and reinstatement procedures

When a student is required to withdraw from Engineering, they will be ineligible to take courses offered by the Price Faculty of Engineering for a period of eight months.

A student's evaluation is based on the current final grades they have received as recorded in the Aurora Student system and the academic status rules in the Price Faculty of Engineering section of the Undergraduate Calendar.

During this time, students are expected to take time to reflect on their academic performance, and to consider options both in the Price Faculty of Engineering and in other Faculties. Students are also encouraged to explore the various academic and personal support resources that are available to them. Students may find it beneficial to take a break from their studies to focus on health and wellness or seek other supports. Please refer to the Student Support website for a listing of these services available through the University. 

Taking courses while required to withdraw from the Price Faculty of Engineering

During this period, students are not permitted to take any courses offered by the Price Faculty of Engineering. However, students are permitted to register for courses outside of the faculty if they choose to do so, such as complementary studies electives and any Faculty of Arts or Science courses. If students choose to register in courses outside of the Price Faculty of Engineering, they would need to apply to be admitted to another faculty or through Extended Education. It is very important to note that any courses that can be applied toward a student's engineering program will be included in the calculation of the passed/attempted ratio prior to reinstatement. Students are encouraged to discuss their current ratio of passed/attempted credit hours with their Undergraduate Advisor.

Timeline for reinstatement applications

Applications must be received between 45-60 days in advance of the effective reinstatement date. Requests made more than 60 days in advance will not be accepted. 

Reinstatement termApplication time period
Fall termJuly 1 to July 15
Winter termOctober 15 to November 1
Summer termMarch 1 to March 15

Reinstatement process

Step 1: Complete the Application for Reinstatement, following the specific instructions found on the form. All fields and signatures in this form are required electronically. Email completed form to

The application requires a course plan for at least the next four terms or until graduation, whichever is sooner. Work with your Undergraduate Advisor to propose a plan going forward that will enable you to complete the degree successfully. You must contact your Advisor well in advance of the submission deadline (recommended two weeks) to allow time to complete this step in the process. Your Advisor must sign-off on your course plan.

In your reinstatement application, you will be asked to address the following:

  1. The circumstances that led to your being Required to Withdraw from our program.
  2. How you have spent your time while out of our program.
  3. Your plan to make your return successful if you are reinstated in our Faculty.

If you have taken courses during your time away from the faculty, any courses that apply to your program will be included in the calculation of the passed/attempted ratio prior to reinstatement. If you have attempted 72 or more credit hours and your ratio is less than 75%, reinstatement into the Price Faculty of Engineering will be denied.

While an Advocate is not required, you may contact Student Advocacy (519 University Centre, 204-474-7423) for assistance with preparing this reinstatement request or with any other concerns.

Step 2: You will be contacted to confirm the scheduling of your meeting with the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) where you will have an opportunity to explain your situation and discuss your plan going forward. 

Step 3: Following your meeting with the Associate Dean, you will receive written confirmation regarding your reinstatement request.

Final exam access


According to the “Student access to final examinations” policy found in the Academic Calendar, students have the right to read their own final examination script and any comments written on it before the deadline for a formal grade appeal, (in the presence of a staff member).

Notwithstanding the above, there is no obligation upon the faculty, school or academic unit to make machine-scored examination answer sheets available for consultation by students. It is expected that faculties, schools, and academic units will provide appropriate means of feedback to students in such circumstances and, where practicable, will encourage instructors to discuss selected questions and answers.


Each Engineering department will facilitate the final examination review according to the following procedure:

  1. The student should contact the course instructor directly to make arrangements to review the final exam paper at a mutually agreeable time. The instructor is not obliged to discuss the examination, the assignment of grades, or to provide solutions to examination questions. However, in the event that an error is discovered in the summation of examination marks, this discrepancy should be brought to the attention of the instructor for correction.
  2. In the event that the instructor is unavailable or that suitable reviewing arrangements cannot be agreed upon, the student should ask their advisor for the 'Access to Final Exams' application form. The form must be completed, printed, signed, and brought in person to the student's undergraduate student advisor.
    1. The student will be contacted via email (U of M student email address only) by his or her advisor when a copy of the final examination is available for review. If the student is requesting to view more than one exam, the review of multiple exams may or may not occur on the same day, depending on the timing of the availability of the copy.
    2. The student will have up to 20 minutes to review each exam under supervision; as arranged by the departmental program office. The course instructor or teaching assistant may or may not be present during the review, and answer keys will not be provided. The student will not be permitted to take any information from the paper by any means. Tampering with the paper or possession of writing materials, recording devices, cell phones or cameras during the review will constitute a breach of the University Student Discipline Bylaw.
    3. Once the review time has elapsed, the student will return the copy of the final examination to the supervisor who will record its receipt before the student exits the room.

Please note:

  • This procedure refers to the review of final examinations of courses taught by the Price Faculty of Engineering only.
  • In order to allow time for review prior to each term's grade appeal deadline, students are encouraged to make this request no later than ten days from the release of final grades by the Registrar's Office.
  • Any concerns relating to the grading process or the marks awarded must be dealt with via a formal Appeal of Final Grades through the Registrar's Office.

Leave of absence

Students may choose not to register for courses in any term at their own discretion. However, doing so will not extend a student's time to completion as set out in Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree.

In exceptional cases, students may make a Leave of absence application (PDF) to the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) for a Leave of Absence from their studies when significant circumstances (i.e. parental, medical or compassionate) affect their ability to continue in their program. Supporting documentation may be required. Leaves of absence must correspond with the start and end of (an) academic term(s) for a period of time normally not to exceed one (1) year. The limit on a student's time to complete their Engineering program, as set out in Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree, will be extended by the duration of the approved Leave of Absence.

Get involved

Student life in the Price Faculty of Engineering is much more than classrooms and assignments. Get involved with student groups, hone your skills through a co-op or internships or travel the world through our student exchange program.

Contact us

Price Faculty of Engineering
E2-290 Engineering and Information Technology Complex
75A Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg MB, R3T 5V6

EITC 1, EITC 3, & SPEB: Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 10:00 pm
EITC 2: Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 10:00 pm
All EITC buildings: Saturday & Sunday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm