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Incoming students

After you've been accepted into a graduate program in the College of Nursing, and before the start of your program, there are a number of requirements you need to submit. This information is relevant for all newly admitted students to our programs.

Adult abuse registry check

For information on how to obtain an Adult abuse registry report, fees, and processing times, visit the Manitoba Government adult abuse registry unit webpage. Carefully review all instructions to ensure that your application can be processed promptly.

Ensure you apply for the check well in advance of receiving your official offer as this registry check can take approximately 4-8 weeks to receive.

The Adult abuse registry check must be dated no earlier than April 1 of the current year for both fall and winter intake. Do not apply before April 1 as you will be required to obtain another valid check.

The original Manitoba Adult abuse registry check is required, copies are not accepted.

In jurisdictions where an Adult abuse registry or equivalent does not exist, consult with the Student Services Office – nursing@umanitoba.ca.

Child abuse registry check

For information on how to obtain a child abuse registry check, fees, and processing times, visit the Manitoba Government child abuse registry unit webpage. Carefully review all instructions to ensure that your application can be processed promptly.

Ensure you apply for the check well in advance of receiving your official letter of offer as this registry check can take approximately 4-8 weeks to receive.

The Child abuse registry check must be dated no earlier than April 1 of the current year for both fall and winter intake. Do not apply before April 1 as you will be required to obtain another valid check.

The original Manitoba Child abuse registry check documentation is required, copies are not accepted.

In jurisdictions where a Child abuse registry or equivalent does not exist, consult with the Student Service Office – nursing@umanitoba.ca.

Any applicant on the child abuse registry will be denied admission.


CPR – Health Care Provider (HCP) or Basic Life Support (BLS) level is required. 

Documentation can be submitted in the form of a copy of the card, picture of the card, or an electronic print-out of the certification. Documentation must indicate your full name, the date certified, and the level of certification. Do not submit your original card.

Students must be certified in Canada. You may choose to certify anywhere in Canada as long as it is at the HCP or BLS level.

Certify April 1 or later for both the fall and winter intakes as it must be valid for the entire academic year. Note that some CPR cards state they are valid for 2-3 years, however the College of Nursing requires you to be certified no earlier than April 1 of the current year.

How to submit the non-academic admission requirements

Newly admitted students should submit all non-academic admission requirements in one completed package as soon as possible following admission but no later than:

  • July 15 (students in the fall intake), or
  • November 15 (students in the winter intake)

Packages are to be submitted to:

College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
89 Curry Place – Helen Glass Centre for Nursing
c/o Student Services Assistant
Room 262 Helen Glass University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

It is recommended that you send your documents by registered mail or courier so that documents can be tracked. You will be contacted should there be a problem with any of the documents submitted. Students should expect five (5) business days for processing and should note that we cannot verify receipt of documents. The College of Nursing is not responsible for lost or misdirected non-academic admission documents. Always keep a copy for yourself of any document you submit.

All documents become the property of the College of Nursing unless you provide one self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of your criminal record check (police record check), child abuse registry check and adult abuse registry check. If you do not provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope, your documents will be confidentially destroyed

Please note that if you are applying for the fall intake and your application is unsuccessful, you may use the same documents for a winter admission, should your winter application be successful.

Cost of the non-academic admission requirements
Students are responsible for the costs associated with the non-academic admission requirements. 

If you have any questions about the non-academic admission requirements, please email the student services assistant: nursing@umanitoba.ca.

HSPnet consent form

Please sign the HSPnet consent form (.pdf) as soon as possible. We cannot enter any of your information into our system until this is complete.

Immunization consent and student information

All new students entering the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences must complete the immunization package, found on the Immunization Program page.

Immunizations and tests do not need to be completed prior to the start of classes.

If you have started the process, please keep the information you have. Previous immunization and testing records will be reviewed; students will be informed what additional items, if any, are required. Missing immunizations and tests will be administered after admission.

Overview of the non-academic admission requirements

The non-academic admission requirements are as important as the academic requirements because your offer of admission to the College of Nursing is conditional on receipt and clearance of the non-academic admission requirements.  

Incoming students are encouraged to start gathering their non-academic admission requirements no sooner than:

  • April 1 (fall intake), or
  • August 1 (winter intake)

We encourage students not to wait until they have received official acceptance into the program as these requirements take time and you may not meet the requirements submission deadline. 

Your admission may be revoked if you don't meet the requirements by the deadline indicated below.

The non-academic admission requirements include the following:

  • HSPnet consent form
  • Immune status consent and student information forms
  • Police record check (criminal record check) including Vulnerable sector search
  • Child abuse registry check
  • Adult abuse registry check
  • CPR

Note: Mask fit testing is no longer an admission requirement and will occur as needed for clinical practice. 

Deadline for non-academic admission requirements: July 15, annually (fall intake) or November 15, annually (winter intake).

Step one: read the information for each of the non-academic admission requirements captured on this page.

Step two: complete all of the requirements outlined here. 

Step three: submit all of the requirements by the deadline that applies to your intake.

Police record check / criminal record check

Each student must submit a police record check with vulnerable sector search (residents of Winnipeg) OR criminal record check with vulnerable sector search (out-of-Winnipeg/province). Apply after April 1 and allow 4-8 weeks processing.

Do not apply before April 1 as you will be required to obtain another valid check.

You can find information on how to obtain a Police record check (including Vulnerable sector search), fees, and processing times, on the City of Winnipeg website

If applying for the Police record check online through the Winnipeg Police Services:

  • select ‘unpaid practicum’ for the reason you are applying. The College of Nursing will not provide a practicum letter
  • select ‘University of Manitoba - College of Nursing’ as the agency
  • be sure to check the box that indicates you are requesting a vulnerable sector search
  • you will receive an email notifying you that your Police record check is complete. Once complete, you must log in and select share with ‘UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA – COLLEGE OF NURSING’ to grant access to your results to the College of Nursing. If shared with the College of Nursing online, you do not need to provide any additional copies to our office

Out-of-Winnipeg/province applicants can apply for the Criminal record check through their home jurisdictions or local RCMP. If submitting a physical criminal record check, the original documentation is required, copies are not accepted.

International applicants are required to obtain both:

  1. a Canadian certified criminal record or police record check with a vulnerable sector search as well as; 
  2. a criminal record check from their home country. International Criminal record checks must be notarized and translated to English. If you are unable to submit a record from your home country, please complete and submit an affidavit. The affidavit must be signed and sealed by a Notary Public

You may use the same police record check / criminal record check for both fall and winter applications.

ONLY police record checks / criminal record checks from the Winnipeg Police Services or the RCMP will be accepted.

Academic information

The information below is a resource to help you throughout your graduate studies.

Advisor/student guidelines

The Faculty of Graduate Studies has implemented Advisor-Student Guidelines (ASG) to assist advisors/co-advisors and students in establishing mutually acceptable guidelines for their working relationship, thereby enhancing the graduate experience.

The ASG is required for all students in thesis and practicum routes. It is to be completed prior to the commencement of any research and no later than the submission of the student’s first Progress Report.

Full details on the ASG can be found on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.


Annual progress report

Below is a list of forms you will be required to complete during your program — these and any other forms that may apply to your program are available on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.



Graduate student orientation

Get an introduction to Grad Studies, including how to write at the graduate level, work with an advisor, apply for a scholarship, network and more. Learn more about graduate student orientation.


Looking for an advisor for your graduate studies?

Faculty advisors serve as supervisors and mentors who will help ensure you meet graduate studies requirements. Several of our faculty members are currently accepting graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows.

Faculty accepting graduate students

Faculty advisorResearch area
Mandy ArchibaldDr. Archibald supervises students with interest in lived experience, arts-based research, applied qualitative and mixed methods research, realist methods, and knowledge translation (including integrated and collaborative approaches) across chronic illness and development contexts in child health including but not limited to diabetes, asthma, and disability.
Lynda BalneavesPsychosocial oncology; treatment decision making; complementary and integrative health care; knowledge translation; medical and non-medical cannabis; mixed methods.
Elsie DuffDr. Duff supervises students interested in substance use, mental health, rural or remote health, nursing practice and education, health governance and policy using qualitative or quantitative methods.
Nicole HarderEthnography, appreciative inquiry, simulation in nursing education, nursing education theory, technology in nursing education, teaching in lab settings, communication for patient safety.
Marnie KramerNursing education research, educational development design, remediation/failure, theory-to-practice integration, cardiac health, behavioural change, sociology of the body, sociology of health, and illness. Doctoral research consisted of an examination of the social influences in health behavior change in people living with coronary heart disease (CHD).
Tara HorrillDr. Horrill supervises students with an interest in health equity, access to care, nursing care, and equity-oriented healthcare in the context of cancer and cancer-related care. Her research uses qualitative methods, evidence synthesis (with a particular focus on scoping reviews) and innovative, policy-driven knowledge translation.
Diana McMillanSleep, sleep disturbance (especially in patients with advanced cancer, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and back pain), sleep health promotion interventions, acute and chronic pain, quality of life, coping, stress, heart rate variability.
Kim MitchellDr. Mitchell is interested in working with graduate students wishing to focus on research questions exploring nursing education, educational interventions and pedagogy, literacy, mixed methodologies, instrument development and psychometrics, quantitative methods, survey research, social cognitive theories, evidenced-based practice, research in nursing, and threshold concepts theory.
Em PijlHomeless, substance-using, and at-risk populations; social disorder in communities; health services for marginalized patient populations; and, harm reduction services (substance use, managed alcohol programs, supervised consumption services, etc.). She utilizes quantitative and mixed research methods.
Judith ScanlanClinical teaching, nursing education, patient education, reflection, international nursing, nursing administration, qualitative research.
Lynn ScrubyCommunity health, health promotion, refugee health care, low-income women with children, health promotion in sport, health and social policy, social justice and equity, vulnerable and marginalized populations, women’s health in urban and rural settings, role of community health nurses in health policy, organization capacity building with a community health centre and a community ministry, inner-city community relationship building, collaboration, interprofessional collaborative research, qualitative methodology, simulation learning, feminist theory and research.
Genevieve ThompsonPalliative nursing care, long-term care, dementia care, health services research, family caregivers, quantitative and qualitative research.
Vanessa Van BewerDr. Van Bewer is interested in supervising students whose research interests include Nursing education, public health, adolescent mental health, critical participatory, and arts-based methodologies. Her research program is focused on exploring the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives, methodologies and approaches in nursing education, practice and research and anti-racist education.
Roberta WoodgateDr. Woodgate researches the perspectives and lived experiences of children and youth across a wide range of health conditions (e.g., mental illnesses, disabilities, complex care needs and conditions, chronic illnesses) and life challenges (e.g., transitioning from the child welfare system, accessing respite services) as well as various communities (e.g., Indigenous youth and their families and newcomer families). Her research program, IN•GAUGE, embraces a dynamic approach to: involve children, youth, and families in the research process; interact with researchers and knowledge users in the research, intervention, and evaluation process; and be innovative in the use and exchange of knowledge with the combined goal of improving the health and well-being of children and youth.

Scholarships and bursaries

We realize the importance of financial support for our graduate students. We've pulled together a list to ease the search and will continue to ensure that the College of Nursing is fully aware of all the funding opportunities available to help you succeed.

Additional resources

Contact us

College of Nursing
Helen Glass Centre for Nursing
89 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus) 
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
