Individual tutoring

Academic Learning Centre tutors can help you become a more successful student. These individual sessions are free to all University of Manitoba students and are available all year.

Make an appointment or Create an Academic Learning Centre account

Content tutors

Content tutors can help you understand concepts and learn problem solving strategies. Read the tutor biographies on the Content and Study Skills schedule to see which tutors help in what courses.

Study Skills tutors

Study skills tutors can help you with time management, reading and note-taking, and test-taking strategies. Read the tutor biographies on the Content and Study Skills schedule to see which tutors offer study skills tutoring.

Writing tutors

Writing tutors can give you feedback on your academic writing, whether you are getting started on a written assignment or already have a draft. Read the tutor biographies on the Undergraduate Writing or Graduate Writing schedule to see which tutors offer writing tutoring.

To make an appointment with a tutor

Log in or register a new account at

  1. Select a schedule based on the appointment type you are looking for: WritingContent, and Study Skills tutoring.
  2. You can use the 'Limit to' option where available to filter by course within a schedule.
  3. Choose an available appointment by clicking on an open (white) appointment block in the schedule. Blue or grey blocks are unavailable.
  4. Complete the form with information for the tutor. Double check you have chosen the right settings (ex. in-person versus online)
  5. Save appointment. Your appointment will now appear under the "My Appointments" drop down or in yellow on the calendar schedule, and you will receive a confirmation email. Please cancel your appointment online if you are unable to attend.

English as an additional language supports

EAL Specialist Instructor

Antoanela Denchuk, the English as an Additional Language specialist, can analyze your language and writing needs and develop a plan to help you improve your academic English, including grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, as well as academic integrity, paraphrasing, summarizing, citations, and references. Make an appointment with Antoanela in the Content and Study Skills schedule.

EAL resources

This Simon Fraser University page has some excellent advice about how to paraphrase: Techniques for Paraphrasing.

The University of Manchester’s Academic Phrase Bank has a comprehensive list of useful academic phrases.

Purdue University is well known as a rich resource for academic writing concerns, including grammar.

Graduate student resources

The Academic Learning Centre offers graduate student writing support on the Graduate Writing & Study Skills Schedule.

Get help with:

  • Developing and organizing ideas
  • Organizing large research projects
  • Synthesizing and integrating research
  • Citing and referencing sources
  • Preparing research or thesis proposals
  • Meeting thesis or dissertation deadlines
  • Producing and delivering presentations
  • Improving editing strategies

Make an Appointment with a Graduate Writing Tutor

Group study sessions for select courses

The Academic Learning Centre offers free Supplemental Instruction (SI) in historically difficult classes. SI provides students an opportunity to work together in a group study environment.

SI study sessions will resume in Monday, January 13 for the Winter term. Information about accessing the study groups will be provided in your classes and through course UM Learn pages.

Winter 2025 Courses






A01OlumideMonday (2:30-3:30 p.m.)111 Armes
A01OlumideTuesday (7:00-8:00 p.m.)Online
A02JodhTuesday (2:30-3:30 p.m.)201 Saint John's
A02JodhThursday (2:30-3:30 p.m.)201 Saint John's






A01MarkTuesday (10:00-11:00 a.m.)501 Tier
A01MarkThursday (7:00-8:00 p.m.)Online
A02KaiyaMonday (1:30-2:30 p.m.)308 Tier
A02KaiyaThursday (2:30-3:30 p.m.)240 University College
A03NoorSunday (7:00-8:00 p.m.)Online
A03NoorWednesday (1:30-2:30 p.m.)308 Tier
A04SaraMonday (12:30-1:30 p.m.)201 Saint John's
A04SaraWednesday (7:00-8:00 p.m.)Online






A01 to A03ChirontonTuesday (5:30-7:00 p.m.)E2-150 Engineering
A01 to A03ChirontonSaturday (12:00-1:00 p.m.)Online






A01 to A02MohamadMonday (7:00-8:00 p.m.)Online
A01 to A02MohamadThursday (1:00-2:00 p.m.) 301 Biology

Supplemental Instruction sessions are free weekly review sessions available to students in historically difficult classes. These voluntary sessions offer students an opportunity to:

  • interact on an informal basis
  • ask questions about the course
  • compare notes
  • discuss course content
  • solve practice problems
  • and develop study strategies

Supplemental Instruction sessions are facilitated by a peer mentor who has previously taken the course. SI leaders are experienced students who can help students by sharing their own study strategies and techniques. Attendance at any of these sessions is voluntary and there will be different content to discuss each week. Students should bring class notes and textbooks, and they should be prepared to discuss course content and work in groups.

Tutor training

The Academic Learning Centre also offers free training sessions for writing and content tutors throughout the year. The workshop uses the text, Master Tutor, by Dr. Ross B. MacDonald (Cambridge Stratford Study Skills). The manual is complemented with other resources including tutor training videos and intercultural training resources.

Benefits of tutor training

Although tutors often intuitively use effective strategies during their appointments, tutor training can significantly improve the way a tutor thinks and interacts with students. Investing time in tutor training will improve the overall quality of tutoring on campus.

The ALC has been providing tutor training on the UM campus since spring 2004. Tutors from Disability Services, ACCESS programs, Aboriginal Focus Programs, the ALC Writing Tutor Program, ALC Content Tutors, Bison Sport Plus, Campus Life, UMES, UM Peers, and the U1 Mentorship Program have taken part in previous training sessions.

Receive a Co-Curricular credit for taking the training

The Co-Curricular Record (CCR)/Experience Record is an official record of university-approved and facilitated activities that support student development in venues that are not for academic credit.

Tutor training agenda

Tutor role and tutor cycle

This session is designed to help tutors reflect on the goals of tutoring and their roles as tutors. In this workshop, we also examine fundamental tutoring strategies that can help to maximize learning, such as modeling and scaffolding. Special attention is paid to strategies that facilitate learning but are sometimes missed in tutoring.

Academic Integrity

This session focuses on students' rights and responsibilities when it comes to plagiarism and inappropriate collaboration. Tutors will also learn strategies for promoting academic integrity while working with students.

Content tutoring

Helping students understand and apply concepts is often difficult. This workshop explains the learning process and provides some strategies that tutors can use when working with the students they tutor. In addition, tutors will work through scenarios that allow them to put various tutoring principles into practice. Examples from math and science will be provided.

Work with us!

Watch this space for future job opportunities!

Other free tutoring options on campus

Computer Science Help Centre

The Computer Science Help Centre can help with 1000-level or first-year Computer Science courses only. They can help you understand concepts, debug your code, understand what labs, assignments, and others are asking of you, give you extra resources and practice problems and support you in ethically sourcing and using outside resources.

See the website for hours and more information.

Location: E2-422A in the Price Faculty of Engineering.


Mathematics Help Centre

The Mathematics Help Centre provides free tutoring by graduate students. It is a free service offered by the Department of Mathematics for all first-level students to get help with mathematics. We are at 107 Allen. Our tutors are graduate students with a passion for teaching. You can come to the Help Centre if you have specific questions you wish to ask one of our tutors, or you can use it as a study space with help on hand should you get stuck.

Come and get help with those problems you are stuck on!

See the webpage for hours and other resources.

Physics Help Centre

The Physics Help Centre offers free tutoring for first-year Physics courses in room 114 Allen, provided by the Organization of Physics Undergraduate Students (OPUS). OPUS is a UM student-run organization associated with
the department of Physics and Astronomy.

OPUS offers help centre tutoring and cram sessions Prior to exams, OPUS members offer a study session (2hrs for midterms and 4hrs for finals) answering curated questions from previous exams and textbooks to help you prepare. There is a small fee for the explanations and techniques offered to solve common exam questions and the theory involved. Pizza is included at all cram sessions and all remaining proceeds go towards OPUS events and bursaries.

The Help Center schedule is available on the OPUS website.

OPUS offers $750 bursaries, free first-year tutoring, organizes the CAP lectures for the faculty, and more. Membership is free and welcome to any undergraduate student involved in physics. Volunteer tutors are offered study carrels in room 206 Allen, but there is also communal study space there so feel free to drop by and say hi any time!

Questions about OPUS and/or the services they provide?
Room 206 Allen Building, 30a Sifton Rd, University of Manitoba.

Science Students' Association

The Science Students' Association offers free one-on-one peer tutoring services to all UM students. We have tutors for a variety of courses, although most are first and second year courses in the Faculty of Science. For more information, please visit our website.

Location:  Room 209 Armes Building

Statistics Help Centre

The Statistics Help Centre offers free tutoring provided by graduate students and senior undergraduate students.

See the website for hours

Location: Rm. 107 Allen Building, 186 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2

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Contact us

Academic Learning Centre
Room 201 Tier Building
173 Dafoe Rd W.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M9 Canada
